Chapter 7

Chapter 7





As I lay in bed the next morning, I smiled at the sound of water in the shower. I tried not to imagine Heather’s lithe form under its spray. Then I caught myself. Was I ready to get involved, to retreat from my pledge of non-involvement?

I got up, dressed, and headed for the kitchen. There I started both coffee and hot water for tea.

“This is another first for me,” Heather said as she entered the room. She was fully dressed in jeans and a light blue sweater. “Sleeping over, but not at one of my relatives or girlfriends. Gotta be a sign.”

“Of what?” I asked.

“Whatever we want to make of it.”

“Scrambled eggs and an English muffin?” I asked, avoiding the subject of our relationship.

“Yes, to scrambled eggs,” she said, then asked, “So what do you want to make of it?”

“I’m real comfortable around you,” I said. “Very glad you’re here. Don’t feel like you need to run back to Loveland.”

Heather smiled, “Whew, you are an interesting man. Do you know that?”

I smiled and looked at her out of a new set of eyes. Not only was she cute, but she was smart and intuitive. She was reading me like a book, and she knew that I knew it.

We both started laughing, just because we liked the current situation a whole lot.

Then she reached out and squeezed my hand. “I like you, Michael.”

“I like you too.”

“Now what?”

“Now,” I laughed, “I’m going to scramble these eggs.”

I cracked four eggs and whipped them with a fork.

I turned to her and said, “You take my breath away.”

“Me too,” she replied, looking into my eyes.

“Stay until noon. There’s lots more to figure out about ETs and the rest of what Kimmel said. I note that he did not mention anything about a cabal. I’m still looking for something to get my teeth into on that whole subject.”

With only a little hesitation Heather said, “Okay, here’s the book I got from Dolores.” She held up a copy of THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL. “I’m not sure it will help with the cabal, but it’s got a lot about the government keeping things secret.”

After eggs, toast and orange juice, we settled on the sofa in my living room, the book on Heather’s lap.

“I read a little of this,” she said, “as I was waiting for you to show up yesterday. It’s written in the form of an autobiography, very interesting, but difficult reading. It has a 1997 publication date.”


As Heather read, I made notes, focusing on what I might use in my own book or in conclusions for our investigations. I hoped that it would be an important source of information.

The book stated that the author, Colonel Philip J. Corso, headed up the Foreign Technology desk at Army Research and Development at the Pentagon. He reported to Lt. General Arthur Trudeau, the director of Army Research and Development.

Previously at the Pentagon, he had worked in some of the most secret areas of military intelligence. As a part of his job under General Trudeau, he controlled a file cabinet that contained debris and information that the Army had gathered from the Roswell crash in 1947.

According to the book, the Roswell crash had been kept from the public in light of the “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast in 1938. This fictionalized report of an alien invasion, told by Orson Wells, had caused widespread panic. The authorities did not want a repeat of this, should the Roswell crash become widely known. Added to this was the concern that the craft might have been an experimental Soviet weapon, because it bore some resemblance to Nazi aircraft that had appeared at the end of World War II.

Corso referenced the many different stories circulating about the Roswell crash. All agreed that something had happened in the desert near Roswell, but none had details or proof.

General Trudeau had directed Corso to use the Army’s weapons development and research program to transfer the Army’s cache of technology from the crash into the hands of industrial corporations, so they might produce things important to the Army.


Over several pages of the book, Corso described, in detail, events the night of the Roswell crash as he knew them. It was a night filled with severe lightning storms across the desert of the entire area. Radar had tracked unexplained phenomenon for days. These incidents of unidentified radar blips that had continued for several days put the military on high alert. Surveillance flights reported no sightings of strange objects. The ground shook from the unusually strong thunder. An odd craft, traveling at high speed, was seen by several civilian observers. Army counterintelligence was ordered to Roswell.

On radar, the evening of July 4, 1947, one of the strange objects was reported pulsating, then disappeared, and then exploded off radar screens. Believing it was an enemy aircraft that had crashed in the nearby desert, a crash-and-retrieval team was sent to the site. Its job was to recover and bring back remnants of the crash before anyone else could. A secondary intent was to keep knowledge of it away from civilians. In the book, Corso pointed out that the program had been so successful that thirty years later, mystery surrounded the crash at Roswell and no hard evidence had been picked up by the media.

At the crash site, all was organized chaos. It did not look like any craft they had seen before. Most assumed it was some sort of a Soviet craft. The military carried off bodies of small child-like beings like no one had seen before. Soldiers shot and killed one small alien who tried to escape. Soldiers, some on their hands and knees, searched the area for scraps from the wreckage. Military police focused on keeping civilians away, and swearing any local officials who saw anything to absolute secrecy. The collected debris was shipped to secret locations for analysis.

After the crash, military intelligence officials sought to suppress any information about the event. They used threats of violence and bribery against local people to suppress the truth about the event. The families of military personnel were especially hard hit, as they knew something had occurred. A week later, the crash outside Roswell might never have happened. Corso wrote that this level of disinformation had continued to the present day.


Corso described his first impressions of single-filament glasslike wires and thin two-inch, cracker-shaped wafers with tiny road maps of wires on their surface. He was fascinated with the eyepieces from the beings that enabled them to see in the dark. He fingered what he described as a foil-like swatch of cloth that returned to its original shape after twisting. He soon realized that the military had nothing like these in use or under development.

He and General Trudeau created a plan to move further developments of the Roswell technology to defense contractors where they could be developed apart from government oversight, away from those that might want to bury it under the guise of secrecy.

Trudeau believed that the Air Force had debris from Roswell at Wright Field in Ohio under control of Lt. Gen. Nathan Twining. The USAF was committed to developing aircraft to out-fly the Soviets, so that was where all efforts were headed. Trudeau also believed the Navy had debris. All was kept secret out of fear of leaks to the Soviets.

Corso set the stage for his efforts by discussing, over and over again, the many steps he took to keep his activities secret from the CIA and other government agencies because he feared leaks to the Soviets.


Later in the book, Corso tells how he was absolutely shocked to see the body of an extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) at Fort Riley, Kansas: a four-foot human figure, four fingers, thin legs and feet, an incandescent light-bulb shaped head, and pale gray skin. The eye sockets were oversized and almond shaped with a tiny slit for a mouth. He wrote that he hoped never to see anything like it again, although the memory had never left him.

USAF General Twining had transferred the bulk of the debris from the crash to Fort Riley. He directed a complete interchange of data about the crash among the Army, Navy, Atomic Energy Commission, JRDB, the Air Force Scientific Advisory Group, NACA, and the RAND and NEPA projects. Twining supplied a report about activities to President Truman.

Despite efforts to quell the Roswell story, it would not go away with the continued sightings of UFOs. Various groups within the government continued their investigations. With no knowledge about the beings involved in the crash or their mission, they had concluded that the craft was extraterrestrial. It was treated as a war against an unknown enemy. For the next fifty years the secrets around the Roswell crash bounced among various government agencies. Despite this confusion, the Army, operating in secret and feeling itself in competition with the Air Force and other groups, had somehow acquired what was in the file given to Corso in 1961.


The strategy Corso developed was to organize the material in the file using assistance from scientists like Oberth and von Braun. Then they would assess which defense contractor had ongoing development contracts that would allow them to feed things from the file cabinet into existing projects. That way the existing defense contractors became the cover for what they were developing. They were mixing what was under current development with non-earth technology. They decided to have the companies apply for new patents on what was developed. Doing it this way and keeping it secret, the world would never know the technology came from off-planet.


His job charter was to sort what looked promising for R & D to further develop or improve what they already had. The general direction was to discover things of value so that man could travel in space.

The first technology that Corso focused on was the EBE retrieved from the craft. Rather than a humanoid, it was deemed to be a robot specifically designed for space travel. The creatures still alive after the crash had great difficulty breathing our atmosphere. There was no food aboard the craft, leading to the speculation that the craft was a scout ship. Scientists could not determine how the entities’ chemistry worked. The body was enclosed within a one-piece protective covering. Corso believed that with it the entities were part of the electrical system of the craft.

Experiments to duplicate the workings of the craft were continuing. There was no understanding of the propulsion system.


“This is a little different than what we heard from Dr. Greer,” Heather said.

“True, but remember this book was published in 1997, years before either the Disclosure Project testimony or what we heard from Greer on the Baca.”

“So, is it even worthwhile?” she asked.

“I like the part about the Roswell crash. I’ve often wondered whether it was the real thing. And I think we’ll discover where some of our technology comes from.”

“Well, okay, let’s get on with it.”


Back to the book, I skipped forward to focus on specific technologies. But before we got to them there were many pages of recollections about Corso’s career and description about the interplay between the various parties interested in getting. something from the crash to give the United States an edge against the Soviets.

Corso described how information about Roswell had circulated around the White House, although in a secret way that no one would admit. Then he described the day, in 1961, when he had received a cabinet of objects and information from Roswell, as an assignment from General Trudeau. The General had impressed on him the top-secret importance of the file and its contents. Its existence had been kept secret since 1947.

Much of the book was Corso’s recollections about his career, detailed reports on what the Air Force under General Twining was doing, and the state of development in various technologies.

As a background note to 1962, Corso wrote that Army Intelligence was focused on potential threats due to the Bay of Pigs failure. Khrushchev was angry about the U2 incident, and Russia was getting ready to send manned spacecraft into long-term flights. J. Edgar Hoover was concerned about all the Roswell stories that were circulating because the CIA was involved. There were hunts ongoing for communists in all areas of government. Everyone was feeling that the U.S. was badly behind relative to space.


After reading more of the book, I said to Heather, “I feel this is an important book — lots of detailed history and secrets surrounding Roswell and what the military situation was like at that time. Helps me understand how everyone was feeling toward the Soviets and that the U.S. was behind them relative to space.”                            

“Much to think about, but how does it help our investigation?” she asked. She set the book on the sofa.

“It gives me an appreciation for just how complicated everything is regarding UFOs and ETs.”

She turned her body and looked directly at me. “For me, this book is very slow going. What are we trying to achieve?”

In that moment I saw a different side of Heather, a strong side, one willing to question what I obviously felt was important to me. I loved what I saw.

“I want to know what influences the Roswell crash had on our technologies,” I said. “For me, that is enough. I don’t care so much about the interplay between the various government agencies.”

“Then let’s skip through that in the remainder of the book. Pick out what you feel is important.”


We then opened the Corso book and began to skim. I jotted notes to use in my own book. Heather noted what appealed to her.


Corso had arranged to transfer the laser technology to Hughes Aircraft because they were working in that arena.

There was much on-going work to discover how to transmit light using fiber optics. The Roswell craft had used it in place of electrical wiring. Corso arranged with Western Electric to utilize what had been discovered from the Roswell craft to speed developments of their projects.

Scientists examining the Roswell debris had discovered a ceramic-like fiber that encased both the EBEs and the craft. Corso approached Monsanto and DuPont who were major plastics and ceramic manufacturers. Several years later, DuPont announced the creation of Kevlar. Again, Corso’s efforts and the debris from Roswell had speeded up a company’s research and development process. Stealth aircraft were also a beneficiary of composite plastics and ceramics based on the Roswell craft.

A particle beam weapon was predicted to work if electrical power generators, storage devices, and computer software could be developed. Nicolas Tesla had theorized about its development before 1900. He called it his “death ray,” because it could destroy entire cities anywhere in the world.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was created to focus on the military’s requirements for new technologies. It quickly focused on discovering potential technologies to be derived from the UFOs and EBEs. One of its first areas of focus was a particle beam weapon. Corso described how the Roswell crash contributed to furthering research in that direction.


I pointed to a page that dealt with the whole subject of secrecy about ET craft. “I want to spend just a moment here,” I said.

“Okay,” Heather replied.


Corso stated that as of January 1953, the country had no official policy about how to deal with sightings and other information about ET craft, about how to release it to the press. After the inauguration of President Eisenhower, the working group headed by General Nathan Twining, Air Force chief of staff, was to be the focal point for all such information. It was to be released to the public only when it was identified as swamp gas or a meteorite. Project “Moon Dust” established recovery teams for crashed UFOs, and project “Blue Fly” directed all debris from crashed UFOs to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. The military was focused on the Soviets. UFOs were clearly viewed by the military as a second enemy.

In December of 1969, the Air Force announced the termination of Project Blue Book, saying that it had not yielded any useful information. At the same time Corso stated that the war against UFOs has continued because they had caused disruptions at Air Force bases. In the 1970s, directed-energy weapons and high-energy lasers were employed against UFOs.

In the 1980s, President Reagan and Chairman Gorbachev recognized the need for cooperation against a common enemy, although neither officially recognized the threat. The U.S. Strategic Defense Consciousness produced space-based weapons that could be used against UFOs. The EBEs were viewed as cloned biological entities who were harvesting Earth specimens for experimentation.

Corso finished the book by pointing out the mind-set of the military at the time he was functioning. The U.S. was in a cold war with the Soviets. UFOs and EBEs were not understood and were viewed strictly as enemies. Secrecy was the way in which all this was dealt with, and the truth about UFOs was kept secret for decades, even from Presidents. And finally, he reported that the U.S. had high-energy lasers and directed particle-beam weapons.


An appendix to the book presented “Project Horizon,” classified documents by General Trudeau. They detailed his 1959 proposal for a manned military base on the moon. Its purpose was to demonstrate United States leadership in outer space. The material included sketches for equipment, buildings, and spacesuits for people. It proposed using the Saturn rocket to move the required material to the moon.


“I now agree, Michael, it’s quite a book,” Heather said as she held it up. “I wonder why it hasn’t gotten more publicity.

“Probably because it’s so difficult to read,” I said. “There’s a wealth of information buried inside, but Corso’s style is so detailed that it’s hard to ferret it out. He is focused on keeping his activities secret and then describing what else is happening at the same time in other branches of the military and government. It’s no wonder they managed to keep everything secret. There was no coherent path through all the information about extraterrestrials and ET craft.”

“So, what’re our conclusions about this book?” Heather asked.

“I’d say there are three major ones. First, the crash at Roswell was the real thing, it did happen. Second, we got some very advanced technology from extraterrestrials. Third, the government has gone to great lengths to cover it all up.”


It was now lunch time. Heather prepared to head back to her home in Loveland.

“No need to rush off,” I said.

“I have things to do at home.”

“And what could be more important than continuing what we have started?”

“I will leave the book with you.”

“I’m not talking about the book,” I said. “I’m referring to what we started between the two of us.”

“I know,” she said. “That’s why I’m leaving.”

I walked over to where she was assembling her things. When she stood, I wrapped my arms around her. Then very slowly I lowered my lips to hers.

Her immediate reaction was to pull away. But then after a moment’s hesitation she returned my kiss.

“Not bad,” she said, “but I really must go.”

“I’m not so sure about all this, but I’ll follow your lead.” I said. I helped her to her car. “Thank you again for being here.”

“I was happy to do it,” she said. “We still need to do that hike to Grey and Torres.”

“I’m good for the next two weeks,” I said, “then I’m off on my annual fishing trip with Peter. If it’s okay with you, I’m going to attend some of your softball games. And I want to find a Rockies game we can go to.”

“That all sounds good.”

With that, she backed from the driveway and sped up the street.

I felt a loss at her leaving, but knew we had moved a step closer.


My time with Zoraster was still on my mind. I called Al Simpson and asked him to lunch. I wanted answers to what I had experienced.

We met in downtown Denver at the Ships Tavern in the Brown Palace Hotel. A booth there provided a quiet place to talk.

I asked him what he thought about book, The Day After Roswell. “I’ve read it,” he said. “New thinking about the crash. More important, I think it sheds light on the whole secrecy thing around UFOs, how the military views all ETs as adversaries.”

I agreed with him, then I launched into my experience with Zoraster and Zelda.

“I’ve never heard of anything like this,” Al said. “With his eyes and the strange behavior, he’s got to be some kind of an ET hybrid, clone, or hologram.”

“All I know is that he had some powerful energy,” I said. “I felt like I was a captive. Not sure how I summoned enough strength to break free.

“Doesn’t this contradict Dr. Greer’s statements that all ETs are benevolent?” I asked.

“Does seem that way. There are a number of other people who are pointing to dark ETs and how they have infiltrated our society, how they are linked up with certain people.”

“Give me some references.”

“Soon as I get home, I’ll email you.”

“Another question,” I said, “has Steve Greer ever been threatened due to the work he’s doing?”

“Yeah, a couple of years back he talked about it,” Al said. “Apparently two people close to Steve died as the result of an attack.

“Which leads me to advise you to watch yourself. There are people as well as ETs who may not want the bigger picture laid out in that book you’re writing. This guy Zoraster probably found you due to the searches you’ve been doing.”

I patted myself on the back that I had separated my work on the book to my iMac while I did searches on my MacBook. The iMac was not connected to the Internet. A little clumsy, but, apparently, I had done the right thing. I had never imagined that my activities would threaten anyone, or make me a target.

On my way home, I called Heather and mentioned my conversation with Al.


Over the next two weeks, Heather and I got together at my house three times, attended a Rockies game against Atlanta, and I watched two of her softball games, both of which her team won. It felt good to have a friend with whom to do things. More importantly, our relationship deepened to where we both were comfortable hugging and kissing in public.

What did not happen was our hike up Greys and Torres. It kept getting postponed with my work on the book and her schedule of activities. We did find time to watch a couple of videos, but they did not provide anything.