Dear Friends,

500,000 years ago, when 3rd Dimension humans were created on this planet, they were given the directive to evolve into 12th Dimension humans. Such beings had populated Earth millions of years previously, when Earth was first created as a model planet for all other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Today, few, if any humans have evolved to this lofty state of consciousness. The vast majority of human beings exist at 3rd or 4th Dimension. Yes, there are small groups of higher consciousness humans, but they are rare.

To remedy this, Earth is now receiving vast infusions of uplifting energy from Creator Gods. These are impacting us physically. Impacting our perceptions, our sleep, our balance, and our outlook. I am being told that these energies will result in a vastly changed humanity, in a rebirthing of humanity.


In order to help clarify what is taking place, I offer the following:

We live in a time of great chaos. Fear is the basis of wars, disinformation, politics, the monetary system, the media, artificial intelligence, and actions of governments. Change is all around us. Few people seek answers to this chaos by looking to the spiritual.

Many see our current situation as similar to the destructive activities of Atlantis before they almost caused  self-destruction of the entire planet. Like Atlantis, we are entwined with technology for many aspects of our daily lives, without a bonding to the spiritual. The very powerful energies coming to us will change the course of everything before another Atlantis-like event occurs.

For some,  hopefulness is present with opportunities to achieve something great and lasting, rather than giving into the fear that is lucking everywhere. However, as uplifting as it is, it is generally not directed toward achieving 12th Dimension.

The following perspectives were the result of my interactions with Xen of Andromeda (see my latest book, Aia & Xen). They also come from my training with Great Beings of Light beginning in 2010. In addition, there follows a message from Archangel Michael and Yeshua

I am both humbled by and very grateful to have been chosen to share these words with you.

I believe the following will help put our current situation and these powerful energies into perspective.

In Light, Love and Unity,

Mark Kimmel



The Initial Physical Beings of Earth

Many billions of years ago, Earth was created at 12th dimension by the Creator Gods to be a model planet for all others in the Milky Way Galaxy. The beautiful physical beings of this world, based in love and light, were of 12th dimension. This persisted for many millions of years.

During this time of Earth, the civilization of Lemuria prospered in an area that stretched from what is now known as Australia to California in the North America.

On a distant planet, in the Milky Way Galaxy, known as Atlantis, its residents were pursuing experiments to force high consciousness into ever more dense physical beings. These were based in technology. They were against the Schematic of Source in that they were not based in love and light, but rather in fear. The experiments became so invasive and powerful that they threatened to destroy the planet itself.

Seeking an alternative to the destruction of their civilization, the residents of Atlantis searched for a new home. They approached the of Lemurians of Earth promising to set aside their experiments. The Lemurians, believing that their powerful adherence to love and light would overcome all adverse influences, welcomed the Atlantians to live among them.

After a period of time, some of the former Atlantians began to experiment using their old ways. This was unacceptable to the Lemurians; the former Atlantians were asked to stop. They refused. Then the former Atlantians withdrew from Lemuria. They settled on the other side of the planet, in an area they designated as Atlantis.

In the new Atlantis, they once again undertook their experiments. After many years, the experiments became so invasive and powerful that they lowered the frequency of the entire planet. When this reached the 7th dimension, the Lemurians were no longer able to maintain their civilization. It collapsed under the waters of what is now known as the Pacific Ocean.

The Atlantians persisted in their experiments until their civilization descended to the center of the Earth. Earth was then headed to self-destruction. Thus, ended the early history of physical beings on Earth.


A New Humanity

Rather than returning the planet to Source, the Creator Gods who had originally created Earth placed the planet into a deep freeze of suspended animation. They did this until they could determine what to do with it. Nothing survived this except single cells.

After a half billion years, it was decided to rebirth Earth as a 3rd Dimension planet. Under their guidance, the planet evolved over many  million years into a beautiful paradise of lush green plants suitable for the introduction of human life.

The ancient ancestors of current humanity were introduced into Earth about 500,000 years ago at a 3rd dimension level. Their souls were charged with evolving their primitive physical beings to a 12th dimension level of functioning in order to return Earth to a planet of beauty, love, light and unity.

What has occurred since is the development of much of humanity into a technology-based civilization, largely without development of a spiritual focus, without relying on the Schematic of Source. Today’s human bodies are the result of many outside influences, since that time: non-physicals, benevolent extraterrestrials, and archons (fear-based extraterrestrials). Unfortunately, some of the energies of Atlantis survived the period of suspended animation.

Today there are groups of humans who live at higher conscious. Most are unconscious that they are striving to help Earth achieve the goal of 12th dimension. They are a tiny part of overall humanity.

Institutions have begun with the best of intentions to focus their activities within peace, light and love.  Unfortunately, many become compromised as the egos of their leaders fall under the power of 3rd dimension ways and in some cases the influence of archons.

There are a relatively small number of wealthy and powerful humans who benefit from living at 3rd dimension. Many unknowingly function in conjunction with the archons. The current state of chaos exemplifies the struggle between various groups working to control the planet.

Any soul desiring to incarnate on Earth requires a 3rd dimension physical body. As they mature,  these physical bodies can be influenced by others already functioning in 3rd Dimension. Based in fear, the pull of 3rd dimension becomes so powerful as to block the spiritual in these humans.

Archons scheme to control humanity by influencing a relatively few at the top of the pyramids in institutions. Only a few within these institutions are not influenced by this. Those at the top are, most likely, unaware of the influence of archons.



The Creator Gods, Archangels, and benevolent extraterrestrials who have observed humanity’s current situation have begun to use their energies and influence to place humanity on a new track, to focus humanity on moving away from 3rd dimension and reaching for 12th dimension.

This will require extensive changes to everything about being human: physical bodies, institutions, the surrounding environment, relationships with other humans, and relationships with higher conscious Beings of Light. It will involve totally redirecting the conscious mind of individual humans to change the ego.

Massive energies are being directed to Earth and all human beings. These energies are focused on individual humans by the coordinated efforts of extraterrestrials and non-physicals, to be carefully coordinated with the individual soul of each human. These extreme energies will be felt by every individual. The result will not be recognizable.

This process will not take place overnight. It will require time to move all to a new way of being, to a true rebirthing.



Michael and Yeshua

(Speaking as one: We wish to communicate the following.)

Humanity has reached a point in its development where it finds itself stuck in a chaos of technology-based, 3rd Dimension lifestyles without integrating the spiritual into their lives. We see most individuals relying on television, internet, newspapers, government pronouncements, corporate press releases, alternative opinions, and interactions with others to arrive at a place from which they function on a daily basis. Most have lost contact with what is natural.

It is a great disappointment to those of us who set humanity in 3rd dimension, that so little has been achieved by the majority toward achieving 12th Dimension. Granted there are small groups focusing on higher consciousness, but it is far from the majority.

Religions have played a major role in this lack of true spirituality. Here, there are small groups who consider themselves as elites telling others what to believe and what to do.

We see that humans now require a major infusion of assistance from non-humans, if they are to progress to higher consciousness.

This assistance is in the form of energies coming to the planet. These energies are significant enough to make major changes in physical bodies. They will affect how individuals see other, and affect how they experience their environment. These energies are being directed to individual humans by benevolent extraterrestrials and by Nonphysicals.

These energies appear to your scientists as coming from the sun. In reality they are energies coming from the central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy with your sun acting as a transducer to make them applicable to Earth humans. They are guided in this by the Creator Gods.

In the short term, these energies will be of such a magnitude to affect the electronics and weather of the planet. They will create new ways for individuals to be in their bodies,  to see themselves, to see each other, and to communicate with each other.

Individuals will still have a human body, but it will be crystal based rather than carbon based. Individuals’ brains will be keyed to function from love and light, not fear. They will have a predisposition to see everything from a higher consciousness point of view.

Rather than waiting for evolution to create this transformation, the incoming energies will cause the transformation to be speeded up to a matter of days rather than years.

It will be a pleasant process for those who are already in higher consciousness. They will find new sources of information. Their sources of nourishment for the body and  mind will be changed, and they will truly see other humans as peaceful and friendly.

It will be a painful process for those committed to living in 3rd Dimension, as their control over others evaporates, as the material world they had come to rely upon disintegrates, and as they are left with only unfamiliar new ways of behaving.

Is this moment truly a million-year changing moment? Yes. It will not happen in a moment, but it will take place, and it will be life-changing.



I am able to connect you to a Great Non-physical Being of Light so that you might have a conversation with them regarding things like the following:

Wish to know why you are here?

Want to know your best path forward?

Have questions about events happening around you?

Have questions about other people?

Contact me at Place the word SESSION in the subject line. I will reply with instructions to complete the process.


The Cosmic Paradigm Network is a group of individuals, worldwide, who see that this moment is the great turning point for humanity to shed its enslavement. They lend their energies to this transformation with their higher dimension lives.

Utilizing ZOOM I host discussion/sharing groups. Our discussions range from current events to higher consciousness ways to contribute to humanity. We meet at 5:00 PM Pacific time for about an hour each time.

If you wish to join in one of these,  send an email to  Place the word “ZOOM” in the title line



The communications in Aon are from Great Non-physical Beings of Light who created the universe. They are quite different than the words of lower consciousness beings who use science and philosophy to explain God and the universe from their perspective.

Mark Kimmel is merely the transcriber of these revelations.

This book will help you appreciate who you really are: The physical expression of a vast and powerful soul.
