We are here

Greetings, we return this day to provide further insights into the current situation on your planet. As we have said before, and as others have disclosed, there are large numbers of your brothers and sisters from other star systems living among you. (Please note the use of the words, “we” and “us,” in the following message — a further demonstration of the way in which your star sisters and brothers experience the Oneness of all.)

Our presence among you occurs in several ways: First, a soul replacement can take place where one of us exchanges our soul for the existing soul of an Earth human. You call this a “walk in.” There are many of us from different star civilizations who are functioning on your planet in this way. Most often the Earth human recognizes that this has taken place, and a period of adjustment ensues as the newly implanted soul adjusts to its new body, new terrestrial family, and new surroundings. When this occurs we often work as lightworkers; others of us quietly occupy positions of influence.

Second, at the time of the birth of an Earth human one of us from the stars — who is not embodied — may enter into the body of the human child. There are many of us who have had long careers on other star systems who have volunteered to come to your planet in this way. When born we are without memories of our past incarnations in other star systems, however over time we recall our non-earthly origins.

A third way in which this occurs is that certain members of our star races resemble Earth humans so closely that we can live among you without undue notice. Upon closer inspection, you may notice differences in our eyes and other features. The characters in your books, Mark, are some of us.

Some who are descendents of the Atlantian and Lemurian societies are on Earth. They live underground in protected enclaves in several locations about your planet. Though they closely resemble current Earth humans, they are of a higher frequency and generally have little interaction with the current residents on the surface of the planet.

Then there are those of us who little resemble Earth humans. We are sentient beings, but our physical appearance is quite different. We are from several star systems, and, although represented in large numbers aboard the starships about your planet, we generally do not live among you.

In addition, many of us walk beside you each and every day as you go about your ordinary lives. We are of a higher frequency so that you do not detect us with your five senses. If you are sensitive and/or highly conscious, you may “feel” us as we accompany you. Earth humans of similar high vibrations “see” us.

Summing up these many ways of our being among you, there are millions of us, your star sisters and brothers on your planet. There are millions who, in concert with “service to others,” are assisting you in your Transformation. There are also others of us of lower energy who, in alignment with the dark energy and in “service to self,” are allied with the Illuminati and acting against the transition of Earth humans. Allegiance to the light, or functioning with the dark, is not attributable to a particular race or civilization, as individuals of all universe civilizations possess free will and choose their particular way of being. Thus you will find individuals of races or group of us that are generally considered to be of service to others or service to self acting in ways opposite to the majority.

During the so-called “evolution” of this planet bacteria, plants, animals, fish, birds, and insects were all imported from other star systems. This accounts for the rich diversity of life on Earth. Most recently four races of men and women were brought here.

Many of your brothers and sisters from the stars have been on this planet for many thousands of years, in one or more of the forms previously discussed. We have at various times interfered with, influenced, and nurtured Earth human life. The construction of the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere was undertaken under our directions and with our assistance. Everything from the design of the pyramids to the cutting and moving of the stones was with the assistance of your off-planet sisters and brothers. Your sisters and brothers of the stars imported much of your technology. This occurred either by direct physical interface with Earth humans, by suggestions in dreams, from “insights,” or from the reverse engineering technologies from recovered saucers.

On the other hand, the beginnings of your major religions were at the insistence of some of your sisters and brothers from distant star systems; they demanded worship as beings of a higher order. Since those days those of your brothers and sisters who have not been infused with the light have been involved in many schemes to seize control and enslave earth humans.

As things stand today, your religions generally do not recognize the off-planet influences that gave birth to them, rather they choose a route of disinformation to their followers. Your monetary system is under the control of agents of extraterrestrial origins. Off-planet beings control your governments either directly or indirectly through their influence. Your science, education, medical system, and legal system are all heavily influenced those who would control others for their own ends.

However there is more to the story than the assembling of a vast armada of starships who are lighting the planet in response to Earth’s cry for help. All of the star nations also contributed beings of light who now walk among you, who are totally in service to others, and who love you very much. We are beings who seek to enlighten the darkness on your planet. We are here among you both in physical form and in non-physical higher vibrations.

Those of us in human form walk the halls of your governments, are members of your military, work in critical positions in your banks and corporations, and are teachers to your children. All are helping to transform your civilization from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.

Those of us in the non-physical communicate with people like you, Mark. There are many aboard the starships who communicate with Earth humans. There are those of us who live in the households of lightworkers as supporters and advisors. We provide a continuous link to the collective that surrounds your planet. Human lightworkers, along with those of us from other star systems, are anchoring the light from the cosmos, and retransmitting it like the coherent light from lasers to those with whom they come in contact.

Your planet is indeed lighting up, based on a joint effort between those of us living among you and your own individual efforts, coupled with the great light from the celestials and from the universe. It is a wondrous symphony of light, it is irresistible to any who are open to it; it is overwhelming to those who cling to the darkness. In a very short time all who are of the light will find themselves in a world of love. Many who have no knowledge of lightworkers are awakening. Many will awaken at the last moment.

Now you have a pictures of all the myriad ways in which light is coming to Earth through your sisters and brothers of the stars. Earth is lighting up like a giant Christmas tree with millions of points of light among her humans. Each of these points of light is infusing other humans like a candle lights the darkness. These points of light are encouraging, consciously or unconsciously, many who are now questioning traditional ways of behaving, questioning the structures in their lives and the reasons behind those structures, and standing up for the truth and love of a better way to live.

The sum total of all these efforts from your brothers and sisters of the stars is a massive infusion of light that is overcoming the final vestiges of the dark energy. There is no doubt in our minds that the new Earth, with a preponderance of light, will emerge within the next few months. We love you very much and wait for the day when you will join us as citizens of the cosmos.

Once again we are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.

Oneness Out Of Diversity

Greetings from the starship Athabantian, we come to you today with additional observations of Earth and her human residents. We trust that the following words will assist you as you transition to your new lives.

Any initial observer of your planet might wonder what all the commotion is about, why everyone was so eager to be on this sphere of dark energy at this time. Upon closer examination one would see that the souls who have incarnated here consider themselves very fortunate to be a part of the Earth experience, particularly during these the final moments of the 3rd dimension drama. Upon closer examination we saw the wondrous struggle many are undertaking to emerge from the darkness of mind control into the light of heart-centered existence.

And so it was only after we had observed for a time that we came to understand why you have volunteered to part of this scene, Mark. It was only after we observed how much you enjoyed the challenges of life in Earth’s 3rd dimension that we understood. It was only after we saw the soul growth that resulted from transitioning out of the dark conditions of your early life to where you are this day that we understood why you would undertake such an incarnation.

What we then saw was a richness of experience unmatched elsewhere in the universe. What we saw was the opportunity to experience diversity of plant, animal, and human life as on no other planet: Diversity of landscapes from mountains to desert, to oceans, from green to brown, from arid to lush, and from fertile to barren. Then we observed your cities and their contrast to the less populated countryside — and understood why each has it attractions.

While observing the diversity of experiences, we noted details of the lives of humans such as the opportunity to consume a wide variety of foods. This alone occupied our attention for some time. Each region has its own food specialty, each has it own native plants, and each has it own ways of enjoying the plenty of the land. On our home planet, we have nothing approaching this diversity of culinary delights.

Then we understood: All had been brought to Earth from elsewhere. This is the grand experiment for the universe. Plants were brought from afar, animals were contributed from other planets, and humans came from distinct star systems. It is the richness of life on Earth that almost overwhelms one who is accustomed to less.

Then there is the duality of your existence. There are those who rape the planet, along with their fellow humans, for their own gain. In contrast there are those who genuinely love Earth, honor her for the bounty that she provides, and love their fellow man. Only when comprehends the diversity on Earth can one see duality expressed in so many different ways.

It is not just the tyrant and his slaves; it is also the husband and the subservient wife. It is not just the super wealthy and the poor, it is the master of the house who employees the illegals aliens because they can pay so little to have the house or garden tended. It is those who feel superior because they have wealth or power versus those who feel powerless because they have been raised to respect authority rather then be true to themselves. Again it is the diversity of the way in which domination expresses itself that is so interesting to behold. Yet we do not judge the roles of anyone who is part of Earth’s drama for all are required to give richness to the background and action of this drama.

We are most intrigued with the transformation of individual humans, against Earth’s diverse background. For human transformation is as diverse as is the planet upon which it is taking place. No human understands the things that are occurring around him or her in the same way. No one understands what is happening to him or her, as an individual, in the same way.

Your relationship to Earth is changing as you see her through the eyes of those in a lighter density. It is you who are changing much more than is Earth. Earth is repairing the abuses to her land, water, and air — removing the effects of ignorant humans. Humans on the other hand are ascending to a lighter density wherein they will see Earth and each other from their hearts rather than their minds.

Those of us at the lighter densities generally function as members of a collective. Due to our totally open telepathy, we share the same mind, share the same visions, and share the same opinions. It is quite a spectacle for us to behold an entire race in which very few, if any, hold the same mindset, believe in the same way, or behold the same vision. It is truly remarkable; we are honored to be here.

We also observe that the various energies impacting your planet while fostering change directed to greater Oneness are not resulting in changes with respect to diversity. The original plan was to integrate the life forms that were brought to your planet — to achieve a fundamentally new race of humans. This is now being replaced by diversity within the movement towards Oneness, rather than a new race of integrated humans. It will be most interesting to observe what happens with respect to diversity and Oneness when telepathy occurs among the ascended humans of the lighter density, the inhabitants of a transitioned Earth.

And all of this is occurring on a single planet, not among planets of a star system, nor within a far-flung galaxy such as Andromeda. Earth is a focal point of this diversity, and as such she holds the expression of it for an entire universe. This is another reason that so many of us are here to watch the wonder of your transformation, for you are indeed the culmination of the many aspects of the universe.

Then there are the lightworkers, such as you Mark, who are awake to the larger picture. Even among these who see the larger picture there is almost no consistency in your vision of it, your understanding of it, or your beliefs about it, yet there is a unifying thread of acceptance and love that runs through this diversity.

Each of you, awakening humans and lightworkers, is reflecting back to Creator your experiences, insights, and love from many perspectives. Our understanding is that this achievement of diversity within Oneness is a signal that all will now change all within creation. As was said in a previous transmission, what is happening on Earth signals a grand turning for the all universes. Now in place of an infinite expansion, there will commence a contraction until all are One with Creator.

You are now reaching the pinnacle of this drama; it grows more exciting daily. Earth changes are nearing their climax as Earth shakes off the fears, anger, and greed so long expressed by her human guests. What a wonderful experience to be a part of this. Mark, we now understand why you were so insistent on being here for this moment. We are here to assist you through this transition. Be well our brother and enjoy every moment of the experience.

I am Moraine, and I am Justine. We are from Andromeda. We love each of you, the humans experiencing the great shift, unconditionally, and wish only the very best for all.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.

Observations II

Greetings: We return this day with more observations of your world and projections of what is to come. We begin with those humans who live under the yoke of tyranny or are a part of the physical oppression of others. They know quite well the role of physical force. It is the threat or the actual application of physical punishment, torture, or deprivation that keeps such families, clans, societies, and countries organized for the benefit of their tyrants. It is an age-old ways of controlling humans on your planet. Fears of physical harm force all into rigid structures.

Your so-call advanced societies have a much more subtle, but equally effective means of control; it is called money. Those who have it exercise various means of domination over those who do not. The elites, who have vast wealth, exercise absolute domination over the rest of such societies.

The illuminati, amassing wealth for hundreds of years, have played a largely behind the scenes role in controlling money. In the United States they created institutions such as the Federal Reserve to lend dollars to the government and in turn to the people of the U.S. Their amassed trillions of dollars insulates them from currency fluctuations, for they will always have more money than anyone else, will always hold more land, own more corporations, and control more banking institutions.

Those who have acquired wealth by playing the money game either through their inventive skills or through climbing to the top of the corporate or banking ladder have sold out to the money controllers. Oh they may be most generous in their philanthropy, but they do not give away enough money to make them one of the middle class, or even one of the lesser wealthy. Grand movies are made about the super rich. Comedies are made about the middle class and the poor.

Money invades the life of all in the developed economies. Money controls all aspects of people’s lives. You are told how much money you can borrow from a bank. You are told how much money you will pay in taxes. You are told how much money an item will cost at the super market. Money has become so widely accepted that few stop to question how it dominates their lives.

On the new Earth there will be no need to earn money. We know this is hard to conceive of, but that is the way it will be. Banks create money to lend. The Federal Reserve creates money to lend to the U.S. government. All of this money is created from nothing. If then money can be created from nothing and accepted by all as something of value, why not create money enough for everyone? This is a glimpse of what your future holds.

It is the affect of these controlling structures on individuals that we now wish to address. If you are living under the domination of a tyrant who uses physical force to control you, you are very aware of that domination. Your every movement is monitored and proscribed by soldiers or police. Your freedoms are few. If you choose, you may become part of the regime of the tyrant, and dominate others to achieve a better life for yourself and your family. But you will pay a terrific cost by betraying who you really are: a majestic soul who has incarnated to experience life in the density of Earth. The tyrant may just as well be a religious leader, still you are selling out part of who you are if you align with his or her dominating ways, if you become part of the tyrant’s clan, a follower, or a servant to his or her cause. And conscious people will look upon you with distain because they know that you have sold out.

In the case of a society that is ruled by money, a similar situation exists. Here people believe they are part of a marvelous scheme in which they may climb the ladder to financial success by playing according to the rules. Here they sell out by making the accumulation and use of money their goal. Here the tyrant is less visible, the rules of the game more obscure, and the rewards seemingly less tainted — from a very young age almost everyone is convinced that they want to be rich, and lead a wonderful life that only wealth can bring. So with a society structured around money as its controlling factor, everyone is led to believe that having money, being a part of the system, and selling out to the money tyrant is a good thing. The media glorifies those who are rich. Products and services are offered to those who have the money to pay. Neighborhoods are delineated by those who have money and those who do not. Whereas the selling out to the physical tyrant was an obvious abandonment of your friends and family, with money as the tyrant everyone is selling out to some degree, so there is no judgment by others because everyone is playing in the same game. However, those who make money and what it buys their goal are abandoning their true nature to a tyrant just a surely as those who become part of a physical tyrant’s favored few.

The energies of change are now impacting all on your world — land, sea, air, animals, fish, and most particularly, humans — dissolving the old to make way for the new. Recently there have been three of these energies: Energies of Truth, Energies of Freedom, and Energies of Oneness. From the first of these has arisen the unveiling of the corruption and deceit from governments, corporations, bankers, and religions. Julian Assange and others involved with whistle blowing are driven by the Energies of Truth. Reactions of people to the Energies of Truth are seen in the elite as they seek to label anyone who is not a part of their scheme a terrorist, as they seek to undermine what is beneficial for the many in favor of what benefits the few. The results of the Energies of Truth can be seen in payments by the Catholic Church for abuses by priests.

The Energies of Freedom are entering the lives of all humans. It is not just the courageous people in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other Middle East countries. It is the actions of wives who seek freedom from abusive husbands, children who seek freedom from domineering parents, and workers who seek freedom from domination by corporations.

The Energies of Oneness are the most recent. They are causing all to take a second look at who are their brothers and sisters. These energies are stirring a gratitude for Earth and all that she has provided. Oneness is exhibited by those who see poverty and hunger in a new light, see that the unfortunate are truly no different than their own family. Again the elites, the wealthy, the comfortable, and all who have used their money, power, and status to establish themselves as better than lesser humans are resisting this energy, and engaging in class warfare.

The energies of change are impacting all on Earth. This is not a temporary condition; Earth-humans will NOT return to the old ways of seeing and believing. The waves of change are seeping over all. There is no going back. All are sensing these energies of change, whether they understand them or not.

Those of you who are reading these words, and comprehend the magnitude of the changes, would do well to search within to determine how you are reacting. Are you going to fear, or embracing the light? Many of you will soon realize that you are the light bearers who others will seek out to gain understanding, and to inquire as to what they should do. Do not hide your light; let it shine by your example. You have much to give; decide how you will assist the transformation of your human sisters and brothers.

This all resolves itself then into the impact on individual humans and how they react to the many energies and changes. Do they see the changes and say, “Indeed this is the time of great change. We welcome this.” Or do they say, “I will resist these changes because I like things they way they are.” Or do they see the changes and go into fear for their personal safety? Or do they choose to ignore the changes, hoping all will return to “normal” in a short while? The choice is yours, humans of Earth, choose well for your choices impact all in the universe.

Now let us turn to those us who watch and wait. We do this because we may not interfere with your personal choices, your individual free will. We may not come to your assistance until you request it. In many of the recent “natural” disasters, the countries not affected came to the assistance of those in distress. The recent earthquake in Japan saw countries and organizations from around the world offering assistance. It was the choice of the Japanese people to ask for and accept this assistance.

So will be the case with your sisters and brothers from the stars. There will come a time in the near future when your entire world will be in a state of distress. There will be no other countries or organizations to come to the assistance of those requesting help. It is at that moment if you ask for our assistance that we will answer your call. We, your brothers and sisters from the stars, will deliver much-needed assistance — in much the same way that assistance has been provided to the people of Japan.

Despite our best efforts, we will not be able to assist every individual in a timely manner, nor will we impose ourselves on those who do not wish our assistance, nor do we wish to circumvent your opportunities to assist a neighbor or family member. Just as has been the case in Japan, people have assisted each other with food, water, and shelter. When your entire world is in distress, you too will be called upon to assist each other and we have no doubt that you will respond.

So it is wise to store some food and water and to secure shelter first for yourselves, then for your family members, friends, and neighbors. The period of distress will last for several months, until the necessities can be restored. Until electricity can once again be counted on to light your homes. Plan for such a time.

You will not be thrown back into the primitive state of your ancestors. At the same time, your major cities will become unsustainable. It is from the countryside and in smaller villages that the civilization of Earth will be reconstructed. Here we of the stars can be most effective in rendering assistance. So we say to you this day, plan well for the transformation is upon you.

Some have visualized the pending changes as the separation of the Earth into two parts. Others have seen a second Earth make an appearance and humans being transported to that sphere. In your earlier communications you foresaw such an event, Mark. What is more accurate is a separation of the Earth into different densities based on vibration.

Those who are of the 3rd vibration will experience the physical changes that Earth is projected to undergo, including earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. These will change the face of the planet, water will intrude over land, the poles will shift, and the crust of the Earth will rotate. The net result of this will be a more moderate climate and the greening of the deserts. It will take some time for the Earth to adjust to all that is new. The animals and fish will adjust quite rapidly; it is the humans who remain on the Earth of a higher vibration who will have the most difficult adjustments. Your need for shelter, food, and water will not completely disappear.

Those of you who are vibrating at a higher frequency will not experience the trauma as severely as those who are vibrating at a lower frequency. You will rise above much of the trauma, but you will see it nonetheless. Thus you will exist alongside those of the lower vibrations. You will walk among them but they will barely see you. In some cases you will be able to reach out to assist them. Entire communities will be distinguished by their combined frequencies: Individuals of the higher frequencies blending with those of the somewhat lower frequencies.

Those of you who have achieved a higher frequency will be able to see us, your sisters and brothers of the stars, as we come to assist your transition. Those of the lower frequencies will not see our assistance but they will benefit from it nonetheless.

It has always been that way. Over the centuries, we have worked with certain individuals to insure the progress of humanity. It has been seen as innovations in technology, government, and better ways to experience one another. We have been the helping hand behind the discovery of electricity and harnessing it for lighting. Many of our suggested innovations have been corrupted by those who would keep such innovations for themselves or use them to induce fear into the population, but we have seen enough good come from our urgings that we have continued.

Now it is your turn to provide assistance to those of a lower vibration. From your vantage point, you will assist the continued evolution of mankind on Earth. The greater advantage you have is that you will possess human bodies exactly like those of the humans of the lower frequencies; they will relate to you more readily than they have to us who have seemed strange. You are to be the Caretakers, not only of the Earth, but also of your human brothers and sisters.

This has not been done before: Humans who are of a slightly higher frequency assisting those of a slightly lower vibration. All who remain on Earth will slip into what you are calling higher dimensions, for none who are addicted to fear, hate, anger, war, or violence will survive what is coming. (Their dense energies will not enable them to move upward.) Those who consciously put aside lower vibrations will shift into a higher dimension and journey to the new Earth. Those of you who are vibrating at a higher frequency yet will interact with them as guides, mentors, and elders. It will be a glorious time when the new humans of Earth can vibrate at the frequencies of the animals and plants, can see the oneness of all, can relax into the beauty of Earth, and most importantly can assist each other in love and light.

The time of great change is upon you. Listen well to the various communications, and embrace the higher energies. Each must find his or her own way of being, for both your evolution and your uniqueness are valued.

As we currently see the situation, there will be continued earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and severe weather. How impacting each will be on humans is determined by a number of factors: Earth’s desire to cleanse herself in a particular area. The fears held by the human residents of that area. The illuminati’s use of HAARP, and other methods, to increase the severity of these events.

As we have told you before, we can see the Earth in the future. We are looking at a beautiful new Earth through the perspective of our higher frequency (where there is no time and we can see without distortions), so we see her somewhat differently than do you who are looking through a 3rd dimension vibration. Earth is much the same as today (mountains, oceans, etc.); it is that we see her differently from our lighter perspectives (as will you when you achieve faster vibrations).

Let us remind you once again that your individual future is determined by your individual frequency of vibration. You have been told by various lightworkers, and by those of us from the higher vibrations, of several methods to increase your vibration. If you have not already done so, it is not too late to undertake this process. Staying in a higher vibration means avoiding fear both now and when the climax of the transformation takes place. Much like the vibration of a tuning fork that can be quelled by holding it against your hand, so can fear dampen your vibration.

Now is the time to avoid anything that reduces your ability to vibrate at the highest possible level. Practice living in higher vibration daily. Practice it with your eyes open, practice in your home, in your place of work, and as you walk in nature. Practice it as you walk tall among those who are fearful. Practice it so that others who see you notice you are oblivious to the fears of 3rd dimensional surroundings, and practice it so that others inquire of you how also to do that.

We who exist in the density without time can assure you that Earth will continue. We can assure you that humans of Earth will continue, albeit at a higher vibration. Moreover we can assure you that everything will be quite different on the new Earth — that the new Earth will be a planet of love, light, and Oneness. We have seen the brilliant new Earth as she shines like a beacon for all in the universe. And you the humans who then reside upon her will be honored as those who transformed themselves from a density of fear into beings of love and light. And there will be great joy among all in the universe as these momentous events are realized. What you do for yourselves and each other reverberates through the universe.

Once again we are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.


Greetings to All from the Starship Athabantian. We join you today to offer our observations of the situation on your planet from our perspective many miles above you.

First our observations about the physical changes you are currently seeing. The extraordinarily severe weather in Australia is part of earth’s cleansing process, as is the abnormally snowy and cold winter in the east of the United States. You will experience more of this colder than normal weather in parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. You will also experience above average rainfall and snow along with the cold. During the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere, you will experience warmer than normal weather and will see increased melting of glaciers and icecaps. This will contribute to rising sea levels around the world this year. This is a continuation of the extreme weather you saw during 2010 that affected such countries as Pakistan.

Earthquakes such as experienced in New Zealand will occur with more frequency, particularly around the Pacific Rim of Fire. Areas long dormant will also experience earthquakes, along with volcanic activity. These will increase during this year as a part of Earth’s cleansing. As with extreme weather, these are a continuation of earthquakes such as experienced in Chile and China in 2010. Much of the above can be traced to the energies coming to Earth from the sun and elsewhere in this galaxy. These energies are changing the natural balance heretofore achieved on Earth.

These energies are also impacting individual humans. It is external energies that have encouraged people in the Middle East and Africa to assert their freedom from tyranny. It is energies that have supported them as they risk death in order to achieve freedom. These energies are manifesting themselves among people first in countries where the rule has been the harshest. Next it will manifest itself around the world where the needs of ordinary people are subverted to the desires of greedy elites.

Elites around the world have known these events would occur for some time, and have made preparations to retreat into places of refuge. The elites are as aware as you are becoming so of the energies of change bombarding your planet. We who occupy the great starships have been beaming and focusing energies for many years. It is our light, coupled with the energies from the sun and elsewhere that have made the elites tremble, for they see their days are numbered. Nonetheless they continue to play the game, extracting the final drops of blood from those they oppress, for they have chosen not to see alternatives to their long-standing behavior.

These are extraordinary times; make no mistake about it. This is not a mere business cycle, another environmental anomaly, or a long-term weather cycle. This is the long-awaited metamorphosis of mankind. Rejoice for you will now be given the opportunity to move out of the density you call 3rd dimension into a less dense existence. Look around; awaken to the possibilities. Do not be one of those who refuses to see the larger picture because you wish to remain comfortable in your chosen lifestyle.

Everyone will be shaken by events swirling about them. Many will go to fear and choose to abandon life in this world. A few will increase their vibration and agree to extend their stay becoming Caretakers of the new earth. We are rejoicing because we see many awakening to the possibilities of a grander life beyond the fear-based 3rd dimension. We are calling upon all our Earthly brothers and sisters to heed events swirling about them, and determine if they will commit to work with us to create a new civilization on the new Earth.

Here aboard the starship Athabantian are clustered great numbers of magnificent souls from around this universe, souls who are One with God. They have manifested individuated souls for this particular moment within a quasi-physical costume. Athabantian is like other great starships near your planet in that we are filled with great souls who are sending light to Earth and her people. The density of souls clustered about your planet is so great that their light is overwhelming the last of the darkness on your planet. Never before has there been such a collection of souls in the vicinity of a single planet. We are all here to assist and to witness the transformation of Earth and her humans.

Now back to more observations of your planet. Due to the extraordinary energies coming to you from those of us clustered here, you are feeling the energies of transformation as never before. In addition to impacting Earth, these energies are impacting individual Earth-humans. These are the energies that manifest themselves as a desire for freedom, a desire to know oneself, to assert who you really are, to throw off the shackles of domination, to love one another as brothers and sisters. These are the energies of Oneness, to assist you to see yourselves as One with all: the rocks, the plants, the animals, and with each and every one of your humans brothers and sisters.

It is this energy of Oneness that will ultimately topple governments, collapse monetary systems, and dissolve religions. It is this energy of Oneness that will cause peace in the animal kingdom, causing the lion to lay down with the lamb. The energy of Oneness will supplant the energy of discrimination, the energy of war, the energy of greed, and the energy of fear.

The energy of Oneness will ultimately assist you to become who you really are. You are physical manifestation of one of the great oversouls — creations of God in the early days of this universe. You, Mark Kimmel, are a physical manifestation, of one of these great oversouls. Your soul is an individuated piece of this great oversoul, created for this lifetime. Your soul will return to your oversoul as soon as your physical manifestation is completed.

The movement for freedom in Egypt is commended. It shows that the humans of your planet may be sufficiently aroused to assert their rights as individuals to live in peace and harmony. However, it remain to be seen whether the revolt of the people in Egypt will produce the necessary reforms to create a society based on Oneness — fairness toward all peoples and equality of a monetary system. The great danger is to seek peace too quickly so that the process is thwarted in the name of returning to some semblance of “normality.” The idea is not to return to normality, but rather to completely reform the society so that all are fairly represented, so that all no longer live in fear, and so an elite class no longer has special privileges. Then and only then should the cry to return to normality be heeded. It remains to be seen whether the rebellion in Egypt will meet these objectives.

That the world powers are condemning the bloody battles in Libya is a good sign in that it lays a foundation for all countries that experience an uprising of their people: fearing international criticism, they may be less inclined to use force of arms to crush a rebellion. Nonetheless Libya may turn to civil war. That the great powers are condemning the situation in Libya sets up the world to see that all current governments function for their own benefit, and are willing to criticize another government only when the situation is so dire as to garner international attention. We are hopeful that the rebellion in the countries of the Middle East will spread throughout your world and people everywhere will assert their rights to live equitably, to live without fear or domination, and that even the lowliest of peoples will be accorded the status of humans. We are hopeful that the rule of the elites will be dismantled peacefully, but by force if necessary. We do not condone bloodshed, but we recognize that it may happen in circumstances where the elites resist with force of arms. We are most hopeful that the armies of a country will side with their own people rather than turning their power against their own citizens.

It is our further observation that religion has so far not played a major role in the uprising in the Middle East. We are most encouraged by the apparent desire of the people to simply live in freedom without the over-arching role of religion. Again, just like governments, we are hopeful that religion will be discarded as a force for domination of the masses.

Protests and political upheavals in the United States and England show that the rule by elites will not be allowed to go unchallenged. It is ordinary people who must be served by governments; legitimate governments are not maintained for the accumulation of wealth by the few. It is the needs of the many that must be recognized so that they no longer live in fear, and that an equitable society emerges wherein none are wealthy, and none are starving. Keep in mind that ALL of your brothers and sister are of equal value in the eyes of God. There are none, NONE, who are lesser.

Thus the challenge for those of you who are the lightworkers and the anchors of light is to insist that complete transformation occurs, not a too-quick return to normal. It is your responsibility now that you have seen the way to higher consciousness to insist that it be a choice for all your Earthly brothers and sisters. Do not attempt to preserve the awakening for yourselves alone. Spread the light among all who are open to it. Place your flame of awakening on a tall candleholder for all to see. You are the hope of this world. Be happy that you are leading your planet to the light.

Mark, your dream last night was simply picking up on the energies that are swirling about your world. By watching videos like you did last evening, you lowered your energy. It was no mystery that a dark energy manifested itself in the form of a nightmare. There are many who are angry because they see that men of fear and hatred dominate them. Their tendency is to use and glorify the same fear-based behavior to rid themselves of that domination. This results only in replacing one fear-based behavior with another. If fear is the basis upon which change is made, upon which a tyrant is toppled, then it is most likely that a new fear-based structure will replace the one toppled.

It is only by asserting a love-based behavior that people can rise above their anger and revenge. Young people, who have been oppressed for a shorter time, are more able to create a love-based structure than the old who harbor long-lived resentments against the old structures and old injuries.

And yes, it is true that many of us who are not indigenous Earth-humans now interact in human form with those who are rebelling against domination. We walk among you to offer our love-based perspective to all who will listen. We are there to help create new love-based societies to replace the old. This shows the level of commitment of your space brothers and sisters: We are willing to risk entrapment in the density of Earth in order to assist Earth’s transformation. As we have said before there are more than one million of us who now walk about in Earth-human bodies.

Back to your situation, Mark, you are now quite sensitive to the energies of those around you. You do not recognize it yet, but you will be able to pick up on energies from around the world, and around the universe. And it is not just the energies of your fellow Earth-humans, it is the energies of the animals, the plants, Earth herself, and the energies of your space brothers and sisters. Be grateful for this sensitivity, but recognize it for what it is: a heightened sensitivity. Understand who you are. Know that you are okay just as you are. Love yourself. This will create a loving boundary about you that will separate your personal energy from what is not yours. The energies that swirl about you do not belong to you; they are the energy of others. It is okay to be sensitive to them, but do not bring them into your personal energy field.

Continuing with our observations, we observe that many on your world deny that anything unusual is occurring. They are experiencing time collapse, uncertainty about careers and living conditions, memory loss, heightened energy, lowered energy, and unusual physical ailments. They see earth changes, extreme weather, and global warning, yet they do not admit that these are indicators of fundamental change. This is most unfortunate in that change really is coming to your world. The people seeking freedom in the Middle East are heralding change. Change is occurring as people in the United States rebel against insensitive government, large corporations, and wealthy bankers, all of whom ignore the needs of ordinary people in the pursuit of their selfish goals. Yet it is the voices of ordinary people who will finally change everything. Change will not come from those of the elite because they like it the way it is. Those who have wealth, position, and security will fight to maintain it.

Those among you who are of the light, who see the bigger picture, and who acknowledge the Oneness of all are the hope of this universe. You now have established a core of people who can influence many others simply by allowing your light to shine brightly. The fundamental changes that are required to move your civilization to the light will be based on the lightworkers, those that are anchoring the light, and those who see the need for fundamental change. Half-hearted measures will ultimately lead back to a situation of dominance by a few. Only in Oneness will your world emerge into the light so that its people may join with other star nations.

This fundamental change may take some time to manifest itself throughout your world. What are most needed at this moment are communities where fundamental change can be seen. These will serve as examples for the larger civilization. These pockets of the light are taking shape, based on awareness, love, and self-sustaining measures. These communities must become independent from the larger society to survive and then prosper. Disconnecting from corporations who keep all dependent, disconnecting from monetary systems that entrap, disconnecting from religions that confine, and disconnecting from governments that dominate is required. This will not be an easy task, but it is doable. It will be made easier by the general chaos of a disintegrating larger society.

We who are your brothers and sisters of the stars are prepared to nurture such communities. We are prepared to give special attention to their electrical needs, to their need for water, and their need for transportation. We are not able to assist the entire civilization of your planet in these ways because the energies are too mixed. We are however capable of attending to the needs of enclaves where those who inhabit such are organized in Oneness. Once we see that such a community is asserting itself, we will come to you and provide the extraordinary help of which we speak.

So our charge to you who read these words is this: Organize yourselves into communities of Oneness. Find a situation where others of a like mind will interact with you to form a sustainable community apart from the larger civilization. Here we will found “institutes” to interact with you. There we will nurture inceptions of a new world. We are speaking now to those among you who resonate with such a plan. You must learn to raise your energies so that you can function at the higher levels and interact with us, and so that you can ignore the demands for a return to the same old ways. Learn to function at these higher frequencies so that you may lend a hand to others who desire but do not yet have the skills to do so. Then not only will your space brothers and sisters assist you, but the hosts of celestials will respond. When you make the move toward the light of Oneness, you will find support from throughout the universe.

Please understand that you as individual souls choose the frequency at which you vibrate. You may choose any frequency, and if it is not your current frequency you may work to achieve that vibration. There are many techniques to assist you — seek them out. During the time of the transformation, your soul will align with the particular vibration you have embraced and you will ascend to that level to be with other souls of like frequency.

This is not unlike the process after death of the body when your soul migrates to the frequency to which it is vibrating. It is not unlike the situation when you sleep each night and your soul seeks out others of a like vibration.

Do not think of Earth is a 3rd dimension orb. As 3rd dimensional Earth-humans you see Earth in 3rd dimensional terms. It is not that Earth is in the 3rd dimension; it is that you perceive her in that way, and interact with her in that way. Were you to be of the 4th dimension, you would see Earth in 4th dimensional terms, and interact with her in that lighter density. With the assistance of your star sisters and brothers, Earth is increasing her vibration so that she will be perceived by you in a lighter way.

What is unique about this moment is that you may choose to have your body ascend to a higher vibration, to what you are calling 4th dimension or higher. In 4th density, Earth will seem to you as a veritable paradise. Other Earth-humans will appear as wondrous beings who are functioning without fear, hate, judgment, or competition. All will be on Oneness.

Each person must decide for himself or herself. To achieve a higher vibration, each person must put forth some effort. You may rest in 3rd dimension comfort if that is what you choose. In that frequency you will eventually die and then continue your journey of reincarnations. Or you may choose to ascend to the 4th dimension or to the 5th dimension. The choice is yours.

Now is the time that you must undertake to increase your vibration, if you so choose. Now is the time to rest where you are if you so choose. The choice is yours. Choose well, for the next phase of your ascension to Oneness will be determined by your individual choice.

Those who are reading these words are already engaged in a process of awakening. Now is the time to choose where you wish your vibration to be. We trust that our words are of assistance to you.

We will now address questions regarding our earlier communications.

How different will life be after the transformation?

After the transformation is completed, which will take some years, living in Oneness will change everything. The manifestation of this change will come about slowly as people accommodate to a new way of being. Change in humans will not occur instantly. That is where the institutes of which we speak will assist the forthcoming changes. For example it will take some time for people to accommodate themselves to communicating with each other without spoken words, to living with complete truth, to knowing the true feelings of another, and to interacting with Earth in new ways.

Why is Earth so important?

Earth contains the most diverse species of any planet in this galaxy. Earth is the site of the Star Seed project. Earth fell almost completely under the domination of the dark energies. This combination of factors makes it the ideal candidate for a focus of attention. And so it has been the case, as we said in our earlier message, out of the darkness you the lightworkers of Earth responded to the light of the Creator.

I thought the cosmos was expanding infinitely. How can it now begin to contract?

The purpose of the infinite cosmos is to allow Creator to know Itself in every way. The Creator was waiting for the reflection that Earth-humans have now given. We had conjectured, with our limited minds, that the purpose of creation was to allow the Creator to find a reflection of Itself. It is totally appropriate that you, a human who has undergone significant transformation in his lifetime, should be the one to announce the contraction of the universe.

What are the best indicators that Earth is undergoing a transformation rather than just another cycle?

It is the combination of events. Never before have you had the energies of change in such concentration. Never before have you had earthquakes, floods, and volcanoes, coupled with rebellion to gain freedoms, coupled with monetary system failures, coupled with extraordinary energies from beyond the planet, coupled with the gathering of millions of your space sisters and brothers, coupled with individual reactions to these energies.

We are pleased to communicate with you this day and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, I am Moraine, and I am Zepher.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others by referring to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For announcements by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.

Extraordinarily Happy

Greetings from the starship Athabantian, we are your sisters and brothers of the light. In this message we will address why all of creation is focused on events of Earth, and why we are so extraordinarily happy.

For eons the Creator spread light enlarging all in wave after wave of creation. The Gods of the universes created many worlds with many sentient beings within their realms. These manifestations of the Creator were to explore all that could be. Throughout this enlargement, there was a searching for a spark of response to this magnanimous outpouring of love. For eons it was a one-way street with the Creator’s love flowing ever outward.

After the creation had been spread to its farthest reaches, after the light and dark had experienced all there was to experience, then and only then did the creation of all pause. The Creator listened for a response from that which had been created; there were responses only from those who knew the Creator. Then from an improbable planet on the fringe of a galaxy, a planet long enslaved by the dark energy, came the faint stirring of a response by creatures of the physical. At first it was but a faint response to all that creation had provided. It knew not what it was intending, but after a while there were more responses, more point of the light stirring within the physical bodies of those who inhabited the darkness. Fear began to melt away in those who saw the love and beauty of the Creator.

Some seventy years ago, fear had all but submerged Earth; she called out for help. Many of us from around the universe responded. When we came we too saw the points of light amidst the darkness and rejoiced. We came by the thousands, then the millions. We came to witness our brothers and sisters emerge from their darkness. We came to see the Creator’s light reflected back to the Creator from the darkness. And behold, that which the Creator desired manifested itself: Creatures reflected light back to the Creator so that the Creator may know Himself in yet another significant way.

In large numbers, from all corners of the universe, from many different planets, and from different civilization your brothers and sisters came to give their light to the struggling Earth and her human race. Celestials from the universes came. It was a glorious cooperative effort as we overcame the dark energy and her minions. There were no battles, just overwhelming love for all.

When we first arrived here, none of us anticipated that the light we were beaming to the planet would have the response it did. What has taken place over the intervening years was totally unanticipated. When we first arrived we saw a planet enshrouded in darkness with very few points of light. Nations were at war, many for the very survival of their people. Darkness gripped most of the planet. Fear was everywhere.

During the intervening years we continued to send light and love to the planet, and to her peoples. The response has been most surprising. Many humans of your planet have responded. Many have realized their lives as captives and have made the choice to live otherwise. It has been most gratifying for us who came from afar.

As we view your planet today, we see some who are condemned as terrorists by the existing power structures as using the only means at their disposal to react to tyrannical oppression. We see some people in freer countries responding with lives in the light. And we see some among the indigenous peoples secretly living lives in the light. The numbers of those now living conscious of the light is beyond what we had hoped for. The planet has become alive with enclaves of light, and the numbers are growing each day.

Keep in mind that those who openly rebel against oppressive governments are doing so in the only way they know. They have been carefully schooled to see force of arms as the means of oppression. They are thus using force to rebel. In countries where more subtle means are used to oppress the people, there is a movement to abandon the controls of the financial system, to do away with oppression by the government and lies by the media, and to see beyond the dogma of religions. More important than the overthrow of a tyrant or a monetary system, are the individual lights that are emerging from the darkness, for it is only with a loved-based civilization that the true emergence of Earth’s people can happen.

Whatever the means to overthrow the darkness, it is encouraging to us who wait and watch. We are here because you are our brothers and sisters. We love you very much, but cannot interfere with your free will. We can however make ourselves known. We encourage those who are just now seeing the light as well as those who are steeped in it. As we do so, just as we are communicating with you this day, something totally unexpected is happening: A planet and her peoples are emerging from the depths of darkness. This emerging is returning light to the Creator. This awakening is the turning point for the expansion of all that has taken place for eons. Now the Creator will call all back to become One, and all will be immersed in the light of Oneness.

We now see sufficient numbers of people who are functioning from the light that we are quite sure that the planet will complete her ascension and that she will have large numbers of people who will accompany her. This awakening from the darkness by individual choice is what signals to the universes that the day of the great turning is upon us. Now everywhere the darkness will wither and all will be of the light.

When we look at your world we see subtle lights as if from glowing embers of a carefully banked wood fire. For indeed that is the situation: Those who control you have subdued your energy in multiple ways to make sure that it does not flare up against them. Each of you precious humans possesses a fire within, a light that would make you all that you could be. This fire of the light — when unleashed — will cause the entire planet to light up as a brilliant sun. But those who control you have submerged your light by convincing you that you are just ordinary humans living ordinary lives of working, eating and sleeping.

Each structure (nation, state, corporation, etc.) has been carefully balanced by the Illuminate to insure that the right mixture of hope and despair will keep people barely alive to do its bidding. Each political and economic organization about the planet has been delicately balanced against one another: A little growth here, stagnation here, repression here, a taste of freedom there.

When we look at the energy signatures of Earth’s human slaves, we see energies igniting. At this moment the people in the political arena known as Egypt are breaking loose from their controls; their energy signature has turn bright blue. This in turn has unbalanced the entire planetary energy field. The controllers are searching mightily for a means to rebalance it before eruptions occur elsewhere around the globe, for the energies of the peoples of Egypt are contagious. Others who are ready to exert their rights to freedom and basic human rights are taking careful note.

So what does this portend for The Transformation? These first small steps will ignite a worldwide revolution that we will fan out with the energies of love and light. No current structure will be spared; all will be converted into that which serves the highest good of the governed, but more than that, once begun, it will not stop until it has completely revolutionized the way in which people relate to each other.

Now we are entering the final days of The Transformation. You are here to bear witness to it. You are here to live thorough it. We wish you well on your wondrous journey. We love you so much and are so happy to see the results finally emerging.

And so as Earth ascends and her humans ascend with her, we see a major turning point for this universe, and for all of creation. It is particularly gratifying for all of us who have been here for some time sending our light and love.

This transformation has implications for all of creation, for now that creatures of a creator God have taken it upon themselves to complete their transformation into beings of the light, it signals a great turning point for all. Remember all is Oneness so what the humans of Earth do affects all in creation. What had been a continuing expansion of the universe of universes will now begin a slow return to the Creator. This will take billion years of your time, but it is most assuredly commencing. Ultimately it will result in the return of all to the Creator in a glorious reunion of the light and dark, for the dark has now given way for the ultimate and last time.

Do not believe that the return will less glorious than the expansion, for it will not. The drama continues, but the script is undeniably altered, the conclusion of the play is foretold: All material, all spiritual creation will unite in a magnificent Oneness. For it is the intense desire to reunite with Creator that will push all back to Oneness. It had been the push from the Gods and oversouls that expanded the universes, now it is the response from the grassroots that will drive all back to One.

You the humans of Earth are to be congratulated, for it was due to your free will decisions that the turning point was reached. It was with your individual choices to anchor the light and become Caretakers of the new Earth that the energies of all were transformed.

So we bid you good-bye for now. Until next time, I am Adrial, I am Bren-Ton, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



Read the archived messages from Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, Ro-Tan, Adrial, and others by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For special announcements by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.