The Slippery Slope of Disclosure

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 75th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Today I welcome back Adrial, a celestial of this universe. Together we have fashioned the following message.

Greeting to all. I am pleased to present this material to you, in conjunction with Mark Kimmel who has supplied some of the details in the following, as well as formatting the message. I do embrace the final wording of this joint project.

Disclosure of the reality of beings from the planets of other star systems will soon take place; it is but the top of a very slippery slope, for if you are open, you will discover many, many facets of a much larger truth. Some of the following material may seem familiar; some of it will be new. Our intention here is to touch on the major facets of the larger truth in the hope that you will search out additional details for yourself and verify our words. Furthermore, it is our intention that having digested these truths you will realize that your freedom from their domination can only be achieved in ways not proscribed within a 3rd dimension box. In addition those of you who are conversant with this subject will be called upon to explain all to the awakening ones among you.

The truth is far beyond governments explaining away UFOs as swamp gas or weather balloons. The truth is far beyond the possibility that there are planets elsewhere in the universe and that sentient beings might exist on them. It is not so much that there are beings on other planets, which is easy to comprehend intellectually; the truth is much larger than ET starships materializing in Earth’s atmosphere — and much more confrontational. The truth is that there are beings walking this planet alongside what you recognize as your fellow Earth-humans. The truth is that these entities have been involved, and continue to be involved in your lives.

So let us begin this journey of discovery. First are the secret operations within most governments of this planet that conceal a working relationship with entities not indigenous to this planet. These relationships are generally known only to a select few in the military and intelligence services. In some countries, these relationships can also be found within corporations and other non-governmental institutions. By indigenous, we mean the humans who were originally brought here several hundred thousand years ago as a part of the star seed project, the ancestors of Earth’s four races, and who comprise ninety-nine percent of the population. Those characterized as not indigenous or “aliens” arrived somewhat later.

The arrival of the alien races has been described in other messages published at this site and in other readily available sources. There have been many off-planet races who came and modified the original human stock, but this is the easy part of disclosure, this is history. The more difficult part is the reality of the current presence of non-indigenous races and the complicity of governments cooperating with them in ways adversarial to the good of the ninety-nine percent majority. For at the heart of all that is wrong with Earth and her human population is meddling by certain extraterrestrial races that have infected the institutions and beliefs of mankind. This too was presented in earlier communications.

In modern times, an example of intimate cooperation between a government and an alien race took place in Germany during the time of Adolf Hitler. As a technologically developed nation, and one that sought to develop technology for aggressive purposes, Germany was the ideal candidate for compromise by a race of alien entities. Agreements were made to trade technology for human experimentation. It resulted in the development of rockets and other advanced propulsion systems. It also resulted in atrocities against Earth humans. When German scientists came to the United States with Project Paperclip the Nazi philosophy and the connection to aliens was infused into the U.S.; it remains to this day.

In the 1950’s there was an agreement between the government of the United States and a race of aliens who wished to experiment on human subjects. They traded technology for the right to perform biological experiments on ordinary humans with an aim of improving their own biology. These experiments are at the root of the missing children and abduction phenomenon.

Another aspect of disclosure is the infection of institutions created by mankind. This began many thousands of years ago with religions set up to worship those who had descended from the skies. Most of our current religions are rooted in these ancient beliefs. These infections of mankind’s institutions are dependent on the ability of the outsiders to shift into human form. For many thousands of years this has been a hidden aspect of life on this planet. Humans who achieve some measure of wealth or prominence are likely to be displaced by a shape shifter who appears to be the same human but who soon begins to act in ways unlike an indigenous human. Most likely this is due to a lack of emotions and morals in aliens. If you look closely, you can see this operating in politics, corporations, banking, religions, sports, and the media. This is the principle means of human bondage. This ugly truth will eventually surface as part of any truly transparent disclosure project.

The technology received from alien races, plus the billions of dollars spent on their development, have now resulted in secret military bases on the moon and on Mars. Alien technology is at the heart of projects such as HAARP that seek to control human behavior by broadcasting frequencies to induce fear. Other mind control techniques are regularly practiced on human subjects to compromise those in power and to create instruments of death.

The whole subject of September 11, 2001 is riddled with hidden truths surrounding the events of that day. The truth behind those events will eventually surface and will undoubtedly show that they are not as publicized in the popular media, nor are they a valid basis for war, torture, or national policy. Unveilings like this will show the complicity of the media and religions in your enslavement. Similarly, the chemtrails that cloud the skies are not some sort of benevolent attempt to slow global warming; rather they are filled with heavy metals and biological agents that have now infected all Earth-humans. These biological agents, used in conjunction with vaccines, are designed to increase fatalities from otherwise mild diseases.

So the slippery slope is indeed quite slick, for once you open yourself to all of these possibilities, and investigate them to satisfy yourself of their likely truth, you can never go back to seeing your Earthly existence from a conventional point of view.

Of more recent vintage are beings who have come to this planet in human form, but who are advocates of the welfare of indigenous humans and the ascension process. For if the those who operate in their own self interests are here, and are in control of the planet, then humans will not lift their enslavement by themselves. Humans require the assistance of outsiders; they are here in large numbers to do that very thing. They are here as those who incarnated with this mission as part of their soul
contracts. They are here as walk-ins who have come as replacements for original souls. And they are here as benign shape shifters.

There are over a million of these beings actively promoting the welfare of humanity at this moment. They are working in education and other institutions to awaken us to new ways of seeing and behaving. The most important truth about these more recent additions to our planet, and their associates in the vast armada overhead, is that they are unequivocally dedicated to our advancement and to Earth’s ascension — all within the framework of Oneness with God.

The slippery slope immediately comes into play when the subject of disclosure is broached. For when one of the facets of disclosure is revealed, say the presence of the armada of ships surrounding Earth, this will eventually open the gates to full disclosure of the role of the non-indigenous beings among us. This will in turn show the control by aliens of our governments, banks, corporations, religions, and media. Then ordinary people will at last understand the extent of their enslavement. Then there will be chaos. It is from this chaos that the new Earth will emerge.

The main point that we would like to make is that you need to be aware of these truths, as disclosure of beings from other star systems is unveiled. See the mechanisms of your enslavement, knowing that the time is now for the removal of all of these methods of enslaving you. Look upon your current situation, not as hopeless, but rather as one that cannot be fixed using the tools of the 3rd dimension. Only by embracing the higher vibrations of advancement will you remove yourselves from the morass of the enslavement.

This material is being presented at this time because very soon there will be the first glimmer of disclosure. DO NOT LET DISCLOSURE STOP AT THE MERE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UFOs; THERE IS MUCH MORE TO THE STORY. The truth is much more involved than some will wish to acknowledge. Do not allow earthly authorities to whitewash the truth and their complicity in your enslavement.

I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe who is here to assist the humans of Earth as they embrace their transitions to higher frequencies.

Thank you Adrial. I believe this experiment in working together has produced a good way for people to look beyond the surface aspects of disclosure.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. My work with this site is support by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

Stage 1

As I have said before, the messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. They detail the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity. As always I encourage you to seek out your own unique truth.

This is my 29th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following is a message from Justine from the star system Altair, plus a brief message from Bren-Ton of Andromeda.

Justine: The first indications that things were finally changing on my planet, Supsten, was that the truth about many things began to emerge. At first it was a trickle about the misdeeds of those in power, those who we had heretofore looked up to as superior to us. It turned out that we had misplaced our trust in them, and that they had taken the power and wealth we had allowed them to have and had misused it for their own pleasure, their own selfish ends.

As I said at first it was but a trickle in the otherwise solid façade that those we had given power to were anything other than somehow superior to the common man and woman. Once the cracks in that armor opened up, there was a mighty torrent of information about the misdeeds of our leaders, both current and past.

We had a media, not unlike yours on Earth, which broadcast information to us. It was only after the truth became apparent that we discovered that the media had been used as a weapon against us. It was a way in which the rich and powerful had misinformed us, had withheld the truth, and had outright lied to us about our situation. Our trust in the media was slow to erode as we had depended upon it to inform us of events.

So it was a dual collapse of our beliefs in the integrity of the media and our beliefs in the superiority of those in power. Many in my society became angry and attacked both the media and the powerful when they realized the extent of how they had been bled for so many years, how the money they had earned by their toil had gone to the pockets of the wealthy, and how government officials had supported this fleecing of the average person.

As we observe the situation here on Earth, we see that this 1st stage is just now commencing. Many people are seeing that the deeds of the wealthy and powerful are not, and have not been in their best interests, despite what they have been told by the media. As yet there is no outrage. We expect that to begin as soon as the extent of the fleecing of ordinary people settles into the common consciousness. Quite frankly, we are surprised that it has not already occurred. I can only say that maybe things will be different on Earth as your beliefs and structures collapse.

My planet Supsten is not as rich in diverse cultures, or plant and animal life as is Earth. As I communicated before we have only two human races, so the situation was somewhat simplified as we entered the time of transition. There are several landmasses on Supsten; each of these had their individual government. The peoples of the land masses had fought with each other in years past, but at the time of our transition, they were at peace with minor exceptions. It was fairly easy for us to see the activities of the wealth and powerful as they accumulated all monies and power unto themselves. The situation on earth is somewhat clouded by your incessant wars and civil strife. The dark agents are using these conflicts as another means of clouding the truth from you as well as enriching themselves.

The largest truth to come out was the role of the agents of the dark energy and how they had penetrated every structure on the planet. And not just penetrated, but were behind the scenes in control of everything from government structures to religious structures, from beliefs in the rule and role of laws to beliefs about God. This penetration of our society by non-human outsiders masquerading as humans caused a tremendous outpouring of anger by many of my fellow humans. This was the spark that ignited our rebellion against the powerful and wealthy. This has yet to happen on your world, but we foresee it in the near future.

We anticipate that an event of disclosure will be forthcoming in a short time, wherein the government will reveal the existence of UFOs, ETs, and their cover-up of that information. It is not clear whether this will involve the active participation of governments with ET projects; that may take a while to surface.

Bren-Ton: We see the agents of the dark energy scrambling to assemble Earth-human manufactured starcraft to create an event to convince the people of their power as well as instill fear of their brothers and sisters from other star systems. They are doing this in complicity with Earth-humans who desire to retain their power, both within the U.S. government and within private corporations. They desire to have this event happen very soon, prior to the legitimate disclosure of the truth about UFOs, extraterrestrials, and your government’s involvement with off-planet beings.

We want as many people as possible to know in advance that this is the plan of the dark ones, so that they can help others see any attempt on the part of the agents of dark to instill fear and overwhelm the legitimate disclosure of the truth. How all of these events will eventually materialize is dependent on the free will choices of many.

Whew, this is truly exciting; it indicates to me that events are speeding up. Thanks to both Justine and Bren-Ton for this information.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion, and should be shared with all.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available in this same way.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

Beliefs Part I

During 2008, and now in 2009, it has been my privilege to receive, transcribe, and publish messages from certain of our brothers and sisters from other star systems, and other distinguished sources. These uplifting messages are available in the archives of this site. They are filled with hope, love, and appreciation for that which is uniquely Earth, and uniquely Earth-human. I encourage everyone to pay close attention to these messages as we are entering unchartered territory: Nothing like the transition we are now experiencing has ever happened to the humans of Earth during our long history on this planet.

This is my 10th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Again we welcome back Bren-Ton of Andromeda aboard the starship Athabantian, in orbit about our planet.

It is my pleasure to return for more discussion. I would like to turn our focus now to a consideration of your beliefs. Beliefs are the glue that holds structures in place. For the next few transmissions, I will give you our observations as to how your beliefs impact your lives. Beliefs are different from truths. Those who would control you construct beliefs. Beliefs are a fabrication; beliefs are not truth.

For those of you existing on Earth at this time, truth is something that is very hard to determine. That is because there is so much circulating among you that is based on beliefs. Scientific theories are beliefs; they are not truths. Any theory is a belief that something exists, or works, as portrayed by the theory. It is not the truth of the thing, nor is it the experience of the thing.

Your experience of typing these words is real. It is your experience of reality. You can be sure that when you depress a particular key it will produce a particular letter on the screen. That is a valid experience. It is not a belief. If you had no experience of typing, then you might believe that depressing a key would produce a letter, however after you actually do act, it results in an experience.

You experience certain bodily functions. You know that these are true because you experience them. If you eat an apple, you can experience the taste of it, and the satisfaction of having eaten it. If you see other apples in the store, you can believe that they will produce the same experience, but until you have eaten them it is only a belief.

Mark, you have a wonderful ability to visualize. By visualizing you are able to produce a feeling within your body. Your body does not know the difference between your imagination of a particular action and the actuality of that experience. You can imagine eating an apple and feel the pleasure associated with it. You can eat the apple and feel the same pleasure.

As one goes through life it is important to distinguish between that which is real, that which one has experienced, versus that which one has imagined, or visualized. Your body reacts the same to either.

Beliefs are used to control you. You have a belief that you are not capable of governing yourself without having a structure with which to do so. So a government is created to control you, and all the other people who need to be controlled. Laws are enacted to spell out that control. Everyone is seen in an adversarial light versus the government that has been set up. Each person must fight for his or her rights. Each must diligently pursue that which is due to them. Once you give up your personal power to a structure, you automatically place yourself in a position of less than. Once you are less than the structure, you must fight to get that which was yours in the first place.

Structures thus have the ability to take you away from the position of being one with others and place you in a position of opposition to others. The belief that a structure is necessary is what gives it power over you.

If you were to approach each situation knowing that you were one with all other people, all other things, you would see the situation much differently. If you were one with the land you would not need laws to govern how you lived upon it. If you were one with other people you would not need laws to govern how you interacted with them. Laws are structures based on beliefs that they are necessary.

Begin to see yourself as one with all. In the new civilization, all will recognize that they are one. This is one of the demarcations of an advanced civilization. The new civilization of earth will have the ideal of one at its very foundation. The concept of beliefs and structures is the opposite of knowing and living with the truth that all is one. Again beliefs are what allow structures to exist. Examine your beliefs. Are they serving you?

Thank you Bren-Ton. I look forward to more communications from you about beliefs, and how we can create a civilization of light without them.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


My heartfelt thanks to those who have made generous financial contributions to my efforts. As I have explained, for the past twelve years I have labored to bring forth the truth about the situation of mankind on this planet and the enlightened prospects for our future, AN ACTIVITY I PLAN TO CONTINUE. It has been a labor of love, to which I have devoted both my full time and resources. I am now reaching the limits of my ability to continue funding this activity. Therefore, I am appealing to those of you who benefit from these communications to support this work by making a financial contribution. You may do this by mailing a check to: Mark Kimmel, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. (You may also use the “Donate” button on the left to use PayPal or donate by credit card.)

In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I am receiving large numbers of emails.