2009 Hignhights III

During 2009 it was my privilege to receive, transcribe, and publish messages from certain of our brothers and sisters from other star systems, and other distinguished sources. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. They are filled with hope, love, and reverence for that which is uniquely Earth, and uniquely Earth-human. I would encourage everyone to pay close attention to these messages as we are entering unchartered territory: Nothing like our current transition has ever happened to the humans of Earth during our long history on this planet. The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below).

The following is a summary of sorts in that I have chosen a paragraph from the postings to this site for the second half of 2009. Each posting is a beautiful expression of the love its author holds for you the citizens of Earth; the excerpts are but samples that fall short of capturing the full expression of each message. (As was the case two days ago, as I undertook this process for these new postings, I was truly overwhelmed by the magnificence and insights in the words of the various messages.) If one paragraph particularly appeals to you, or if the words seem somewhat out of context, then go to that particular date in the archives (below) and read the message in its entirety. I hope, by presenting these paragraphs to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

Once again, I want to thank all those who have communicated with me this past year. I am humbled to be part of such insightful uplifting messages.

This exercise has served as a very valuable review for me also, as I am sometimes not conscious of the details of the messages I post here. I have printed all three of these “Highlights” posting for my own review and contemplation; I recommend that you do the same.

Happy New Year

In Truth, Love & Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

July 3rd: Adrial
Frequencies are on a spectrum from the densest where there is little if any light to the pure light of the Creator. It is a spectrum of many, many frequencies. There are no precise divisions between one group of frequencies and another grouping. Thus it would not be correct for me to say that I was at a frequency of five or ten. Yes, it is true that I am at a higher frequency than is your physical body, but your soul is at a much higher frequency than your body. In fact your soul is at a very high frequency, as an individuated part of your oversoul, one of the primary creations of this universe.

You interact with the other people of this planet, and perhaps with those from other star systems, but you do not create them. Your job is difficult enough in this lifetime without worrying about creating your reality. The reality around you is created from energy through the cooperation of the oversouls and other agents of God. You are the beneficiary of that creation, not its designer, nor its implementer.

July 5th: Justine, Moraine & Bren-Ton
The impact of our appearance on religions will be most immediately felt as they scramble to explain how to fit their antiquated belief systems into the reality of life not only on distant planets, but in plain sight in your atmosphere. The fundamentalists of all religions will attempt to turn our appearance into a fearful event, claiming we are evil and that this is the predicted end times. This is not the end; this is a new beginning. As we said earlier in this message, we come in peace.

July 7th: Adrial
I am with you today to speak about “A Series of Steps.” The transformation from your current state of emersion in the remnants of the dark energy to a place of light will be accomplished in stages, with contributions by beings from around the universe. It is a process that has been meticulously planned. It is a process that commenced some years ago with the awakening of those of you who had incarnated here to be part of this transition.

The steps continue today with energies are transforming your DNA and consciousness. The goal of these myriad steps is to return Earth and her human residents to that place of pristine elegance before the dark energy descended on Earth. The goal is to resonate those who will be caretakers of the new Earth with a new frequency.

July 15th: Justine
We foresee that you will experience the destruction of institutions like your monetary system, as that which will better serve the needs of all, rather than the few replaces it. We foresee that there will be earth shifts, plus extreme weather and rising ocean levels, as the planet is righted on her axis. All of these will occur over the next months, along with the appearance of starcraft from around the galaxy.

July 15th: Adrial
The transition that you are undergoing will take place neither in an instant, as many foresee; nor will it require many years, as predicted by others. You will experience a startlingly different paradigm as you return to the pristine planet of your distant ancestors. It will not be accomplished within the manmade structures of this planet.

There will be a level of chaos as people adjust to new ways of being. Three types of events will interlace themselves: 1. The appearance of your brothers and sisters from other planets to assist you. 2. The crumbling of your existing institutions to make way for new leadership. 3. Earth shifts and extreme weather that are a part of Earth returning to her pristine state.

July 28th: Bren-Ton, Justine & Adrial
It is our hope that you will now undertake bold action on your own behalf. By doing so the greater are your chances that you will become caretakers of the new Earth, and will not have to replay successive incarnations in this density to achieve soul growth. To help you understand your situation we have asked Mark to help us lay before you some of the illusions under which you are laboring and the reality of each.

Illusion #1: The situation on Earth today is fairly similar to how it has always been. Wars, poverty, and conflicting beliefs are just the way it is, and it will continue in much the same way. Reality: The Earth of today is vastly different from that of thousands of years ago when it was a beautiful pristine planet. Wars, poverty, structures, and beliefs have been imposed on you by amoral invaders aligned with the dark energy who act only to their own benefit. We are assisting Earth as she returns to her previous state; you are invited to come along with her. On the new Earth there will be no dark energy or the agents thereof, nor will wars or poverty exist, and structures will be to the benefit of all.

July 30th: Adrial
Greetings to all from those of us who observe and serve you. I am responding to questions from readers of these messages. For many thousands of years, the peoples of Earth have made little progress toward fulfilling their destiny as children of the light. There have been material gains, but, in general, little spiritual growth. The “band-aid” approach has not worked; fundamental change has not occurred.
• What is different in this moment of your time is that Earth is transitioning to a lighter density, having shaken off the dark energy.
• What is different is that an armada of craft, from around the galaxy, are assembled near Earth. Their energy has assisted your planet with her return to health; they will now assist you.
• What is different this time is that the attention of an entire universe is directed toward Earth and the transition of her humans.
• What is different this time is that a million non-resident beings are walking the planet to assist mankind.

August 4th: Adri
If any one believes that the new Earth will happen without dislocations and turmoil, they do not understand the extent of the transformation, nor of your enslavement. As wondrous as the new Earth will be, just so is the contrast with what currently exists. The dark energy has enslaved you, oh earth humans. Face this realization, and you will more readily cope with the transition time. Prepare to turn your back on that which you have come to depend. Turn your back on the electricity that is supplied at terrific cost to the Earth in terms of the coal that is gouged from her beautiful landscape and the oil that is pumped from the depths of her skin. Turn your back on the food that is grown with the devastating chemicals and transported for thousands of miles at great cost to the environment. Turn your back on the miles of concrete that smother Earth as they provide routes for you to traverse her surface. Turn your back on the false comfort of your lives as you leach from the Earth materials and energy to supply your comforts. Do not be blinded by false promises of an easy transition to the wondrous new Earth. What are you willing to leave behind that has contributed to your comforts?

August 10th: Adrial
The most important thing you can do in this lifetime is to tend to your own light, setting an example for those who observe you. You cannot change one of your sisters who is of the dark until your sister is ready to change. You cannot awaken one of your brothers who chooses to sleep until that brother wishes to awaken. Live in the light, giving an example of the highest way to conduct yourself.

It does not matter where you reside, or what you do in this 3rd dimension, it is the way in which you live your life that is all-important. Are you self-centered, or are you considering the needs and wishes of others? Are you focused on your mission to the exclusion of all else, or do you include the needs and wishes of others?

Regardless of what they are showing by their actions, each humans of Earth, and each being in the universe, are children of God, and thus are your brothers and sisters. Do not condemn them, for chances are you once lived a life as one of them is now living. This is the Oneness of all.

August 12th: Mark
I hope this recounting of my personal transformation will assist others to understand that, “if an old business guy like Mark Kimmel can do this, so can I.” We are involved with the transformation of the human presence on this planet. Its outcome has implications for the entire universe. I hope all of you reading this message will live in the light, setting an example of someone who “walks his or her talk.”

August 18th: Bren-Ton
Thank you, Mark, it is my pleasure to return once again. The situation you describe has been so for much of mankind’s history: Battles have been won, new beginning celebrated, but the ultimate solution has evaded the best of intentions. Why? Because the forces of the dark remain so deeply entrenched that the loss of a single battle will not defeat them. It is only by shining the Creator’s light on it that the dark energy will ultimately be overcome.

The big questions remains: Is this possible within the context of current human existence on planet Earth? After all the situation on your planet has remained largely unchanged for thousands of years. The darkness has so overwhelmed ordinary humans that most do not understand how completely they are enslaved. Most simply feel that this is the way things are here, and that this is the way things will continue.

It need not be so. Your brothers and sisters from other planets are showing you the way, showing you how your lives could be much improved. The light of the Creator can infuse itself to the extent that the dark energy will be eliminated. This has been accomplished on other planets that were laboring in darkness; it can happen here also. It is happening here!

August 25th: Bren-Ton
These problems are not confined to the United States. Each country has its own set of challenges. You live in an extraordinary time. All of the factors I speak of will now cumulate into change for the planet and its peoples. We who observe from afar, as well as those of us among you who are working for a positive transition of the planet, foresee a period of difficulty worldwide. Those who have become dependent on the production capability of others at great distances will suffer the most. Those who import food from great distance will likewise most feel the effects. Those who do not have an assured source of clean water will regret that they have not paid attention to this important detail. Those who do not have adequate shelter for the months ahead will find themselves “out in the cold.”


Earth is returning to her former majesty; those who would be caretakers are invited to accompany her. Those who cling to the current paradigms will not be included. To what of the current paradigm are you attached? Make preparations now for the changes that are coming.

September 4th: Adrial
Greetings. I offer the following to you as one who has observed your planet since its inception. Many of your enlightened brothers and sister of Earth have fallen into the trap of believing that some magical moment will happen wherein they will ascend to some higher dimension in an instant of time. Keeping in mind that Earth is returning to her former self does not square with this perception of a magical ascension.

Rather it is imperative that everyone understand that there are soul contracts to be fulfilled, karma to be played out, and the effects of free will choices to be learned. If these are introduced into the picture, then the magical moment makes no sense; rather a path of modifying what is already in place and/or creating anew, albeit at a higher frequency, will occur.

And who will construct this new government? You who are returning with Earth to her former brilliance are charged with creating new institutions. And how will you learn to do this? You will be taught, by your brothers and sisters from other worlds who have mastered governing. They will come to be with you to teach you the art of governing in Oneness. Those of you who would be the students of this new government, who would have a hand in creating the new government, will learn what has worked on other planets. And you will determine a form of government suitable for the new Earth, the brilliant new Earth, the most magnificent planet in the galaxy. Earth with her diversity will require a government in accordance with that diversity. Perhaps it will be governments, not just a government. That is something to be hashed out in discussion between you the caretakers and those who will bring their knowledge and wisdom. Nothing will be imposed from afar; rather it will be a developed jointly.

The coming days of the transition will see families separated as members thereof pursue their individual free choices based on their understanding of events, their resonance with love or fear, and their attachment to the things of this paradigm. Each person is to choose for him- or herself. None may coerce another. Each of you has a mission with regard to these times. You came here with that agreement. Discover your path. Pursue it at any cost to your current comforts or attachments. You are all called to be caretakers of the new Earth. We do not wish for any to remain in this density, however it is always an individual choice. Each will next find him- or herself in a situation where the frequency will be most amenable to their choice.

September 14th: God
The only constant in My universe is change. I designed it that way. And it will not change. This again causes the prediction of the tim
ing of future events to become nigh impossible. Add this to the reading of your tealeaves, or the examination of the stars, and you see how impossible it is to predict any major event with accuracy.

At the same time I can tell you that your planet, really it’s My planet, and its people, My children, are undergoing unprecedented change. Earth is returning to her former pristine self. That may not be readily apparent, but it is happening. This will cause major changes for My children who dwell on her surface. It will be an exciting time, filled with promise and challenge.

Then there is another factor: The free will of all involved. Either the collective free will, or the free will of a single individual, can change the course of any event. Free will decisions apply both to those who support a particular change and to those who oppose it. In the case of Earth’s return, there are those who stubbornly oppose it. In this case, despite their efforts, they will not prevail; Earth will return to her former glory.

As to future events, there will be many changes coming to the humans of Earth. These events are already unfolding. There will be more. You live in exciting times. My suggestion is that you find how you can lovingly contribute to the changes that are underway. Find your unique contribution and grab hold. It will be a ride like you have never experienced before. Enjoy the discovery of the new; enjoy the old lifting from your shoulders. Your life is much easier when you adopt an attitude of joy and acceptance.

September 15th: God
Good Day, My children. I am pleased to again have this opportunity to clarify certain things. A lifetime on Earth is a lifetime filled with challenges. Everyone who incarnates on this planet agrees to incarnate knowing in advance that their life will be filled with difficult challenges. If you did not wish difficult challenges you would not have chosen to come to this planet, particularly at this juncture.

In the months ahead the challenges will change, there I go again using one of my favorite words, “change.” In the months ahead, the challenges will be unlike those experienced before by Earth-humans. Earth herself will change, transforming herself back to the brilliant sphere that she was when humans first arrived. This returning will cause many dislocations in what you believe is the natural order of things.

Your challenge will be to adapt to these changes. Weather will change, ice will melt, and seas will rise, as warming engulfs the entire planet. There may even be “earth shifts.” All of these will present challenges of adapting to a changed environment.

There will be additional challenges to your traditional life as many of your man-made institutions collapse to make way for new ways of organizing to provide for the good of all. You will learn about leadership and how to teach each new ways of organizing and doing. More challenges face you as you transform into the humans of the new Earth.

One of your challenges will be to forget your traditional ways of relating to each other. You will come to see each other as My children, whether from this planet or some far off sphere. The challenge will be to put aside traditional ways of knowing each other, of judging each other, of loving or fearing each other.

The best way to approach all these challenges is to see them as learning opportunities. First and foremost, Earth is an educational planet. That was the purpose for which I created her. She is diverse and beautiful in order to teach her occupants about beauty and diversity. Learn from the experience of being here.

October 6th: Bren-Ton
So as the light of truth and love increases on your world, so do the dark activities of the powerful, the wealthy, and the religious. As an observer of what is happening around you, approach all in an attitude of love. See those of the light as they manifest more clearly. See the positive events as they occur. See the unveiling of the truth and celebrate. Also see the activities of the dark; do not deny them, for to so gives them power. Acknowledge these activities, and then concentrate on the love and beauty manifesting itself.

These are times of great change. They are upon all of the Earth. Look at the behavior of animals; they sense the change. Be aware of changes in the weather. The magnetic field of the planet is changing. The pole is shifting. All about you is in change. Embrace the change and you will be more at peace. Find your center and stand firm. Retain your balance for the sake of those around you. Discover who you really are and why you are here at this moment and in this place. What is your unique mission? Where are you called to be? What are you called to do?

October 8th: Bren-Ton
From our vantage point we see the general population of the planet oblivious to the injuries they inflict each day. We have attempted to awaken you. Your glimpses of our ships demonstrate our presence nearby. There are over a million of us walking the surface of your planet, working to awaken all to who they really are. At this point we have no choice but to resort to more extreme measures in one last attempt to awaken more of you, for Earth will ascend to a higher frequency, will shed that which defiles her. She will, once again, become an iridescent pristine planet.

There are a few in the population listening to us. In these few we have hope of a continuation of the civilization that is unique to Earth. So it has been determined that these will ascend with Earth to become her caretakers. The sleeping masses will go to another planet where they may live out their slumber and in time, with repeated incarnations, awaken to their magnificence. On this new planet they will awaken believing they are at home and have always lived there. From our vantage point we have no other choice: Earth is ascending. She must be allowed to fulfill her destiny as a beacon for all in the universe. She will no longer be subjected to the fear generated by the majority of her guest population.

October 11th: Moraine & Justine
Greetings. We are here to talk about what it means to be a caretaker of a planet that has transitioned to the light. We recently had that experience and believe you would benefit from hearing our story.

Back to Supsten and our transition. We were asked who wished to be a caretaker of the ascended planet. Each person, in some way, was given this information: Do you wish to remain on Supsten for an extended lifetime? Do you wish to assist others of this planet, the animals, and the planet to ascend? Will you commit to being a caretaker? (Nothing was spelled out in precise terms – because we would not have understood it anyway.)

We will not go into the exact process of transformation, particularly as it may not be the same here on Earth. However we will describe the end product: Our physical bodies became younger. Aging halted and we assumed the physical envelope of young people. This was done without reverting to death or reincarnation, without “walking in” to younger bodies. Our bodies were simply transformed into younger versions of our existing forms.

We retained our memories of all that had transpired in our lifetime. Everything we considered good, or not so good, all decisions, all experiences, and all lessons were remembered, in most cases more vividly. We arrived at a place where we had our memories and mental facilities intact, our personalities were retained, but we were in younger, more physically attractive bodies. The younger bodies resembled ours at a younger age, but were more beautiful and healthy. When you meet us, you will understand what we mean. The glimpses we show to you now are of our new bodies.

The process of increasing one from the lower density of Earth to the lighter density, in which we who are your brothers and sisters exist, requires special processes. It is not easy for a human of Earth to raise their frequency to match that of
ours. It is a process that employs several techniques. There is no magic button that can be pushed and, magically, you are now functioning at a higher frequency. The institute we are creating will offer such to those who would be caretakers of the new Earth, as well as other training.

October 17th: Moraine & Justine
It is our pleasure to return for more discussion about life after Earth’s ascension to higher frequencies. What would it be like to have another 50 to 100 years added to your life? Not much for someone who is young, but for someone who is older it would mean quite a lot. If you knew right now that you would have an additional 50 to 100 years, how would you live your life differently? Would it be as a caretaker of the new Earth?

After the basics were supplied, there then came the matter of what we were to do. The forces of the transformation had dismembered our old institutions. There was no economy; there were no towns, cities, nations, government, or most other organizations, period. We had to organize ourselves, first into small neighborhood groups, then into ever-larger groups. And how was that done? Those who had done this process on other planets assisted our reorganization. Our brothers and sisters from other planets, and celestials who had seen it all before, came and taught us what had worked for them.

The psychological adjustments to a new body may be more extreme than the physical. You will acquire new strength and endurance. These must be used wisely or you may injure yourself. A healthy amount of self-discipline is advised. Also your new body will function as that of a younger person with all the natural inclinations with regards to sex and consumption of foods and beverages. Using your new body to pleasure yourself, whether it be climbing mountains or engaging in sex should be tempered with the knowledge that you are now a caretaker of the new Earth, and that this is your primary responsibility. Nonetheless, make sure you enjoy your new environment; it will be a wondrous place compared to that in which you now dwell.

October 26th: Bren-Ton
What does it take for you to internalize that you are slaves to a small group of wealthy and powerful beings, many of who are not even of your human species? What does it take to awaken your hearts to know that those of us on other worlds are truly free to love, and that there is justice and equality? What does it take for you to internalize that you are being taken advantage of? What do you need to awaken and change?

Look at all that you have ingested from television, movies, and books, from your religions, and from your schools. Examine how others have circumscribed your lives, others who do not have your best interests at heart, and are operating from their self-interests. You have internalized their propaganda to make you “feel” comfortable. We are offering you truth and asking that you internalize it so that you will act in a different way, so that you will awaken to the larger picture, and so that you will welcome us as your brothers and sisters from the stars who come in peace.

Internalize our reality. Internalize our sisterhood and brotherhood. Feel that we are all One. Internalize who you are, and who you may become. Internalize that you are being called to be cosmic citizens, to join with your brothers and sisters. Feel and then act in your own best interests, not the way you might be directed to do by those who cling to their power and wealth and would smash you without concern.

November 2nd: Adrial
When the dark energy separated from Creator it did so in the name of individualizing itself from Oneness. The dark energy decided to pursue what it wanted for itself rather than cooperate with the rest of the cosmos. Once that seed was planted in that ancient oversoul, it was but a short journey to expressing itself in ways directly opposed to the light. It began to feed on the absence of light, the darkness. It soon discovered that it could gain power over others by diminishing the light within them. As it explored this new way of being, all manner of depravity took place, all in the name of separation from Creator. For some souls, the lure of self-aggrandizement attracted them to this dark energy, only to find that in the process they were submerged by it. So began a relentless struggle by dark entities to distinguish themselves at any cost, regardless of consequences to others.

This then forms the basis for the rugged individual of Earth. Distinguishing oneself regardless of the cost to others is a trademark of those who mistakenly see their individual path separate from the whole. This self-centered drive can manifest itself within an entrepreneur or pioneer. How then does the altruistic nature of an entrepreneur manifest itself? How does the leader of a movement operate in concert with Oneness? How does one leave behind individual drive to encompass the good of all?

The sleeping masses are asleep because they refuse to give up their individual, self-centered points of view. Religions, popular culture, the media, and most Earth structures are based on separateness. Structures at the higher lighter densities are based on Oneness, not individualism. This will require a completely new way of thinking. That is one of the reasons we are creating an institute: To help 3rd density humans comprehend Oneness. For it is only in Oneness that you will be accepted into the loving family of the universe.

November 6th: Adrial
Each of you should provide for yourselves for the coming times, as you are able. Secure a place where you may be comfortable to stay warm and dry. Store whatever food you can. Secure a source of water, storing some if possible. Even those who are of meager resources can take some actions. Store food under your bed. Store water in your bathtub. The conditions of change and transformation will occur differently for each according to their ability to sustain themselves. The most important thing is your intent. Do you earnestly wish to be a caretaker of the new Earth? If so, your intent will assist you to survive hardships and you will have the experience to relate to the other caretakers. And, yes, there are some location where the coming changes will be easier than in others.

There are energy generating and energy saving products and systems that will be employed during and after the changes. All that helps to create clean energy and make it available for people to use in their lives should be pursued. It would be best if these were done in such a way that there is not a capitalist or profit motive behind their development. As my last message stressed, you are now entering a stage where you must learn cooperation and collaboration above all else. Individual initiative is to be applauded; things done in the name of cooperation and the highest benefit of all is the new way of functioning.

November 7th: Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine & Moraine
Now is a time of waiting. There is little if any new information to be presented to you. If you have made your preparations well, then you have nothing to fear from what is to come. Take this time to breathe, to center yourself, to relax, and enjoy those things of Earth that are beneficial and beautiful.

If you have not prepared all, then take this time to do so. We have previously indicated what is to be done for your physical well being, for your emotional and mental health, and for your soul. Take this time to do all that you need to do to prepare.

December 8th: Adrial
Greetings: There are many things transpiring that you will see no mention of in your newspapers, television, radio broadcasts, magazines, or books. These events are taking place in preparation for the public disclosure of the presence of your brothers and sisters from distant star systems. We know that you are eager for some tangible proof of these events, but the agents of the dark energy are hiding them. Soon all will be made public. Then the next phase of the transition
to the new Earth can begin. We too wish events would hurry along, however there are many obstacles; your enslavement is deeply rooted. Nonetheless it is coming to an end — of this there is no question.

December 9th: Adrial
Greetings: There are several transformative changes now at work on Earth. One relates to the monetary system and economic structures of your current civilization. This very old structure was purposely organized so that the few at the top would reap the benefit of the efforts of those lower on the pyramid. Your monetary system is crashing. The banking system will be no more. The elites are being stripped of their ill-gotten wealth. The current economic structure will disappear.

The second, and more important change is the increasing vibration of the planet, as she raises her frequency. This will result in moderate temperatures worldwide. This will also cause some earth shifts as tectonic plates and oceans adjust to less ice, and will precipitate volcanic activity in certain areas.

The third event is the appearance of your brothers and sisters from distant star systems. The disclosure of their reality by your governments is but a prelude to their appearance. These announcements and appearances are taking time in order to avoid widespread fear, a condition the current controllers would desire. First there will be announcements, after which there will be increasing appearances. Then there will be on-going contact between civilizations.

The fourth factor is the galactic energies that are affecting your star and all planets of your system. Some of these happen with regular long-term frequency; others have been designed for this moment. You might be feeling them as energies that are affecting your bodies. They are affecting all on the planet – humans, animals, plants and rocks — regardless of whether they are being detected or not. These are transformative energies.

December 15th: Adrial
The main point that we would like to make is that you need to be aware of these truths, as disclosure of beings from other star systems is unveiled. See the mechanisms of your enslavement, knowing that the time is now for the removal of all of these methods of enslaving you. Look upon your current situation, not as hopeless, but rather as one that cannot be fixed using the tools of the 3rd dimension. Only by embracing the higher vibrations of advancement will you remove yourselves from the morass of the enslavement.

This material is being presented at this time because very soon there will be the first glimmer of disclosure. DO NOT LET DISCLOSURE STOP AT THE MERE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UFOs; THERE IS MUCH MORE TO THE STORY. The truth is much more involved than some will wish to acknowledge. Do not allow earthly authorities to whitewash the truth and their complicity in your enslavement.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

My work with this site is supported by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

2009 Highlights II

During 2009 it was my privilege to receive, transcribe, and publish messages from certain of our brothers and sisters from other star systems, and other distinguished sources. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. They are filled with hope, love, and reverence for that which is uniquely Earth, and uniquely Earth-human. I would encourage everyone to pay close attention to these messages as we are entering unchartered territory: Nothing like our current transition has ever happened to the humans of Earth during our long history on this planet. The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below).

The following is a summary of sorts in that I have chosen a paragraph from the postings to this site for the second quarter of 2009. Each posting is a beautiful expression of the love its author holds for you the citizens of Earth; the excerpts are but samples that fall short of capturing the full expression of each message. (As was the case two days ago, as I undertook this process for these new postings, I was truly overwhelmed by the magnificence and insights in the words of the various messages.) If one paragraph particularly appeals to you, or if the words seem somewhat out of context, then go to that particular date in the archives (below) and read the message in its entirety. I hope, by presenting these paragraphs to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who have communicated with me this past year. I am humbled to be part of such an insightful uplifting for the people of this planet.

Happy New Year

In Truth, Love & Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

April 2nd: Bren-Ton
From our vantage point aboard starcraft orbiting your planet, we see the governments slowly crumbling, as they are unable to supply the needs of their populaces. We do not see that the current efforts will results in a strong solution, rather they will exacerbate the weaknesses inherent in the debt based monetary systems that are used to control Earth’s human population.

April 6th: Justine
As we observe the situation here on Earth, we see that this 1st stage is just now commencing. Many people are seeing that the deeds of the wealthy and powerful are not, and have not been in their best interests, despite what they have been told by the media. As yet there is no outrage. We expect that to begin as soon as the extent of the fleecing of ordinary people settles into the common consciousness. Quite frankly, we are surprised that it has not already occurred. I can only say that maybe things will be different on Earth as your beliefs and structures collapse.

April 6th: Bren-Ton
We see the agents of the dark energy scrambling to assemble Earth-human manufactured starcraft to create an event to convince the people of their power as well as instill fear of their brothers and sisters from other star systems. They are doing this in complicity with Earth-humans who desire to retain their power, both within the U.S. government and within private corporations. They desire to have this event happen very soon, prior to the legitimate disclosure of the truth about UFOs, extraterrestrials, and your government’s involvement with off-planet beings.

April 11th: Justine
Associated with this time was the failure of all services such as public utilities, law enforcement, fire protection, and garbage collection. It is not until one has to do without these that one appreciates the value of what one has. This second stage was not a pretty picture, and I am having trouble recalling some aspects of it. We foresee this stage occurring for you within the near future. However, on Supsten we did not have the giant corporations you have on Earth, so our actions were targeted solely against our governments. Yours is a more complex situation, in many cases you do not know who is responsible for what, or where to find them, so doing away with existing structures will be more difficult. Stage I was the unfolding of the truth about your enslavement. Stage II is the reaction of people to that realization.

April 11th: Bren-Ton
But act you must. Choose you must. We who are of the armada are awaiting your actions before coming to assist you. The bifurcation of humanity will be determined between those who are active and those who remain passive. Those who are not active participants in the change, or who remain fearful or angry, will continue in the 3rd dimension by reincarnating at another time, or moving to another planet.

April 15th: Earth
All life forms that now inhabit my surface were brought here from afar. After I provided a suitable ocean and land, the agents of God who are charged with such tasks introduced plants. In my case I was given an extraordinary variety of plant life, both on my land and in my seas. This variety is unrivalled anywhere else in the galaxy. A while later animals, birds, fish, and insects from around the galaxy were introduced.

My transition to a lighter density is being accomplished with the help of many of your brothers and sisters from other star systems, as well as mighty celestials, agents of God. Together they will be freezing time for my human guests, as well as my animal, bird, fish, and insect residents. This will enable me to accelerate my return to my former state of pure waters, clean air, and pristine land. My plant life will be repaired, and once again my deserts will bring forth the trees and grasses that formerly existed in there.

April 24th: Adrial
When an individual human such as you wishes to create something, the universe mind presents thought forms that you may access. You think you have a new idea; in reality it most likely is a thought form that floated into your consciousness from the universe mind. Your individual mind then adapts it to your particular circumstances. With trillions of thought forms in the great ocean of the universe mind, you may tap into almost limitless variations of solutions. Your mind sorts through them as needed then adapts them to your particular situation.

Thought forms that trigger some apparently impossible or unrealistic situation may play havoc with your mind. You must learn to control these, or they will lead you down roads paths not for your highest good. Books that present fantastical plots arouse the reader to believe such things are possible on your world, in your life. While it is true that anything is possible, you would do well to decide what is appropriate for your highest good and pursue learning along those lines, not indulge in unattainable flights of fantasy.

April 29th: Adrial
How severe the transformation of Earth’s residents will be, will be determined by what it will take for all of the structures and belief systems to fail, and new ones to emerge. How long that process will take can only be determined by the people involved. Look around you, how many of your neighbors are ready to give up what they have for a new way of living based on love? Not many.

April 30th: Adrial
As I explained yesterday, the complete transition of Earth and her inhabitants will require some time: there is no single event that will magically solve all your problems. There is nothing about such an event that will abrogate the process that I communicated yesterday. I reiterate what others have said, “We are not coming to save you.”

May 4th: Adrial
As Bren-Ton has told you, the races that seeded Earth were not primitive. They were placed somewhat apart so that they could establish themselves before beginning to interact. They each developed a civilization somewhat reflecting the star sy
stem from whence they had come. The four civilizations developed independently until they achieved the means to interact. The majority of the individuals of these civilizations operated from a place of love. They knew of their origins, knew of the Creator, and were telepathic. They valued their direct connection to God. These civilizations lived in peace for a long time.

May 7th: Adrial
In the coming months all will be sorted according to the light. This is the light coming from the ships of the armada, the light coming from the galaxy, the light generated by each individual human, and the light of the Creator. Those humans of the highest light, light workers, and those who resonate with them, will be called to move with Earth, as a moth is attracted to the light of an electric bulb. Those who resonate at a much, much slower frequency, that which is dictated by fear, will not be able to tolerate such a high frequency of light and will flee from it. They will be removed, or they will choose to die. After death their souls will be placed among others of that slow frequency and will be given opportunities to reincarnate in order to achieve lightness.

Then there are those who fall into neither of the above categories, those who are neither of the highest frequency nor of the lowest; these are the humans who are asleep. They are the vast majority who are comfortable in their discomfort, “who go along just to get along.” The third aspect of the trifurcation will be for these. They will be removed from Earth and taken to another 3rd dimension planet where they will awaken. As I say, all of this will occur over the next months of Earth time. We, who are not of Earth, see it as already accomplished.

May 11th: Adrial
Also, please keep in mind that there are limits to what I may disclose to you. We do not allow you to foresee the future in the same way as we who see the all-present, because there are many choices involved, and because there exists the need to allow each person to choose in the moment. Based on observing you for thousands of years, it is my considered opinion, an opinion shared by many others, that mankind is unable to overcome the dark energy and its agents without external assistance, thus the armada of starships and the many non-residents who walk the planet to assist you. We are restoring your DNA so that you may more fully function knowing the truths of the larger universe, and be less bound by fear. Those who enslave you limited the solutions you are able to conceive. The schemes, constructs, and beliefs imposed on the humans of earth must be dismantled before you will be truly free to create your own future.

May 14th: Bren-Ton
What is it that you are doing that keeps you attached to this 3rd dimension? Are you clinging to the money, or to possessions that you have amassed? Are you enjoying the pleasures of this 3rd dimensional existence such as food, wine, and sex that momentarily satiate your appetites? Or is it the drama of life in the 3rd dimension that appeals to you? Do you desire the give and take of competition with others to demonstrate your superiority, and their inferiority? Or is it the drama you find in a book or a dark movie. Or is it shopping for new clothes, or just the thrill of shopping?

April 20th: Zirtof
The third part of my operation is keeping the dark energy at bay, for it would gladly return if it detected a weakness in the light energy we are transmitting. From time to time its agents attempt to penetrate our curtain of light, but they are rebuffed by a renewed intensity of light energy in that particular sector. Our ships now completely surround your planet in every direction.

The fourth task I am charged with is to right the planet in her polar rotation. We are gently returning her to a vertical rotation This process has begun as well as the gradual warming, despite what your scientists my be reporting. Light from our craft has been warning the planet, while others of my fleet have been gently tugging at the planet herself. This process is proceeding to my satisfaction and will be completed in a matter of months.

May 28th: Bren-Ton
On the ground, the agents of the dark are staging their last futile attempts to intimidate those of the light who are on the planet’s surface. Yes, we are on the surface, assisting in your battles to emerge from darkness. The agents of the dark energy are so well entrenched in many of your institutions that it will require their total collapse before they can be replaced with structures to serve the needs of all in a loving way.

June 3rd: Adrial
The third significant energy, concomitant with the Christ energy, is to open your heart to receive the light of God, and to embrace all your brothers and sisters of the universe in Oneness. Before the Christ energy, women were treated as less than men; the Christ energy helps men see women as equals. These energies help everyone see those of all races and ethnicities as manifestations of the Oneness of God. These beautiful energies, concentrated in your heart, the seat of your soul, will ultimately allow you to become more telepathic, with your heart speaking to the hearts of others.

June 7th: Adrial
It is my pleasure to speak with you again. Fear, caution, preparedness, and worry are different when manifested in humans. It will be easier to define fear by looking at caution and preparedness first. Preparedness is what the squirrel does to prepare for the winter. Preparedness is what is taught to boys and girls who are Scouts. Preparedness is what the mountain climber or scuba diver does before setting out. Being prepared is prudent. We are encouraging you to be prepared.

Caution is paying attention around heavy equipment that might injure you. You exercise caution while driving a vehicle, as you watch out for others, pay attention to the rules of the road, and observe signs and traffic lights. Caution is the parent telling his or her child about safety on the playground. Caution is a teacher explaining a new sport and its rules. Caution is paying attention when walking down a dark alley or a dimly lighted street. Exercising a reasonable amount of caution is a prudent way to live your life; excessive caution can be debilitating.

Fear is different from preparedness or caution. Fear is that which grabs your gut for some unexplained reason. Fear is most likely caused by not knowing the truth about a situation. Fear is disabling, whereas precaution and preparedness are enabling. As I explained in my last message, the energy of fear is directed at you from a number of sources; these create unidentified feelings of fear. You are also able to create fear within yourself.

June 15th: Bren-Ton
Leading is seeing what needs to be done and crafting a plan to do it. This vision comes from the ability to foresee. It is intuitive within the leader to be able to foresee a way in which events will play out, to take into consideration all factors that will come into play, and to see a path through the morass. Thus we see that one aspect of the talent of leadership is vision. Not everyone has this ability. Other people have different abilities for which they are to be honored, but a true leader will have vision.

June 16th: Bren-Ton
Those who are attracted to the vision of the leader will comfortably express to him their talents and their desires. Those who would be a part of his team will show him how they will fit with him and others. It is the leader’s job to listen to each of his potential participants and to ascertain what they are saying about themselves. It will take wisdom and openness on the part of everyone involved for this process to work.

Inherent within this is a lack of structure, yet some form of structure will be achieved to move forward. A leader will make decisions for the team, the group, the community, or the state. The participants who are closest to him will absorb his vision and make it their own. They then can c
onvey it to others. It is through this approach of mutual appreciation, shared vision, and Oneness that a new type structure will emerge.

June 18th: Bren-Ton
Since you have all be taught to compete with each other, to see each other as different, and to seek your own welfare, this type of functioning will be quite a new experience. Seek out those people who will join with you in this type of an organization. Let the natural leader emerge. Within a short time an experience will emerge in which everyone communicates openly, everyone recognizes the strengths of each person, and in which there is a free exchange of ideas.

There are many other aspects of leadership and organization, such as ethics and leadership training for children, which we will share with you. These will become known, Mark, as you build the leadership institute we have requested of you. By this message we are recruiting those who might join with Mark in building such a teaching institute for Leadership in Oneness. We see such an effort as essential to creating a new civilization for Earth, and have promised to assist in its success.
June 24th: Bren-Ton
What of your current life is worthwhile bringing into the new civilization of Earth? Do you have skills that will be of value in constructing a new civilization? What particular skill do you have to offer? Do you have a facility with relationships? Are you a leader? Do you know how to maintain appliances or electrical equipment? Do you understand electronics? Are you a great mother? Do you know how to grow lettuce in a hot climate? Do you understand what a new currency will look like? Do you know about the wild herbs in your area that can be used in healing? Do you have skills in helping people to see the energy of their bodies and how they can heal themselves? Are you a writer or a public speaker? Are you a cook who can make an excellent meal from a simple larder? Are you a teacher who can train the young? Are you a teacher who can teach the teachers? Are you wise with age and can contribute your decades of experience to practical aspects of daily living?

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

I will post additional paragraphs for the remainder of 2009 in a few days.


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to mark Kimmel, 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled 4 books: the 2008 postings, Q1 & Q2 of 2009, and the second half of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $17.50 to Paradigm Books, 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the positive transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at cp@zqyx.org.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com or order them from your favorite book seller.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I receive a large numbers of emails.

The Slippery Slope of Disclosure

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 75th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Today I welcome back Adrial, a celestial of this universe. Together we have fashioned the following message.

Greeting to all. I am pleased to present this material to you, in conjunction with Mark Kimmel who has supplied some of the details in the following, as well as formatting the message. I do embrace the final wording of this joint project.

Disclosure of the reality of beings from the planets of other star systems will soon take place; it is but the top of a very slippery slope, for if you are open, you will discover many, many facets of a much larger truth. Some of the following material may seem familiar; some of it will be new. Our intention here is to touch on the major facets of the larger truth in the hope that you will search out additional details for yourself and verify our words. Furthermore, it is our intention that having digested these truths you will realize that your freedom from their domination can only be achieved in ways not proscribed within a 3rd dimension box. In addition those of you who are conversant with this subject will be called upon to explain all to the awakening ones among you.

The truth is far beyond governments explaining away UFOs as swamp gas or weather balloons. The truth is far beyond the possibility that there are planets elsewhere in the universe and that sentient beings might exist on them. It is not so much that there are beings on other planets, which is easy to comprehend intellectually; the truth is much larger than ET starships materializing in Earth’s atmosphere — and much more confrontational. The truth is that there are beings walking this planet alongside what you recognize as your fellow Earth-humans. The truth is that these entities have been involved, and continue to be involved in your lives.

So let us begin this journey of discovery. First are the secret operations within most governments of this planet that conceal a working relationship with entities not indigenous to this planet. These relationships are generally known only to a select few in the military and intelligence services. In some countries, these relationships can also be found within corporations and other non-governmental institutions. By indigenous, we mean the humans who were originally brought here several hundred thousand years ago as a part of the star seed project, the ancestors of Earth’s four races, and who comprise ninety-nine percent of the population. Those characterized as not indigenous or “aliens” arrived somewhat later.

The arrival of the alien races has been described in other messages published at this site and in other readily available sources. There have been many off-planet races who came and modified the original human stock, but this is the easy part of disclosure, this is history. The more difficult part is the reality of the current presence of non-indigenous races and the complicity of governments cooperating with them in ways adversarial to the good of the ninety-nine percent majority. For at the heart of all that is wrong with Earth and her human population is meddling by certain extraterrestrial races that have infected the institutions and beliefs of mankind. This too was presented in earlier communications.

In modern times, an example of intimate cooperation between a government and an alien race took place in Germany during the time of Adolf Hitler. As a technologically developed nation, and one that sought to develop technology for aggressive purposes, Germany was the ideal candidate for compromise by a race of alien entities. Agreements were made to trade technology for human experimentation. It resulted in the development of rockets and other advanced propulsion systems. It also resulted in atrocities against Earth humans. When German scientists came to the United States with Project Paperclip the Nazi philosophy and the connection to aliens was infused into the U.S.; it remains to this day.

In the 1950’s there was an agreement between the government of the United States and a race of aliens who wished to experiment on human subjects. They traded technology for the right to perform biological experiments on ordinary humans with an aim of improving their own biology. These experiments are at the root of the missing children and abduction phenomenon.

Another aspect of disclosure is the infection of institutions created by mankind. This began many thousands of years ago with religions set up to worship those who had descended from the skies. Most of our current religions are rooted in these ancient beliefs. These infections of mankind’s institutions are dependent on the ability of the outsiders to shift into human form. For many thousands of years this has been a hidden aspect of life on this planet. Humans who achieve some measure of wealth or prominence are likely to be displaced by a shape shifter who appears to be the same human but who soon begins to act in ways unlike an indigenous human. Most likely this is due to a lack of emotions and morals in aliens. If you look closely, you can see this operating in politics, corporations, banking, religions, sports, and the media. This is the principle means of human bondage. This ugly truth will eventually surface as part of any truly transparent disclosure project.

The technology received from alien races, plus the billions of dollars spent on their development, have now resulted in secret military bases on the moon and on Mars. Alien technology is at the heart of projects such as HAARP that seek to control human behavior by broadcasting frequencies to induce fear. Other mind control techniques are regularly practiced on human subjects to compromise those in power and to create instruments of death.

The whole subject of September 11, 2001 is riddled with hidden truths surrounding the events of that day. The truth behind those events will eventually surface and will undoubtedly show that they are not as publicized in the popular media, nor are they a valid basis for war, torture, or national policy. Unveilings like this will show the complicity of the media and religions in your enslavement. Similarly, the chemtrails that cloud the skies are not some sort of benevolent attempt to slow global warming; rather they are filled with heavy metals and biological agents that have now infected all Earth-humans. These biological agents, used in conjunction with vaccines, are designed to increase fatalities from otherwise mild diseases.

So the slippery slope is indeed quite slick, for once you open yourself to all of these possibilities, and investigate them to satisfy yourself of their likely truth, you can never go back to seeing your Earthly existence from a conventional point of view.

Of more recent vintage are beings who have come to this planet in human form, but who are advocates of the welfare of indigenous humans and the ascension process. For if the those who operate in their own self interests are here, and are in control of the planet, then humans will not lift their enslavement by themselves. Humans require the assistance of outsiders; they are here in large numbers to do that very thing. They are here as those who incarnated with this mission as part of their soul
contracts. They are here as walk-ins who have come as replacements for original souls. And they are here as benign shape shifters.

There are over a million of these beings actively promoting the welfare of humanity at this moment. They are working in education and other institutions to awaken us to new ways of seeing and behaving. The most important truth about these more recent additions to our planet, and their associates in the vast armada overhead, is that they are unequivocally dedicated to our advancement and to Earth’s ascension — all within the framework of Oneness with God.

The slippery slope immediately comes into play when the subject of disclosure is broached. For when one of the facets of disclosure is revealed, say the presence of the armada of ships surrounding Earth, this will eventually open the gates to full disclosure of the role of the non-indigenous beings among us. This will in turn show the control by aliens of our governments, banks, corporations, religions, and media. Then ordinary people will at last understand the extent of their enslavement. Then there will be chaos. It is from this chaos that the new Earth will emerge.

The main point that we would like to make is that you need to be aware of these truths, as disclosure of beings from other star systems is unveiled. See the mechanisms of your enslavement, knowing that the time is now for the removal of all of these methods of enslaving you. Look upon your current situation, not as hopeless, but rather as one that cannot be fixed using the tools of the 3rd dimension. Only by embracing the higher vibrations of advancement will you remove yourselves from the morass of the enslavement.

This material is being presented at this time because very soon there will be the first glimmer of disclosure. DO NOT LET DISCLOSURE STOP AT THE MERE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UFOs; THERE IS MUCH MORE TO THE STORY. The truth is much more involved than some will wish to acknowledge. Do not allow earthly authorities to whitewash the truth and their complicity in your enslavement.

I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe who is here to assist the humans of Earth as they embrace their transitions to higher frequencies.

Thank you Adrial. I believe this experiment in working together has produced a good way for people to look beyond the surface aspects of disclosure.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. My work with this site is support by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

Energies of Change

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 75th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. I welcome back Adrial with her unique perspective on our current situation.

Greetings: There are several transformative changes now at work on Earth. One relates to the monetary system and economic structures of your current civilization. This very old structure was purposely organized so that the few at the top would reap the benefit of the efforts of those lower on the pyramid. Your monetary system is crashing. The banking system will be no more. The elites are being stripped of their ill-gotten wealth. The current economic structure will disappear.

The second, and more important change is the increasing vibration of the planet, as she raises her frequency. This will result in moderate temperatures worldwide. This will also cause some earth shifts as tectonic plates and oceans adjust to less ice, and will precipitate volcanic activity in certain areas.

The third event is the appearance of your brothers and sisters from distant star systems. The disclosure of their reality by your governments is but a prelude to their appearance. These announcements and appearances are taking time in order to avoid widespread fear, a condition the current controllers would desire. First there will be announcements, after which there will be increasing appearances. Then there will be on-going contact between civilizations.

The fourth factor is the galactic energies that are affecting your star and all planets of your system. Some of these happen with regular long-term frequency; others have been designed for this moment. You might be feeling them as energies that are affecting your bodies. They are affecting all on the planet – humans, animals, plants and rocks — regardless of whether they are being detected or not. These are transformative energies.

These four factors are playing out against a background of accelerating time. All events are moving more swiftly. Those who are orchestrating this transformation are managing these various energies like an orchestra; all play together to achieve the required transformation.

Then, of course, there are those of the dark energies who are resisting this change. They are being dealt with one by one. Each is given the choice of joining the ascension or being removed, like an instrument that is unwilling to play the music of transformation.

So you see this is a very complex situation. Never before have so many factors come together in one moment of transformation. Earth is the focal point of an entire universe as her transition takes place, and it surely will take place.

The final consideration is all of this is the impact on individual humans of Earth. Much is being directed toward you. We are most interested in making your transition as painless as possible. Whether an individual human chooses to become a caretaker of the new Earth, chooses to continue to sleep, or clings to the ways of the dark ones, each will be led to that place which is most comfortable to their particular frequency resonance.

I hope this will help those of you who await the transformation to better understand events. I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe. I bid you good-bye for today.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. My work with this site is support by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147


The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is the 74th message posted to Mark’s Corner for 2009. I welcome back Adrial with a brief communication.

Greetings: There are many things transpiring that you will see no mention of in your newspapers, television, radio broadcasts, magazines, or books. These events are taking place in preparation for the public disclosure of the presence of your brothers and sisters from distant star systems. We know that you are eager for some tangible proof of these events, but the agents of the dark energy are hiding them. Soon all will be made public. Then the next phase of the transition to the new Earth can begin. We too wish events would hurry along, however there are many obstacles; your enslavement is deeply rooted. Nonetheless it is coming to an end — of this there is no question.

Thank you Adrial. I know that many people await some word of events.

During this hiatus of detailed messages, I encourage each reader of this site to review the earlier ones. They can be found in the archives at the bottom of this page. Each is beautifully written and contains wisdom as presented by Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others of an even higher station. They provide timely insights into this waiting time.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. My work with this site is support by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147