
Greetings: Today I wish to discuss an important word, “perspective.” For it is in the way in which we see something that determines our belief about it, and, in turn, our intent, our desires, and our actions. So you see it all begins with perspective. Let us look at several examples of perspective in order to illustrate this.

If I am seeing the world about me from a 3rd Dimension perspective, I will accept what the national media is saying. I will also accept the words of those who speak for our banking systems, our governments, our health care systems, and our religions. In turn I will feel that everything can be solved by politics, regulation, and security to maintain order, domestically and abroad. On the other hand, I may see politics as a way to restore my individual freedoms.

In contrast to this, if I am seeing everything from a 5th Dimension perspective, I will see that the game of the 3rd Dimension is a futile exercise, one that is being managed by a small group for their benefit. If I have a 5th Dimension perspective, I will be functioning in my life from a place of love and light, I will see other Earth humans as souls having a bodily experience, I will see Earth as a great soul who desires the very best for her human residents, and I will recognize that this planet is one among many. In 5th dimension I will be open to the idea of an assortment of beings who I cannot see living among us, beings living within the earth, and animals who already live in the 4th Dimension that sacrifice their lives to teach me something about Oneness.

If I have the perspective that these times will continue into the foreseeable future, then I will feel little need to change anything in my life, other than buying the latest clothes, eating great food, and living well as the result of making lots of money, for I will see my personal wealth determining my status and comforts.

If on the other hand I have a perspective that all is changing, I will live accordingly. If my perspective is that change will be accompanied by devastation and chaos, I will seek ways to live as a “survivalist,” seeking security in some underground hideout. Or I may welcome these changes for I see current conditions on Earth as unsustainable.

Earth is undergoing changes to return herself to a beautiful pristine planet, initially of 4th dimension status, then on to 5th dimension. Her wish is that as many of her human residents as possible accompany her. There is no scarcity of resources in a 4th or 5th dimension existence. There will be however a reorientation of all that is brought forward from the 3rd Dimension.

For example, moving from a petroleum-based civilization to a civilization wherein there is no more burning of fossil fuels, will change much in my life. If my perspective is that this will change immediately, it will cause me to act in one way. A belief that fossil fuels will be phased out gradually will lead me in a different direction.

If my perspective is that time is collapsing, I will see that much can change in a very short time. If I am not open to this perspective, I will attempt to act as I have in the past despite all indications to the contrary.

My perspective is the key to how I will act in the days and weeks ahead. If my perspective sees the duality of the 3rd Dimension as a basis for action, then I will cling to my comfort zone, my status, my material wealth, and to seeking security. In addition while I may hear the words of others about Earth changes, the collapse of manmade constructs, and the reality of our star brothers and sisters, I will ignore them because I am afraid to change.

If my perspective is such that I hear the words of others about Earth changes and the collapse of manmade constructs, but insist that they do not impact my life, then I am operating from fear of confronting the larger reality, fearful that I will be unable to return to my peaceful cocoon. In addition, if I fail to realize that all is One, then I also fail to realize that those whom I judge not to be part of my circumscribed world are in reality my brothers and sisters who are here to teach me something.

If my perspective rests in Oneness, I will embrace all, even those whom I judge as different. If my perspective rests in Oneness, I will see the Earth as my gracious host and will honor her and her plants and animals. If my perspective rests in Oneness, I will see those from another world, or another dimension, as children of Creator just as am I.

As you increase your vibration and broaden your perspective, you will find it increasingly easy to see all in Oneness. As you increase your vibration you will move from the 4th Dimension to the 5th Dimension, and beyond. As you increase your vibration you will serve as a beacon for those of a slower vibration, guiding them to the wonders of the new Earth, to communion with their star brothers and sisters, and to reuniting with Creator.

Once a 5th Dimension perspective is internalized along with the corresponding vibration, many things will change. Things like money, status, and security, that you thought were important from your 3rd Dimension perspective will no longer have value. Things like Oneness, relationships, freedom, peace, elegance, no good or bad, reverence, and functioning from your heart will manifest themselves and you will learn to live from this perspective.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel


1.Check out my most recent posting at Athabantian:

2. I gave a talk in Pagosa Springs, Colorado in January 2011. I believe it will answer many of your questions. Check it out at YouTube (In several parts):

3. You may donate to my efforts by clicking on the “Donate” button at the left. Many thanks to all who have contributed.

4. This material and that from Athabantian is being posted at several sites and is being translated into several languages. If you will send me the locations for these translations and postings I will publish them so that others may find their way to your site. For those who have already responded, thank you; I am waiting for a few more before posting the web sites.

5. My three books of the Paradigm Trilogy, “Trillion,” Decimal,” & “One,” are now available on Kindle at You may also order them through your local book store.

6. The following book, “Transformation,” is available as an electronic book only at:

For only $3.95 you can download the book to your computer where you can either read it at your leisure or print it out. To order, click on the image in the right hand column.

Two years of Mark’s Corner organized by topic and author — all in the original words of Bren-Ton, Moraine, Justine, Adrial, and others.


Greetings: In the past few weeks, I have received information from several sources about the extraordinary energies that will be hitting Earth in the coming weeks and days. I believe these sources to be more or less accurate in what they are foreseeing.

Several of these sources predict that these energies will cause widespread destruction and chaos. They forecast earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanic activity and extreme weather, all resulting in loss of lives. I believe that is a fear-based, 3rd Dimension interpretation of what these people are seeing. I also believe that many people who cling to life in the 3rd Dimension will experience these very conditions.

Could it not be that amidst all the energies impacting Earth and transforming it into a pristine planet that there are energies of transformation for us as individuals? If we can accept them in this beneficial light, the light of love, then we should welcome their impact, for they will usher in a new age of enlightenment and Oneness. I believe that if our frequency is of a higher Dimension, we will indeed see beneficial effects in these energies.

So it remains to be seen how these energies will impact each of us individually. I for one intend to accept them as beneficial and go with their transformative value. This is my opinion; take it for what it is worth.

In Truth, Love, and Joy

Mark Kimmel


1.Check out my most recent posting at Athabantian:

2. I gave a talk in Pagosa Springs, Colorado in January 2011. I believe it will answer many of your questions. Check it out at YouTube (In several parts):

3. You may donate to my efforts by clicking on the “Donate” button at the left. Many thanks to all who have contributed.

4. This material and that from Athabantian is being posted at several sites and is being translated into several languages. If you will send me the locations for these translations and postings I will publish them so that others may find their way to your site.

5. My three books of the Paradigm Trilogy, “Trillion,” Decimal,” & “One,” are now available on Kindle at You may also order them through your local book store.

6. The following book, “Transformation,” is available as an electronic book only at:

For only $3.95 you can download the book to your computer where you can either read it at your leisure or print it out. To order, click on the image in the right hand column.

Two years of Mark’s Corner organized by topic and author — all in the original words of Bren-Ton, Moraine, Justine, Adrial, and others.


Personal Transformation

Greetings. This message is the result of a request by my off-planet friends to share a little more of my personal transformation as a way of helping others to see possibilities for their own personal transformation, and to show one way in which transformation out of the 3rd dimension led to life in the higher dimensions.

Let me first give you my understanding of the 3rd dimension: It is the condition of personal energy, characterized by duality, by fear, and by my conscious mind whose job is to keep us safe in this situation. There is material form that surrounds us — my chair, my computer, my home, and all other aspects of Earth — but these are not what define the density we have labeled as “3rd dimension.” That which surrounds us is the backdrop to the drama in which we are engaged.

When I am functioning from a place of love, when the pressures of competition, opinions, beliefs, achievement, security, and money are not in the forefront of my existence, then I am functioning in the 4th dimension. In my everyday life I move back and forth between 3rd and 4th dimensions.

Now to my history, particularly as it pertains to my personal transformation: I was raised in a conservative middle-class home, filled with beliefs about achievement, success in the material world, and a fervent belief in the teachings of Catholicism. I learned about hierarchy and the outside world from my parents, from school, and from my early working environment. I recall my father pointing out a newspaper article about the crash of a saucer in Roswell, New Mexico, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it. I studied engineering at my father’s urging and in light of the Russian space program. I went into the corporate world because it was the right thing to do.

I bought into the belief that my goal was to achieve material success — but not completely. There was always the nagging feelings that there was something more to life than climbing the corporate ladder, amassing substantial funds, creating an estate, marrying and having children. But for all purposes my life was the traditional American dream — and I was quite successful in pursuing it. In 1964, I was treated to a glimpse of Project Blue Book, but dismissed it as merely interesting, and went back to my conventional life.

During those years I did engage in several out-of-the-box workshops, but they were all directed towards being more successful on the traditional path. Although I enjoyed movies such as Star Wars, took in an episode or two of Star Trek, and read one or two science fiction books, I looked upon these as fiction. I never seriously questioned life beyond the conventional confines of Earth, and, more importantly, beyond traditional American thinking. Even the Viet Nam war passed me by as I received a technical deferment. During my business career, while I was enjoying the fruits of my successes, I was blind to the larger reality.

My awakening began in 1985 when my divorce from my wife of nineteen years was finalized — something within had stirred me to move from the conventional life she desired. I then went through two years of turmoil in my personal and business lives. I tried to create a more idyllic life for my self, my two boys, and to integrate this into my blossoming career as a venture capitalist. Nothing worked out as planned.

In 1986, while married to my second wife, I was startled by what felt like high-powered energies entering my body and felt as if I was being lifted from my bed. It was all over in a matter of seconds, but the event was chiseled into my consciousness. My wife gave me a copy of the Urantia Book, after I had expressed interest in it after a dinner conversation with friends. For the next few months, I devoured it — even cutting out sections so I could read it on airplanes. For the first time I saw the reality of life beyond planet Earth, and the reality of a larger, though vaguely defined spiritual picture.

After my second wife and I divorced in 1987, and I was once again focusing on my business career, I was visited on several successive nights by powerful beings. They came to the foot of my bed just as I was getting ready to sleep. My reaction was fearful and I rejected them. However, as I was to subsequently to learn, they awakened me to my real purpose for incarnating at this time and place.

It was my business partners who first spotted the changes — I was no longer the “eagle with the blood on its beak.” At the end of 1991, I was ushered out of the venture capital firm I had founded. At the time I was devastated; looking back on it, I had received a great gift.

Until the middle of 1996, I struggled with various business opportunities, but nothing gelled. I then decided to go back to school to get a degree in psychology — to put myself on a new track and to figure things out. I terminated all involvement in business. At about that same time I met my current wife, who has been a source of stability and encouragement along my new path of writing several books, of speaking out about the larger reality, and of communicating with off-planet beings. In 1997, my first book, “Trillion,” spilled out of my computer, as I was writing an academic paper.

It was not until the summer of 2001, while on a CSETI outing that I saw my first “UFO,” and gained an understanding of the larger universe — what an impression that made! I went home to edit “Trillion,” and made only one substantial change: I now knew that spacecraft could fly faster than the speed of light, as I had now seen a craft dematerialize. I did not change the basic concept behind the book: Off-planet beings are walking among us.

In my three “faction” books, you can see how my understanding of the larger picture has evolved. The first book shows traces of the Urantia Book, by the third book this has been replaced by my larger understanding of the cosmos, as well as our situation on this planet. My latest book, “Transformation,” is a compilation of messages received from our brothers and sisters from other star systems, celestials, and other significant beings — a far cry from the businessman who did not even read science fiction.

Looking back on my path I see transformation. I have moved from a very conventional life, committed to things defined within the 3rd dimension, to a very fulfilling life within the 4th dimension. I see things like the Urantia Book and CSETI as steps to my awakening, and see that my embracing of them and other guideposts have dissolved as daily I become more aware of my true nature. Nowadays I visit several select web sites to glean the latest information coming from off-planet, I listen to my own messages from our brothers and sisters from the stars, and I pay close attention to the “knowing” I hear from my heart.

I hope this exposé will serve to assist those of you who are struggling with moving into the 4th dimension, and higher. I am not advocating a life of writing or of speaking out, rather I am encouraging you to find out who you truly are and to live your life based on that reality, not a reality defined by others. Live so that your love-based energy will spread for the benefit of all. As I am fond of saying, “Hey, if a conservative old business guy can do this, anybody can.”

In Truth, Love & Joy,

Mark Kimmel

Live Beyond Realization

The following post is a joint venture with my celestial friends and Andromedan brothers and sisters. It contains information that I supplied based on my research. Nonetheless it is an important and timely message.

By admitting the false veneer of the 3rd dimension, you can take a big step forward in your soul’s evolvement. Seeing what goes on about you as the drama of others, and not becoming engaged therein, is a further step forward. It is what comes next in your personal development that is being called forth by the celestials and by your brothers and sister from other star systems: Live beyond realization.

We are living in extraordinary times in which the truth about events is slowly emerging. For many years you have been subjected to misinformation and lies, and the residual effects thereof, as perpetuated by governments and the mainstream media. The reporting of these is skewed to maintain the veneer of the 3rd dimension.

  • The crash of non-terrestrial craft (E.g. Roswell, New Mexico)
  • Back-engineering of alien technology from crashed UFOs
  • The extent of government cooperation with alien races
  • The truth about Earth’s moon
  • The truth about events on September 11, 2001
  • Mind control experiments and their on-going usage
  • The extent of environmental damage cause by the BP oil spill
  • On-going damage caused by “Aerial Spraying”
  • The purpose and uses of HAARP
  • Radiation leaks at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan
  • Radiation leaks at the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility in Nebraska

If you have any question about whether or not we are living in extraordinary times, review the following sample of “natural disasters” that have occurred over the last eighteen months.

  • Earthquake in Haiti — magnitude 7.0 (January 12, 2010)
  • Earthquake in Chile — 8.8 magnitude (February 27, 2010)
  • Earthquake in China — 6.9 magnitude (April 14, 2010)
  • Volcano in Iceland — ash across Europe  (April 16, 2010)
  • Flooding in Pakistan — 20% of country affected (July 2010)
  • Earthquake in New Zealand (February 22, 2011)
  • Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan (March 11, 2011)
  • Tornadoes in Southeast U.S. — 1,092 occurrences (Spring 2011)
  • Flooding of Mississippi River (April-May, 2011)
  • Flooding of Missouri River (June 2011)
  • Arizona wildfires (June 2011)
  • Flooding of Souris River (June 2011)

What is more important than the events, known or hidden, is your reaction to them, or your lack of reaction to them. Everyone is playing out roles that were agreed upon prior their incarnation in this 3rd dimension. The victim of an earthquake knew at a soul level that this would happen to them. People killed in tornadoes agreed to live to this end.

What is most important to recognize is that from a soul level all is being done out of love, all is being done to allow a soul to grow, and all is being done to assist others to awaken to the larger reality. We all live in oneness whether we recognize it or not. An individual who lives an extraordinary life serves as a light for those that get to know him or her. An animal that agrees to live in a cruel environment does so in order to help the humans involved awaken to the extent of their cruelty.

Phase one of moving to a higher consciousness is to recognize that there is more going on than is being reported by the mainstream media. This involves researching other sources (Personal experiences, Internet, and word of mouth) — all with careful discrimination — to determine the truth behind the larger picture.

The second phase of awakening is to see events, both what is reported and what you glean from other sources, as background for the on-going drama, and not necessarily involving you. Become an observer of events (a loving observer) who allows others to play out their particular role without being someone who overly empathizes with victims, who rescues others, who inserts their opinions into the lives of others, or who attempts to control the behavior of others. In other words, conform to the Law of Allowance.

The third phase of awakening into consciousness is to set aside all that surrounds you, and to put forth the effort to raise your individual vibration to a place where you no longer are a part of the drama: “Being in this world but not of it.” Learn to think from your heart. Raise your vibrations so that you can act as a beacon for others who may not yet be fully awakened and who are searching for answers. Thus the phrase, “Live beyond realization.”

There are many ways to raise your individual vibration. Find the one that resonates with you and pursue it diligently, for these are the days of change and you will need the detachment that comes from being one who stands above the chaos if you are to ascend to the new Earth.

You are being asked to raise your vibration to the 5th dimension so that you might play an active role in creating a new civilization for Earth based on that lighter way to live. This will in turn assist all in the universe to ascend to a brilliant new way of being. Earth is the center-point of this vast transformation. The next few months will reveal the path of each individual, your path. Will you put forth the necessary effort to turn away from the 3rd dimension, and align with the transformation of Earth and her humans to a lighter existence, an existence based on love?

I am grateful to be involved with messages such as this one and trust they are of value to those of you reading them.

In truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel

1.Check out my most recent posting at Athabantian:

2. I gave a talk in Pagosa Springs, Colorado on January 7th. I believe it will answer many of your questions. Check it out at YouTube (In several parts):

3. You may donate to my efforts by clicking on the “Donate” button at the left. Many thanks to all who have contributed.

4. My three books of the Paradigm Trilogy, “Trillion,” Decimal,” & “One,” are now available on Kindle at

5. The following book, “Transformation,” is available as an electronic book only.

Two years of Mark’s Corner organized by topic and author — all in the original words of Bren-Ton, Moraine, Justine, Adrial, and others.

For only $3.95 you can download the book to your computer where you can either read it at your leisure or print it out. To order, click on the image in the right hand column.