One Lesson III

This the third message in this series from God. As I was receiving it, I was once again reminded that the most important thing for us to remember is that we are all one. This is my 17th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.


When My other oversouls saw the action of that single oversoul who was focused on individuating souls with diminished light, they reacted by stepping up their individuation of souls with strong light. They placed these souls into all regions of My universe, thus assuring that the Creator’s light would remain strong. This became their primary focus. I embraced all individual souls, whether strong in the light or not, as aspects of My creation, as one.

In the boundary areas between that claimed by the dark energy and that claimed by oversouls dedicated to the light, there was conflict. In some cases, the oversouls of the light manifested hearty souls, who wished to sample what it was like to live in the darkness. The dark energy did likewise for certain souls with diminished light. Incarnating in this way gave individuated souls opportunities to make choices between the light and the dark. This too I embraced as one creation, looking forward to the day when the light energies would balance out the dark.

Meanwhile the oversouls of the light were determined not to yield to the dark energy, to give it dominion over that space which it claimed. They did this mindful that they could not stoop to tactics employed by the dark energy and risk becoming trapped in his web of deceit and darkness. Strong individuated souls volunteered to live on planets dominated by the dark energy. The dark energy retaliated by individuating souls on planets where the light was the strongest. For millions of years, this conflict continued with the light and dark making advances, and then giving ground. When I speak of battles or conflict, I refer to the tug of war between energies of the light and energy without the light. These are not wars as you experience on Earth.

Some planets became very dark trapping the souls incarnated there into harsh lives under structures of the dark energy. Keep in mind also that many of these souls were of the oversouls of light; they had volunteered to live in this darkness to experience it for themselves, to add to the experience of their particular oversoul. In some ways it is much easier to choose when the choices are so stark as black and white, dark and light. There is value living in the darkness so as to determine what it is that a particular soul does or does not wish. So it came to pass that my universe was divided into predominately areas of the light with a minor portion dominated by the dark energy. Yet all was one, all were My creation, and all were My creatures. All were playing out their roles in the grand drama of My universe. And never did the Creator’s light completely vanish in any souls, even those who chose to live without it.


Thank you God. As the transcriber of these words, I feel most privileged and humbled to be a part of this process.

PLEASE COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER POSTING TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE IT WIDELY. We are approaching a time when this information will be most valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

My thanks to all who sent energy for my recovery, I now feel that my body is almost returned to normal, albeit with a lighter approach to life.

I have been told that those who are communicating with me will entertain questions. Please send your queries to me at

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I am receiving large numbers of emails.

• These messages may be copied and retransmitted. Please preserve all notations and attributions when doing so.

One Lesson II

This the second message in this series from God. As I was receiving it, I was once again reminded that the most important thing for us to remember is that we are all one. This is my 16th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.


As I said in My prior message, I created oversouls to individuate souls for the characters in My grand drama. Each oversoul is capable of individuating many souls simultaneously, each containing the Creator’s light. They populated my universe of planets with humans and other life forms, all experiencing different aspects of the grand drama. I gave the oversouls free reign to experiment with different life experiences, so you can imagine the diversity among My billions of planets. As I look out at this vast creation, I see all as one and I embrace all in love.

After a time, one of the My oversouls decided to take experience to an extreme and find out what it was to live with diminished Creator’s light in the souls he was individuating. He has been given many names, but none of my oversouls have specific names as they are all of My energy field, and not truly separate from Me. Just as you and all other individuated souls are not truly separate from Me. Although it may appear that you that other humans, animals, planets, and inanimate objects are separate, we are one.

So this particular oversoul experimented with ever decreasing amounts of light in the souls he was individuating. In the process this oversoul began to accumulate a preponderance of soul experiences that were not of the light. This in turn began to weigh heavily upon his functioning and he sought out more ever more dark experiences to feed his thirst. He determined that fear which emerged in the absence of the Creator’s light was a substitute for love, not a fully satisfying substitute but nonetheless a substitute. And his souls became ever more darkly individuated. It took a few billion of your years until this dark oversoul decided to carve out a section of My universe as his exclusive part of the grand drama that would be played only in darkness. And yet I love him as one who is only slightly removed from Me.

Your planet, Earth, lay in the path of his scheme to create an exclusively dark play, so it was quickly enveloped, as were a number of other planets of nearby star systems. The dark energy, for that is how I had come to see him, then preceded to create fear in all residents of all the planets under his control. Fear came to dominate Earth.


Thank you God. As the transcriber of these words, I feel most privileged and humbled to be a part of this process.

In Truth, Love and Joy,



In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I am receiving large numbers of emails.

Structures Part I

During 2008 it was my privilege to receive, transcribe, and publish messages from certain of our brothers and sisters from other star systems, and other distinguished sources. These messages are available in the archives of this site. They are filled with hope, love, and reverence for that which is uniquely Earth, and uniquely Earth-human. I would encourage everyone to pay close attention to these messages as we are entering unchartered territory: Nothing like our current transition has ever happened to the humans of Earth during our long history on this planet.

This is my 4th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Today we welcome back Bren-Ton of Andromeda aboard the starship Athabantian. He has been an observer of our planet for a very long time.

In most respects the human condition today is not as good as it was when humans first arrived on this planet. In those early days, hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans knew from which star systems they came, knew that they were related to each other, and knew that they needed to cooperate in order to prosper. They did not see the black, red, yellow, and white races as so different; they looked upon each other with curiosity and accepted one other for their strengths and weaknesses. There was peace upon the land, and a gentle cooperation with Earth as their host and provider. You have been told that these ancient people were primitive, but in reality they had all that they needed to live fulfilling lives, nurture their families, build a society of mutual respect, and progress their civilization.

Then all peoples of your world were invaded by the dark energy. None escaped its reach when it enveloped your planet, throwing Earth’s human residents into primitive conditions. Fear overwhelmed cooperation, acceptance, and awareness; all were plunged into darkness so pervasive that over the millennia only a few emerged to trumpet the light of the Creator.

It is not hard to imagine how primitive societies, overwhelmed with fear, descended into superstitions and rituals. They built physical and belief structures based on the principle that they were somehow fundamentally flawed, and that powerful men and the gods, who knew what was best for them, should control them. This was a set-up to allow agents of the dark energy to penetrate these societies and institute fear-based practices. Is there much difference between a primitive society living close to the land, but deeply flawed by superstition, or a technologically evolved society with its elaborate structures controlled by the wealthy and powerful? Each structure minimizes the worth of the individual.

The dark energy made fundamental changes in the humans of long ago. Your ancestors’ DNA was altered. Fear replaced light. Structures of control were imposed on everyone. Competition and differences were introduced. Fear became the basis for daily living.

From time to time the light of the Creator asserted itself. People would begin to see that all was not hopeless. Individual human initiative would operate outside the mainstream. People would wander off to create alternative societies. However as soon as these initiatives achieved some measure of success they were once again brought under control of the agents of the dark energy.

Since the invasion of the dark energy, there have been isolated instances of progress in human relations. Many Earth-humans have turned from war to live side-by-side in peace. These are triumphs of the light of the Creator in the hearts of individuals and communities. They are the hope upon which our assistance to your world is based. It is these examples of the triumph of the light over the dark energy is what has encouraged us to assemble our armada of starships, caused a billion of your brothers and sisters to assemble in order to create a level playing field. It is these examples of the light that have brought us here, that make us believe that with our help you can throw off the fear infused in you by the dark energy and create a new civilization.

As anyone might observe, your tentative reprieves from conflict are not without their problems; the vestiges of the dark energy are still strong in every human, and their agents still control your structures. There is a lack of trust, hollowness in relationships, and constrictions on new ways of being. There is not a wholehearted acceptance of each other as brothers and sisters. Life is fragile due to the lingering effects of the dark energy.

From my vantage point, aboard the starship Athabantian, I observe that the structures, which have been imposed upon the humans of Earth, are the means of the continued control over you. Structures are utilized in other civilizations, but on Earth they have been contorted to become control mechanisms. These structures, found in every aspect of your lives, are both physical and of beliefs. We will look at them one at a time in the coming days.

Let us first examine the structures of the many giant corporations that have evolved over the past hundred years or so. These corporations were first initiated around shipping, railroads, and manufacturing. They were a mechanism to collect money, and initiate controls for a particular purpose. Corporations marshaled the forces of labor and materials, combining them with capital, to ship materials from distant lands, to build the railroads, or to produce steel.

From the outset these corporations were set up to make a profit for those who originated them and those who invested in them. Soon making a profit eclipsed the objective of running the great railroad or making good steel. The greed of the originators and investors became more important than the objective of the corporation.

Following on this distortion, ordinary people who worked for the corporation were squeezed to maximize its profits. Suppliers were squeezed to maximize profits; they in turn squeezed their people. Yes, a certain amount of money needs to be generated for reinvestment in the business, but the whole concept of using an artificial structure to enhance the power and wealth of a few over the needs and wants of the many is the root cause of the problems of a corporation.

The modern corporation utilizes this same structure. Profits for those who supply money are paramount. All else is squeezed to make this happen. The working environment of the laborers, as well as their salaries, is minimized. The salaries of those at the top are exaggerated, their important to the corporation justifying their vastly higher compensation versus the people who produce the actual goods and services. We will continue with this discussion in the near future.

Thank you Bren-Ton. I look forward to more communications from you on the subject of structures. We eagerly await events surrounding your arrival on our planet, less so matters associated with the chaos.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of my postings to Mark’s Corner to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

My heartfelt thanks to those who have made contributions to my work. As I have explained, for the past twelve years I have labored to bring forth the truth about the situation of mankind on this planet and the prospects for our future. It has been a labor of love, to which I have devoted both time and resources. I am now reaching the limits of my ability to continue funding this activity. Therefore, I am appealing to those of you who benefit from these communications to support this work by making a financial contribution. You may do this by mailing a check to: Mark Kim
mel, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527, or by going to to use your PayPal account or credit card.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.

• You may comment on these postings at

Year-end Summary

The first message I received from Justine, one of my brothers from the star system Altair, was posted at this site on September 25, 2008. Since then I have posted a number of additional communications from him, from Bren-Ton of Andromeda, and from others. The following is a summary of these messages.

All 2008 postings can be found in the archives of this blog. I encourage you to examine the individual postings as they contain contexts and details that I have not captured in this summary. As I reviewed these communications to prepare this summary, I was so touched by their clarity and inspiration — well beyond my abilities to create — that I was almost unable to complete this encapsulation. I am most grateful to those who chose to communicate these messages through me, and humbled by their import.


• Our brothers and sisters from other star systems are here in large numbers. An armada of their starships is in orbit about Earth. At Earth’s invitation, they have been supplying light to enable her to recover. They are also here to assist us through our transition. Many of them are already here on the planet.

• They see themselves as our brothers and sisters because their ancestors brought life to this planet. Like us, some of our brothers and sisters are embodied spirits; others are quite different. Our original human ancestors were highly conscious, believed in God, and knew from whence they had migrated.

• They see our transition as already underway. They see us as enslaved by our current beliefs and institutions, and by our traditions. They point out that some of our man-made institutions, like the economy, are already under severe stress. In their view the economy, government and other institutions will soon be replaced with ones attuned to the needs of the majority of Earth-humans, not designed to benefit the wealthy and powerful, as is now the case.

• As a part of the transition, many people will choose to cling to their traditional beliefs. Only those who have turned their backs on the current paradigm will remain on Earth to become the leaders of a new civilization, and the caretakers of Earth when she is returned to her pristine state.

• A dark energy descended onto this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago. It engulfed the planet and her people with fear, creating chaos, and degrading the nature of Earth’s human occupants. The agents of this dark energy, physical beings, appeared as gods to the humans, setting up the structures of enslavement that are in force to this day, including false premises and a morass of beliefs. They caution us to recognize that these agents of the dark energy are very real, infecting all of our institutions.

• Our off-planet allies will cleanse Earth’s environment, as well as remove the agents of the dark energy and all humans who do not wish to remain. This will create a level playing field on which we, the remaining humans of earth, will create a new civilization. The moon, an artificial satellite, placed here by the dark energy to harness Earth, will be removed. Earth’s climate will be returned to overall moderate by shifting the axis of rotation. These actions will shift weather patterns, and cause some volcanic and earth-shift activity.

• As many of us as possible — those who are willing to assist — are invited to remain on Earth. We are cautioned to prepare for this time of transition by securing food, water, and shelter. As an interim measure, our relatives from Altair will supply us with a source of electricity to replace burning hydrocarbons. We are reminded that our personal energy of light can do much to assist others during these times. They are seeking leaders with whom they can work.

• Our brothers and sisters point out that all is energy; our physical reality on Earth the slowest in the galaxy. Energy shifts are affecting our physical bodies. Time is speeding up. We are advised to view our surroundings as a stage upon which a grand drama is taking place, and savor our time here. They encourage us to adopt an attitude of loving observers to what surrounds us. They also point out that we are consenting to the current paradigm and that if enough of us decide to change it we can.

• The Christian church, formalized under Constantine, was forced upon traditional Roman society. The leaders of the church used a decree about homosexuality to gain leverage over the Roman army. They see our religions as a form of mind control. Our brothers and sisters assert that they “know” there is a God, and work in concert with Him.

• They have shared what life is like on their home planet and how our lives can develop after our institutions, like capitalism, crumble; telling us that a civilization based on love would be dramatically different than that which we have know for the past hundreds of thousands of years. Respecting our diversity and uniqueness, they invite us to tell them how they can assist us to create a new civilization unique to Earth.

• Our brothers and sisters plan to make an appearance in their great starships – they do not commit to a specific date. This “jolt” will provide the final impetus to the grand transition of humanity, causing many changes to our previously held beliefs, and to our institutions. They ask that we see them as other humans, not as gods.

In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you copy each of my postings to Mark’s Corner. I have a book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

January 1st is just around the corner. Our brothers and sisters who are here to assist ask us to communicate our vision for what we would like for the new humanity. Please direct your meditations of the 1st toward this and keep it in your heart on the 1st and every day of the new year.

Happy New Year!

In Truth, Love and Joy,


NOTICE: For the past twelve years I have labored to bring forth the truth about the situation of mankind on this planet and the prospects for our future. It has been a labor of love, to which I have devoted both time and resources. I am now reaching the limits of my ability to continue funding this activity. Therefore, I am appealing to those of you who benefit from these communications and my other activities to support this work by making a financial contribution. You may do this by mailing a check to: Mark Kimmel, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.
• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to “Recommended Reading” at this web site or visit your favorite bookseller.
• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.
• You may comment on these postings at

12-9-08 Causation and Discernment

At the request of our sisters and brothers from distant star systems, who are currently in orbit about our planet, I am submitting these messages. This is my 26th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read my earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order (see notice below).

Today I welcome Moraine. She is a human from the planet Supsten of the star system Altair, as is Justine who has communicated with us in the past. She is a member of the group who is bringing energy crystals to assist us during the interim time.

Thank you Mark, it is my privilege to communicate with you. You have asked about what humans are able to change within this physical dimension. I will give you my experience as someone from a planet that has transitioned to a density without the dark energy, but still in the physical.

Please keep in mind that your planet was thrust into the very densest of physical dimensions many years ago when the dark energy came to this sector of the galaxy. It caused many changes for the people of your planet, but it was unable to change some of your basic relationships.

In a physical dimension there are material things in place at the time of your incarnation. At the moment of your birth you were released from the womb of your human mother. This physical reality is the same for all humans. When you were born, your soul attached to your physical form. It is unique to you the new human.

When you were born you come into a reality that was already in place. You encountered the loving hands of those who attended your birth. These experiences and things were real; they were not of your creation. The cloth in which you were wrapped was made from fiber; it was not of your creation. The bed upon which you rested was likewise not of your creation. The breast from which you received your nourishment was there for you; you did not create it. What I am describing is the wondrous things that God has put in place as a part of His creation, the things that welcomed you when you came into this world, this physical density. These form a stage upon which you will play out your life.

Now let us jump forward to the time when you are a grown human. What can you affect and what can you not? The body within which you reside is a physical form. You, an incarnated soul, are captive within your body for the lifetime of your contract. Yes, your astral body may travel out of this body for brief periods, but it returns. Your soul, captive within your body, remains there until you transition.

So, looking about you, as an adult of the human species, you ask what can I affect, and what must I accept as that which I cannot change even if I so desire? Your relationships with other humans are the most obvious thing over which you have control. It is yours to determine with whom you will interact, and how these relationships will develop. You have free will, so unlike the physical you are totally in control in the relationship arena.

You say there are “officials” who wish to interact with you, and over which you have not control. That is not true. You can choose not to interact with them, and suffer the consequences. You can choose to live in another location. You can choose to live outside your present society by choosing to become one who does not respect the laws of your society. So you have options.

Moving on, you can choose not to interact with certain members of your species, not to recognize former relationships, and not to make new ones. So the whole arena of relationships between humans is yours to explore and affect as you wish.

Then there are the relationships you have with non-humans. Each person has a spirit guide, and a guardian angel, or two. Here you have a choice, either to recognize your guardian angel and spirit guide, or to ignore them. This is a relationship over which you have some control. I personally would advise any human to recognize and cultivate relationships with both your guardian angel and your spirit guide. You have the ability to speak with your spirit guides, everyone does, or you may choose to ignore them. That is a choice. Many in your society dismiss this opportunity, to their detriment.

Then there is your relationship to God. Everyone has the ability to acknowledge God. Those who dismiss Him, Her or It, (God does not mind what you call Him) lose something quite valuable. Every human can interact with God. He is available to speak with you whenever you wish. He is most accessible when you are in quiet moments.

Anyone can speak with God; I would encourage you to do so. God will answer. This is not the same as praying. Speaking to God is recognizing that He and you are of the same oneness. Prayer sets up a condition of a petitioner, a supplicant. God wishes to interact with you, not receive your petitions from bended knee. The former elevates you to the level where you see yourself in a new light. Agents of the dark energy thrust the petitioner role upon humankind as a control mechanism.

Seeing yourself as divinity is too much of a stretch for me. The whole concept of divinity presupposes hierarchy between you and God. You may speak with God, the God who created this universe, the God who is everywhere within His creation. He will speak with you in whatever way you are most comfortable. Seeing God within all is most appropriate. God is the consciousness within all. At the same time there are myriad celestials and spirit beings who are here to assist you. They are the agents of light, the messengers of God, and the controllers of the physical universe. And, yes, the physical universe is real. My planet does exist. I walk upon its surface.

Beliefs are at the root of what humans may change. If you believe that you can change something, you will be able to do so – within certain limitations. For example, you are not able to change the wood of your desk into something else, because it is a part of the physical in this density. So discernment is an important part of knowing what you can change and what you cannot. The intent of the following invocation is worth remembering:
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference

Yes all manner of relationships can be changed by the human in physical density, but be discerning how you spend your limited time on this planet. Make choices as to how you can best contribute to the whole, to your growth and to that of your brothers and sisters.

Know that you can change by altering your beliefs. It is beliefs that the dark energy has worked to proscribe for so many years. One of the main forces for the control of beliefs is religion. It is here we see so many in your culture shackled. Even today when technology and economics are so dominant, when so much information is available, we see religious beliefs controlling the behavior of many.

Economics is another arena in which beliefs are most important. The entire financial system is structured on belief. The value of a fiat currency is based on the belief that it is worth something. If that belief is shattered, it will quickly lose value. The reason the dollar is so valuable is that it is “believed” to be the most stable currency. If that faith were no longer there, it would quickly descend from that status. Soon events will conspire to wipe out people’s belief in the value of the dollar. This will bring chaos on a worldwide basis. The agents of the dark energy are currently engaged in a last frantic attempt to buoy the dollar.

A pyramid structure is ingrained in all religions, and other belief systems: those on top dictate to those beneath. For belief systems to work, it is necessary to have a good and bad, a better and an inferior. Then priests and executives can dictate who is worthy of receiving the fruits of the system, and collect their tribute.

Beliefs are changed
by the impact of new information, which may lead to new insight. In addition to new information, openness in the individual is required to transcend the hold of beliefs. In your case, Mark, it was divorce that shattered your adherence to the Catholic religion. Then you became aware of the Urantia Book and its teachings. It was UFOs that shattered your adherence to that religion. Now as you receive these messages, and information from other sources, be open to what resonates with your inner knowing. Do not depend on others to shape your beliefs. Set an example of one who listens to his heart and chooses which messages to accept.

At the same time you are being open to new information, be discerning about dark energies that seek to ensnare you. Reports about depraved behavior, along with images and stories about those reveling in activities of the dark, are available from many directions. Here is where discernment is most applicable.

This is most easily done my calling on the Christ energy, asking it to embrace you, and saying to all entities that if they are not of this high energy they are to depart and never return. Jesus brought the Christ energy to this planet. It is here for all to use. Call upon it as needed. The Christ energy is a gift from the Creator. It is the energy of truth, love, compassion, acceptance, and joy. It embraces all laws of the universe. Allow the Christ energy to work with you; it will help you to discern.

Each person has a unique path to pursue in this lifetime. Listen to your inner guidance to discern that path. Each of your choices can be aided by looking into your heart. As you read these words, you know that the heart energy is guiding you to a higher way to live, to a life free from attachments, to a way other than the conventional.

You volunteered to come to this planet as an example of the light. Become so in your own unique way. As you go about your daily routine, you can shine your unique light for all to see. Become a beacon. When many beacons of light shine forth, all will ascend to lighter densities. More and more beacons of light are shining forth. Will you choose to join your light to theirs?

At another time I will have more to say about how you may use energy to impact your physical and psychological wellbeing and that of others. I am Moraine from the star system Altair.

In Truth, Love and Joy,



• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.
• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light” go to “Recommended Reading” at this web site or visit your favorite bookseller.
• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.
• You may comment on these postings at