Illusion versus Reality

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and begin to live it.

You may now download a collection of earlier messages at this site. Go to “Free Downloads” in the right hand column.

This is my 52nd posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Today, we welcome back Bren-Ton, Justine, and Adrial.

We, who are your sisters and brothers from other star system, and celestials from the universe, are here to assist the transformation of your world and its peoples. However we have certain restrictions on the actions that we can undertake on your behalf. The most important of these is that we cannot interfere with your free will decisions and the soul contracts to which each of you agreed prior to your incarnation. In this regard we cannot descend upon your planet and magically correct all the imperfections of your lives, all of the many wrongs perpetrated upon you, and the results of your actions and inactions. Earth asked that she be set right; you requested that your lives be removed from the influence of the dark energy, its agents, and those allied with it. That process is well underway. Further actions we will now take will be done as gently as possible.

It is our hope that you will now undertake bold action on your own behalf. By doing so the greater are your chances that you will become caretakers of the new Earth, and will not have to replay successive incarnations in this density to achieve soul growth. To help you understand your situation we have asked Mark to help us lay before you some of the illusions under which you are laboring and the reality of each.

Illusion #1: The situation on Earth today is fairly similar to how it has always been. Wars, poverty, and conflicting beliefs are just the way it is, and it will continue in much the same way. Reality: The Earth of today is vastly different from that of thousands of years ago when it was a beautiful pristine planet. Wars, poverty, structures, and beliefs have been imposed on you by amoral invaders aligned with the dark energy who act only to their own benefit. We are assisting Earth as she returns to her previous state; you are invited to come along with her. On the new Earth there will be no dark energy or the agents thereof, nor will wars or poverty exist, and structures will be to the benefit of all.

Illusion #2: In the near future, there will occur some act that will magically move enlightened people to the 5th dimension. Reality: Such an action, while possible if there were enough Earth-human lightworkers, is unlikely as things now stand. It is also within God’s power to make this happen, but it will not, as too many opportunities to play out the results of your free will acts would be prematurely aborted. A slower transition, involving first a return to Earth’s pristine state, and the opportunity for those of you who wish to be caretakers to accompany her, is already underway.

Illusion #3: Global warming is due to the burning of hydrocarbons. Reality: Earth is warming. This is not due to human influence, but is caused by Earth’s transition to her pristine state and to a moderate climate. You are not causing global warming, however you are fouling your environment by burning fossil fuels, and by using toxic chemicals. The rise in earth’s temperature will cause the melting of polar icecaps and glaciers, causing the planet’s oceans to rise, and inundating many coastal areas. We are working to right Earth’s axis; this will eliminate seasonal fluctuations.

Illusion #4: There are elites who are rightly in control your societies; by virtue of their wealth, they are accorded special status. Reality: No one is superior to anyone else, different yes, superior, no. The elites, and those who emulate them, justify their attitude and actions by making you believe that they are beautiful people who have the right to luxuriate in the trappings that wealth can buy. You are our sisters and brothers; you are each worthy of love and respect for just who you are. Any wealth you have amassed is not a measure of your worth. How you treat one another is the measure of your true wealth.

Illusion #5: The transition to the new earth can be accomplished within your existing paradigm; only minor changes need be made to the institutions and beliefs of your civilization. Reality: The transformation that will return Earth to her pristine state will operate in the best interests of all rather than the few. Half-measures will not accomplish what needs to be done. This transformation will require dismantling the institution and beliefs that do not serve all people of your planet, and then rebuilding them in ways that serve the highest good of all. This process will result in certain levels of chaos, dependent on your resistance to these changes.

Illusion #6: Those in government, whom you have elected to serve you, generally operate in your best interests. Reality: In some cases this is true. However most of your elected officials, and others in positions of corporate or government authority are self-centered, looking after their desires before yours, and in many cases they are of the invader race that operates in its own selfish interests. An elite cabal has infected your democracies, corporations, and institutions; they manipulate them to their own ends.

Illusion #7: You can rely on your broadcast and print media for news of events. Reality: While this is true in some cases, self-serving allies of the dark energy continue to control the vast majority of your media and its content. What is reported as news is manipulated to support their plans. The Internet has become a source of truth about the larger picture and the misdeeds of those attempting to remain in control.

Illusion #8: The current economic and monetary crisis is slowly improving; the factors that caused the problems have been addressed and are being cured. Reality: The worldwide economic crisis stems from systems that were set up to feed those at the top of the pyramid while keeping those at the bottom in a state of slavery. A new monetary and economic system needs to be instituted to serve the needs of all in an equitable and just manner, and to reclaim the wealth accumulated by the elites.

Illusion #9: Essential services such as utilities and food distribution will continue to function during the time of transition to the new Earth. Reality: Depending on location, and major cities will be hit the hardest, food distribution may be halted; public utilities also may be interrupted for lengthy periods of time. If you wish to go forward as a caretaker of the new Earth, shelter and a supply of water are essential to insure survival of your current physical bodies, as well as a store of food.

Illusion #10: My faith will see me through the difficulties that are ahead. Reality: A direct connection to God is available to anyone. Seeing all your sisters and brothers, all of nature, and all in the universe as One, and directing the Creator’s light to all, is being asked of you. Furthermore, we are requesting that you take your future into your own hands by acting to rebuild the civilization of your planet. We are asking those who would lead this effort to begin immediately to adopt a new way of being, a new way of relating to others, and to show the way by “walking their talk.”

Thank you Bren-Ton, Justine, and Adrial. Your joint message shows us the way we may grasp and direct of our future. I am most pleased to be able to participate with you in presenting it.

ELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Remember to do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING THESE MESSAGES POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel


• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to your personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• IF YOU WISH TO COMMENT ON THESE MESSAGES AND HAVE YOUR COMMENTS POSTED AT WWW.COSMICPARADIGM.COM PLEASE FORWARD THEM TO ME AT CP@ZQYX.ORG. I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• A copy of my 2008 postings, and my 1st quarter 2009 postings, all in PDF format, are now available at no charge. You may download them for reading or printing. Go to “Free Downloads” in the right hand column.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

Remain Steadfast

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). These messages detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a glimpse of our future. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and begin to live it.

You may now download a collection of earlier messages at this site. Go to “Free Downloads” in the right hand column.

This is my 51st posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Today, we welcome back Justine and Adrial.

I am Justine. I came from Supsten of the star Altair to be with you during this time. In the coming weeks, it will be important to remain steadfast in what you know to be true. You will be buffeted by events, and by opinions about events. Some opinions will be deliberate falsehoods to lead you into fear. Know that we who care about you are here to assist.

Our transformation on Supsten was filled with wondrous events like no other we had ever experienced. At the same time it was most disconcerting to have that which was familiar disappear. It was also difficult to have our lifestyles pulled from beneath us. Our transition was not as extensive as what we foresee for you here on Earth.

We foresee that you will experience the destruction of institutions like your monetary system, as that which will better serve the needs of all, rather than the few replaces it. We foresee that there will be earth shifts, plus extreme weather and rising ocean levels, as the planet is righted on her axis. All of these will occur over the next months, along with the appearance of starcraft from around the galaxy.

Throughout all of these changes you will be buffeted by the concerns of others who do not understand, as do you. Many will be fearful because they did not listen as we gave them glimpses into their future. Many will cling that which is familiar rather than risk change. You who know what is taking place must remain steadfast in the truth.

The agents of the dark energy are building for a last desperate maneuver. They desire to infect you and create war, for they wish to continue to control you. These things will blossom not as a beautiful flower, but rather as blight. The agents of the dark energy have carefully planned this as a last desperate attempt to control that which they already know they have lost. It was much this same way when we experienced the transition on Supsten, but your shift will be more severe as you have been more controlled by the dark then were we. We openly rebelled against control prior to any physical dislocations.

What you recently experienced in California, Mark, was a vivid reminder that the vast majority of people are glued to their current lifestyles. They are dependent on the import of foods into their cities. They are linked to their supplies of water and electricity. They are but cogs in a vast mechanism. What happens when that mechanism stops? Where will they find food, water, and energy? Yes, there are some who will survive. Yes, there are the few who will be plucked from the ruin of these cities and preserved, but the vast majority will continue to sleep. The vast majority will find themselves on another planet that they will call home.

So be steadfast as these events swirl about you. Find a place of tranquility where we can communicate with you. Remain steadfast in the knowledge that things will be attuned to the needs of all on the new Earth.

I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe. The transition that you are undergoing will take place neither in an instant, as many foresee; nor will it require many years, as predicted by others. You will experience a startlingly different paradigm as you return to the pristine planet of your distant ancestors. It will not be accomplished within the man-made structures of this planet.

Having said what it is not, let me paint a picture of what it will be. There will be a series of events, each of greater impact than the last, each building on prior events. The first of these will take place very soon and will serve as a wakeup call to all Earth humans. Then there will be a pause to allow everyone to choose. Then another event will occur and another pause. The intent here is to awaken and transform: Awaken the sleeping masses and transform those who would accompany Earth on her journey.

There will be a level of chaos as people adjust to new ways of being. Three types of events will interlace themselves: 1. The appearance of your brothers and sisters from other planets to assist you. 2. The crumbling of your existing institutions to make way for new leadership. 3. Earth shifts and extreme weather that are a part of Earth returning to her pristine state.

As Justine has said, find your center, your place of balance, and remain there throughout these times. By now, you will have prepared for your physical wellbeing. Now focus on your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Find a connection to God. Hold fast to it. Your highest good, and that of all others in the universe, is what this change is about. It may not appear to be the case at times, but it is. Hold fast to the knowledge that you chose to be here at this moment. You volunteered to make a difference in some way, a way soon to be revealed, if it has not already made itself known.

Remain steadfast to serve as a beacon to others who are unsure. Be steadfast to insure that your loved ones have a rock to which they can anchor. Your steadfastness will insure a smooth transition. You are anchors for the new humanity. Stand tall in the knowledge that you see the end result and that it is indeed wondrous. Be steadfast to show your earthly brothers and sisters that those who come from other star systems are here to assist, not to dominate, nor to take advantage of them. Be steadfast in love for all, in the Oneness of all. Very soon the first event will take place. Be steadfast.

Thank you Justine and Adrial. Your joint message emphasizes the coordination of our space brothers and sisters and the celestials of the universe as they work together for the highest good of all.

PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Remember to do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED. EACH DONATION IS MAKING THESE MESSAGES POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel


• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to your personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• IF YOU WISH TO COMMENT ON THESE MESSAGES AND HAVE YOUR COMMENTS POSTED AT WWW.COSMICPARADIGM.COM PLEASE FORWARD THEM TO ME AT CP@ZQYX.ORG. I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• A copy of my 2008 postings, and my 1st quarter 2009 postings, all in PDF format, are now available at no charge. You may download them for reading or printing. Go to “Free Downloads” in the right hand column.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabant
ian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

Impact of Contact

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). These messages detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a glimpse of our future. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth.

You may now download a collection of earlier messages at this site. Go to “Free Downloads” in the right hand column.

This is my 49th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Today, we welcome back Justine, Moraine, and Bren-Ton.

In the near future we who are your brothers and sisters from other star systems will materialize some of our starships for all on your planet to observe. For some this will be a confirmation of their long-held knowledge of our existence. For many it will be a confirmation of their belief that Earth is not the lone inhabited planet. For others it will shatter their beliefs.

First of all let us reinforce that we come in peace. We do not come to frighten, or to impose ourselves upon you. We are your brothers and sisters from other planets. We come to assist the humans of Earth as your planet returns to its pristine state.

Governments around the world will be shaken by the appearance of our ships. No longer may they claim to be the highest authority. Their denial of our existence will cause people to question the legitimacy of their power. Ordinary people will begin to look at those who consider themselves superior in new ways and will no longer accord them their prior status. Ordinary people will now know that they have been lied to, as many in their governments have know of our existence for many years.

The media will similarly be criticized for its refusal to admit our existence and its cover-up. Our sudden appearance will cause some in the media to dig out earlier instances of contact and replay them as background, thus the misinformation and cover-up will become apparent for all to see.

The impact of our appearance on religions will be most immediately felt as they scramble to explain how to fit their antiquated belief systems into the reality of life not only on distant planets, but in plain sight in your atmosphere. The fundamentalists of all religions will attempt to turn our appearance into a fearful event, claiming we are evil and that this is the predicted end times. This is not the end; this is a new beginning. As we said earlier in this message, we come in peace.

There will be similar impacts on corporations who have hidden knowledge of us despite their the reverse-engineering of our crashed craft, on the members of the medical establishment who also have hidden their familiarity with us from having examined our fallen brethren, and on the energy companies who would keep you tied to fossil fuels despite the availability of other technologies. Science will be forced to revise many of its traditional theories, for we are violating many sacred tenets.

Our appearance is important, however the impact of our appearance is much more so. Take a moment now to think how it might change your life, and prepare yourself, for this event will happen soon.

Thank you Justine, Moraine, and Bren-Ton. I look forward to the appearance of the ships of my brothers and sisters.

PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Remember to do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to your personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

IF YOU WISH TO COMMENT ON THESE MESSAGES AND HAVE YOUR COMMENTS POSTED AT WWW.COSMICPARADIGM.COM PLEASE FORWARD THEM TO ME AT CP@ZQYX.ORG. I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED. EACH DONATION IS MAKING THESE MESSAGES POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• A copy of my 2008 postings, and my 1st quarter 2009 postings, all in PDF format, are now available at no charge. You may download them for reading or printing. Go to “Free Downloads” in the right hand column.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

Stage II

The messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. They detail the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth.

This is my 31st posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following is a message from Justine from the star system Altair, plus an important message from Bren-Ton of Andromeda.


Justine: Thank you, Mark, for this opportunity to communicate with my brothers and sisters on Earth. The material you posted a few days ago was the perfect lead-in to what I wish to convey. The second stage of our transformation on Supsten occurred when my fellow humans began to react to the truth that was coming forth, the truth about the lies, misdeeds, and actions of the powerful and wealthy, and about the existence of the dark energy and its agents.

We had structures in which wealth could be concentrated in the hands of a few. We had structures in which power could be exercised by a few over the many. We had structures whereby truth had been withheld from the people.

When the truth of how the people had been deceived for so many years began to seep into the consciousness of the populace, there were demonstrations, sit-ins, and acts of non-compliance all around the planet. One of the things we see that is different on your planet, particularly in America, is media coverage; people do not know that their fellow men and women are upset. This is being done purposely to keep you asleep.

Now back to my story about Supsten, some of our actions were met with force, some were injured, and in some cases it was deadly. This only served to reinforce the determination of the people to see drastic change within our governments and other institutions. After several weeks, most governments were no longer able to function.

My people went through a “Dark night of the soul,” much as you, Mark, have done to arrive at the place where you are today. It was not a questioning of God; rather it was a questioning of traditional beliefs and structures. I would say to any of my brothers and sisters on Earth, “Do not shy away from confronting your dark side.” It was only after we confronted the unpleasant truth that we were the ones who had allowed the darkness and inequities to persist on our planet that we were able to move forward.

On Supsten, small groups of people banded together for their mutual survival. Those within these small bands helped each other in many ways, from supplying food to assisting with repairs to gardening. I look back on this second stage as the disintegration of all structures into a flat society with only these closely knit bands of people providing any form of organization. While some of these bands were rooted in fear, most eventually came to love as the path.

Associated with this time was the failure of all services such as public utilities, law enforcement, fire protection, and garbage collection. It is not until one has to do without these that one appreciates the value of what one has. This second stage was not a pretty picture, and I am having trouble recalling some aspects of it. We foresee this stage occurring for you within the near future. However, on Supsten we did not have the giant corporations you have on Earth, so our actions were targeted solely against our governments. Yours is a more complex situation, in many cases you do not know who is responsible for what, or where to find them, so doing away with existing structures will be more difficult. Stage I was the unfolding of the truth about your enslavement. Stage II is the reaction of people to that realization.

You are asking if this is necessary. My answer is yes. For many hundreds of thousands of years, you have been held in bondage. You, the slaves, have willingly submitted to the rule of the wealthy and powerful. It is not until you awaken and react to the beliefs and structures that bind you that any real change can occur. On Supsten many people clung to the old patterns, regardless of how undesirable they were, just because they were familiar. The wealthy and powerful on your planet have made provisions to hide from people’s reactions, safe places where they can weather the storm. That was true on Supsten also.

I am relaying the dark days of turmoil on Supsten, when the populace finally reacted to the truth of the dark energy to help you understand. Yes, there was initially anger; that soon changed into a realization that new ways had to emerge. That is Stage III, but first there is the stage of utter despair, the knowing that all has been a lie and the collapse of beliefs and structures.

Yes, beliefs also. People finally began to see that the beliefs that had buoyed them were false and had led them into subservience. The most damaging were the religious beliefs that had separated them from God, and the leaders who had extracted tribute as they told them they were faulty. When these beliefs did not support us in our time of chaos, we finally discarded them.

My experience on Supsten was as a participant against the government and against my educational institution; you would probably see my institution as a college. I was a member of the teaching staff; my job was as a teacher of mathematics. When the truth came out, I was upset at the extent to which they had deceived me. At my college, we engaged in peaceful demonstrations, sit-ins, and acts of non-compliance. We refused to participate in violence. Our demands became so insistent that those in charge resigned.

Also I should say that on Supsten the experiences were not uniform. Some regions led these actions, while other trailed; some were violent, others were peaceful. The riots, demonstrations and sit-ins continued for several months, until the old no longer functioned. We gave little thought to reconstructing until all of the old ways, based on lies and misinformation, on omissions and secrets were gone.


Bren-Ton: I was an observer at the time of Supsten’s transformation, much as I am now. My role at that time was to help identify those individuals who were active in the process of change. My task is similar at this time.

While most people are unconscious, some like to know what is happening around them. They attend lectures and read books, but their personal lives are largely unaffected. Those who would remain on Earth as the caretakers will be people of action. It is by acting that you make your choice known.

The actions to which I refer need not take the form that Justine has related, although they may. It can be something as simple as turning one’s back on the current paradigm. It can be as private as forcefully directing one’s energy to the momentum of change. If you use your imagination, you will find many ways to act in the interests of transformation.

But act you must. Choose you must. We who are of the armada are awaiting your actions before coming to assist you. The bifurcation of humanity will be determined between those who are active and those who remain passive. Those who are not active participants in the change, or who remain fearful or angry, will continue in the 3rd dimension by reincarnating at another time, or moving to another planet.


When I first received this information, I was overwhelmed as I saw the stark reality of our current moment. Thanks to both Justine and Bren-Ton for this most important information.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion, and should be shared with all.

Those who ar
e communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available as a PDF that you may download and print.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

Stage 1

As I have said before, the messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. They detail the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity. As always I encourage you to seek out your own unique truth.

This is my 29th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following is a message from Justine from the star system Altair, plus a brief message from Bren-Ton of Andromeda.

Justine: The first indications that things were finally changing on my planet, Supsten, was that the truth about many things began to emerge. At first it was a trickle about the misdeeds of those in power, those who we had heretofore looked up to as superior to us. It turned out that we had misplaced our trust in them, and that they had taken the power and wealth we had allowed them to have and had misused it for their own pleasure, their own selfish ends.

As I said at first it was but a trickle in the otherwise solid façade that those we had given power to were anything other than somehow superior to the common man and woman. Once the cracks in that armor opened up, there was a mighty torrent of information about the misdeeds of our leaders, both current and past.

We had a media, not unlike yours on Earth, which broadcast information to us. It was only after the truth became apparent that we discovered that the media had been used as a weapon against us. It was a way in which the rich and powerful had misinformed us, had withheld the truth, and had outright lied to us about our situation. Our trust in the media was slow to erode as we had depended upon it to inform us of events.

So it was a dual collapse of our beliefs in the integrity of the media and our beliefs in the superiority of those in power. Many in my society became angry and attacked both the media and the powerful when they realized the extent of how they had been bled for so many years, how the money they had earned by their toil had gone to the pockets of the wealthy, and how government officials had supported this fleecing of the average person.

As we observe the situation here on Earth, we see that this 1st stage is just now commencing. Many people are seeing that the deeds of the wealthy and powerful are not, and have not been in their best interests, despite what they have been told by the media. As yet there is no outrage. We expect that to begin as soon as the extent of the fleecing of ordinary people settles into the common consciousness. Quite frankly, we are surprised that it has not already occurred. I can only say that maybe things will be different on Earth as your beliefs and structures collapse.

My planet Supsten is not as rich in diverse cultures, or plant and animal life as is Earth. As I communicated before we have only two human races, so the situation was somewhat simplified as we entered the time of transition. There are several landmasses on Supsten; each of these had their individual government. The peoples of the land masses had fought with each other in years past, but at the time of our transition, they were at peace with minor exceptions. It was fairly easy for us to see the activities of the wealth and powerful as they accumulated all monies and power unto themselves. The situation on earth is somewhat clouded by your incessant wars and civil strife. The dark agents are using these conflicts as another means of clouding the truth from you as well as enriching themselves.

The largest truth to come out was the role of the agents of the dark energy and how they had penetrated every structure on the planet. And not just penetrated, but were behind the scenes in control of everything from government structures to religious structures, from beliefs in the rule and role of laws to beliefs about God. This penetration of our society by non-human outsiders masquerading as humans caused a tremendous outpouring of anger by many of my fellow humans. This was the spark that ignited our rebellion against the powerful and wealthy. This has yet to happen on your world, but we foresee it in the near future.

We anticipate that an event of disclosure will be forthcoming in a short time, wherein the government will reveal the existence of UFOs, ETs, and their cover-up of that information. It is not clear whether this will involve the active participation of governments with ET projects; that may take a while to surface.

Bren-Ton: We see the agents of the dark energy scrambling to assemble Earth-human manufactured starcraft to create an event to convince the people of their power as well as instill fear of their brothers and sisters from other star systems. They are doing this in complicity with Earth-humans who desire to retain their power, both within the U.S. government and within private corporations. They desire to have this event happen very soon, prior to the legitimate disclosure of the truth about UFOs, extraterrestrials, and your government’s involvement with off-planet beings.

We want as many people as possible to know in advance that this is the plan of the dark ones, so that they can help others see any attempt on the part of the agents of dark to instill fear and overwhelm the legitimate disclosure of the truth. How all of these events will eventually materialize is dependent on the free will choices of many.

Whew, this is truly exciting; it indicates to me that events are speeding up. Thanks to both Justine and Bren-Ton for this information.

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In Truth, Love and Joy,


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