Higher Frequencies

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the current indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. There are now over 125 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 12th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications from off-planet beings and other non-humans. It is with great pleasure that I welcome back Bren-Ton of Andromeda aboard the starship Athabantian.

Greetings: Today I wish to speak of the final thrust for Earth and her human inhabitants to arise from the current paradigm. We are asking the humans of this planet to cooperate so that your space brothers and sister may be of maximum assistance in this effort.

Those of us on the many spacecraft that circle your sphere see the final days of the current regime underway. We see the turmoil within the financial and government structures as they grasp to maintain their historic roles of dominance. We see the media as it attempts to convince all that “things are normal.” We observe religions telling their believers that merely having faith will save them. We observe the cruelty of the one human against another as those who have power strive to maintain it.

Now we ask those among you who see things as we do to show your colors, to declare that there is no more “normal.” We seek cooperation from those on the planet’s surface. We need your help to break the chains, to loosen the gates, and to dismantle the walls of tyranny that has enslaved you all.

It is not enough that you wish for us to come and save you. That we cannot do, for it would merely set the stage for another enslavement. Seeing us as saviors you need do nothing. We will not play that game.

Now is the time for you to do. But what can I do you ask? Let me give you some examples of what ordinary people can do to show that they wish to be free of domination:
• Meditate
• Write a poem
• Write a book
• Get out; interact with your fellow citizens
• Set an example of right living
• Help someone who has a disease
• Love your family members
• Love those whom you do not particularly like
• Care for Earth
• Stand up for something
• Demonstrate for something
• Speak out for something
• Spend your money in the right way
• Reach out to someone who is troubled
• Reach out to someone who is hungry
• Reach out to someone who is angry
• Give work to someone in need of a job
• Do radio interviews
• Start a new enterprise
• Recycle your waste
• Assist a neighbor
• Show your light to all
• Live at your highest
• Be as healthy as you can be
• Eat right
• Take in a stray dog or cat
• Talk to wild animals so that they know they need not fear you
• Gently lift a spider from your home
• Greet all with a smile
• Arrange your affairs so that you can focus on things of a higher frequency
• Turn off your TV
• Engage in worthwhile conversation
• Truly discover who your neighbors are
• Assist Earth to cover blighted areas
• Write your elected representatives with your ideas
• Take time to smell the flowers
• Take time to observe nature
• Take a hike in the forest
• Talk a walk on the beach
• Take the hand of a child who needs comforting
• Give to the beggar on the street corner
• Take time to talk with those around you
• Pay attention to the larger picture, not what the media is feeding you
• Help others see that change is upon everyone
• Love your children; listen to them
• Love your mate; listen to him or her
• Rearrange your life so that you can spend more time doing what is important
• Plant a flower
• Plant a tree
• Plant a garden
• Laugh
• Show joy at being part of the transformation of this planet
• Observe the antics of the darkness, but do not give them power
• Recognize goodness in others
• Point out that everyone has a spark of the divine within him or her
• Comfort those who are dying
• Send energy to those who are sick
• Let your light shine for all to see
• Do something, don’t just sit back, and wait.

You are a powerful soul. Show that you know who you are in many little ways. Now is the time to it, by doing so you will speed-up the process of transformation. By so doing you will raise your vibration. By doing so you will help create the 4th dimension on this planet. The time to choose is now; you cannot wait. Join with us who have traveled so for to be with you. You are the light of the planet; show it.

The relationship between different dimensions, or as you call them frequencies, is not well understood by people in the lower densities. That is not an unexpected situation. For those of us who exist at the higher frequencies it is quite easy to see those of you living in a lower density, although we may not understand all of the ramifications of existence in that density. It is particularly hard for those of us who have not occupied a human body on planet Earth to completely understand the challenges of living in your situation. We can observe, but observing is far removed for actually experiencing.

For those of you who currently reside in 3rd dimension, it is near impossible to understand what it is to function at a lighter density. Some people, by no means a majority, believe that they understand what it is like to function at a higher density; many believe that they are already functioning in that way.

I can say from my own personal experience as a being of the lighter densities that you do not, nor can you completely comprehend what it is to function at the lighter densities until you have done it. Thus the concept of standing with one foot in the lower densities and one foot in the higher is somewhat of a stretch of the imagination. True some of you are able to experience telepathy, are able to create things and situations on demand, are able to experience the now, but you are soon drawn back into the experiencing the prevailing density that surrounds you.

The current Earth density is such that it holds you in many ways: through attachments to the things of everyday living, through the web of deceit and power structures designed by the dark energies, and through simple lack of clarity that living in a slower density imposes on you. While you may attempt to live “at your highest,” you can only approach truly living at that higher density.

Thus you must undergo a transformation process. This transformation process is now happening to all on the planet. Your vibrations are being raised up by the extraordinary energies being supplied to you by Earth, by your space brothers and sisters, and by vast numbers of celestials. These energies will eventually elevate anyone who so wishes to a lighter density, however such elevation must be in conjunction with your free will decision. If these new energies frighten you so that you resist them, they will bounce off of you and you will remain comfortably in a 3rd dimensional existence. If however you open yourself to the new energies they will lift your soul, and your physical body to a higher level. So I say to you, if you would ascend to the lighter densities, open yourself to the energies, allow yourself to resonate with the light. Each of you has the capacity to move from the current paradigm to lighter densities; you need only open yourself to the experience.

Now we come to the question of the Caretakers. The Earth requests that a number of her current residents remain with her to create a new human civilization. These we are calling the “Caretakers of the new Earth.” Some of you who are reading this message know this to be true for you. Earth will soon be comfortably functioning in a lighter density. Those who can resonate in this lighter density can then create a new civilization based on 4th density functioning. In reality it is a return to the way in which Earth was before the she was plunged into the depths of darkness under the grip of the invading dark energy. Earth is returning to a pristine globe; her Caretakers will accompany her.

Those who are not to be Caretakers have one of two paths: 1. Remain in 3rd density and be transported to a place where you can continue that journey. 2. Ascend to the lighter densities beyond that of the new Earth, become one of us without physical density, and continue your universe journey in that way. Either choice is acceptable; in the long term we will all meet again, and will all reunite with the God of this universe in a magnificent celebration. In the meantime we may each take various paths to find our way, to experience what our soul desires, and, most importantly, to live and love in Oneness with all.

Look at your attachments. To what in 3rd dimensional living are you attached?
• Money
• Books
• Movies
• Television
• News
• Stock market
• Sex
• Drama
• Time
• Doctors
• Psychologists
• Alcohol
• Drugs – prescription and illegal
• Physical fitness
• Convenience
• Disposables
• Guns
• Hunting
• Fishing
• Sailing
• Boating
• Debt
• Caffeine
• Snowmobiling
• 4-wheeling
• Water skiing
• Snow skiing
• Camping
• Tanning
• A beautiful body
• A handsome physique
• Credit cards
• Food delicacies
• Wine
• Sugar
• Artificial sweeteners
• RVing
• Physical stimulation
• Gossiping
• Adult toys
• Gambling
• Card playing
• Novels
• Landscaping
• Collecting art, etc.
• Jewelry
• Clothes
• Music
• Astrology
• Religion
• Computers
• Internet
• Social networking
• Email
• Cell phones
• Motorcycles
• Fast cars
• Newspapers
• Travel
• A luxurious house

None of the above is bad unto itself; it is the attachment to them that is not in your highest interests. We understand that you must rely on things of the 3rd dimension for your basic lifestyle. No one who is living in the 3rd dimension can completely do away with everything, some things are necessary for living, and some are not.

Addiction is a different story; here the attachment is overwhelming the individual. Withdrawal symptoms accompany detachment. Anyone so afflicted should seek professional assistance and/or a support group such as alcoholics anonymous. Do it now before the rigors of the transition overwhelm you and all about you.

What I am addressing here are your attachments. To what are you clinging? What has become a part of your daily lives that is unnecessary, assuming that your objective is to ascend to the higher frequencies? Look around the room in which you are sitting, what is unnecessary?

Many of the things you take for granted as part of 3rd dimensional living are means of enslaving you, means of control, and means of attaching you so closely to the 3rd dimension that you are unable to see the larger picture. Look at where you are spending your time and money. Are you collecting stuff, or are you simply living with a desire to be at one with all.

Are you making the best use of your limited experience in this schoolhouse world? Are you learning what you came here to learn? Are you learning to make good decisions? Are you learning to love? What is your connection to God? Do you understand what living in Oneness is all about?

Earth is a marvelous teaching situation. Here you can learn what it is that you do not want. Here you can overcome addictions, attachments, and desires. Here you can strive for what is noble, uplifting, and in the best interests of all.

Are you making the best use of your time on this planet, of your experience in this lifetime? Look to the larger picture. Where do you fit into it? Are your attachments serving you, or are they holding you back from attaining all that you might experience, all that you might love? Are you leading a healthy lifestyle, independent of 3rd dimension structures?

Know that religion, media, corporations, government, the monetary system, and the medical system will be going away. If you are dependent, how will you live without them? Most will not be replaced; the new Earth will require fewer structures. For those that are to be replaced it will not happen quickly – it takes time to regenerate new structures, particularly if they are of a new type. How will you live without familiar structures, structures that give rise to your attachments?

Now that you have assessed where you stand relative to your current existence, let me return to the subject of moving to a higher vibration. It is going to be somewhat easier as Earth is moving all aspects of herself to a higher frequency. All of nature that surrounds you will be ascending to a higher vibration; this will aid you enormously on your quest to achieve a higher vibration, so go with the flow. Do not fight against those energies that are washing over you. We who are assisting Earth’s transition are supplying energies, all of which are assisting you to move forward to higher frequencies.

Those of you who wish to get ahead of this curve — to ride the first waves of the new frequencies — may begin your process of transition by several techniques. First among these is to adopt a quiet meditative approach to all about you. This will open you to receive the higher frequencies. Find ways to spend quiet time, whether in nature or in the solitude of your own home, but find the opportunity to do so! Spend part of each day in quiet contemplation of the new Earth, in quietly allowing your body to resonate with the new frequencies. Allow your body to open itself to the new in any way you can. A massage is a good way to open your self. Soaking in a hot springs or hot tub is another. Open your self to the new higher frequencies.

Some of your earthly brothers and sisters have been given techniques for accelerating your movement into the higher frequencies; seek them out. Those of us who walk among you in human bodies — there are many of us now you know — also have techniques to assist your transition to the higher realms. Seek us out and ask for our assistance.

Just because you do not have specific training to move to the higher frequencies does not mean that you will be unable to do so. Everyone who desires to accompany Earth to the higher way of being will come along. There will be difficulties along the way as your body and its surrounding environment all change. You will have trouble assimilating to new ways of being, but no one who truly desires to ascend with Earth will be left behind. So set your intention to achieve this wondrous new way of being and come to our level of functioning. It is quite beautiful and loving here. We will welcome you each and everyone.

Thank you Bren-Ton. I see this message as very timely in light of the many changes we are experiencing.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. I plan to continue my phone interviews for those interested in exploring specifics of their personal transition:
• Interpreting the world around us in light of Earth’s transition.
• Preparing yourself and your family.
• Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of transforming yourself.
• The bigger picture and where you fit into it.
• Personal problems relating to the changes we are all experiencing, and how to overcome the stresses thereof.
• What is my purpose in this life?
• My family does not relate to who I now am…

You may contact me at mta@zqyx.org to arrange for an appointment. Please place “advice” in the subject line.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.


•Check out my prior posting to learn about the INSTITUTE OF LIGHT. DONATIONS TO IT ARE TAX-DEDUCTABLE. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Be sure to make your check payable to “Institute of Light.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller.

• I highly recommend a new book: “Beyond the Veil,” by Celestial Blue Star and David of Arcturus. You may order it at Amazon.com or from booksellers.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I receive a large numbers of emails and may be unable to respond for several weeks.

Institute of Light

I have wonderful news to share with you this day. About a year ago messages were posted on this site that foretold the creation of an institute. This grand vision is now becoming a reality. (I suggest you review this earlier material, and other postings about “Caretakers” and leadership for the new Earth.)

The process of making it so began in 2009 when the Institute of Light, a nonprofit corporation, was founded under the laws of the State of Colorado. In May 2010 the Institute of Light received a 501(c)3 tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service.

It is our plan to begin offering the first of our transformation circles in 2011. To facilitate this process volunteers have stepped forward, and we are now planning the courses and activities. The messages of the seminars are the following:
• The Big Picture: God, universe, Earth, humans, and the Oneness of all. Who are we? Where do we fit in the big picture?
• Transitioning: Transforming from our current paradigm to higher dimensions. How to step-up our frequencies. What are the considerations of living in these higher frequencies?
• Caretakers: The role of Caretakers of the new Earth. What does it mean to be a “Caretaker?” How to prepare to be one.
• Preparations: Preparing for the transition, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Specifics on what each person can do now.
• Leadership: Developing collaborative leadership. How this way of organizing differs from the hierarchical structures we currently use.

We are  seeking volunteers as teachers, counselors, mentors, and facilitators for the transformative material and activities of the institute.

Stay tuned to this site for specifics about the institute. You may contact me at mta@zqyx.org to comment on this posting, to volunteer, or to discuss donations. Please place “institute” in the subject line.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. I plan to continue my phone interviews for those interested in exploring specifics of their personal transition:
• Interpreting the world around us in light of Earth’s transition.
• Preparing yourself and your family.
• Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of transforming yourself.
• The bigger picture and where you fit into it.
• Personal problems relating to the changes we are all experiencing, and how to overcome the stresses thereof.
• What is my purpose in this life?
• My family does not relate to who I now am…

You may contact me at mta@zqyx.org to arrange for an appointment. Please place “advice” in the subject line.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.


• DONATIONS ARE NOW TAX-DEDUCTABLE. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Be sure to make your check payable to “Institute of Light.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller.

• I highly recommend a new book: “Beyond the Veil,” by Celestial Blue Star and David of Arcturus. You may order it at Amazon.com or from booksellers.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I receive a large numbers of emails and may be unable to respond for several weeks.

Earth soul II

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the current indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. There are now over 125 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 11th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications with off-planet beings and other non-humans. It is with great pleasure that I welcome back Earth soul. For a more complete understanding of the following, read my prior posting.

Greetings to all my human guests. I am the soul behind what you call “Earth.” I had planned to have a relatively quiet transition into my new physical manifestation, actually a return to my former pristine form, however some of my human guests along with those who have occupied my surface for many years as invaders have other ideas. They wish to resist the transformation to a pristine sphere. They are throwing their energy devices around like angry children who wish the game to be played their way, not according to my rules. This will not deter me from my transition; it will make the transition more difficult for everyone involved.

The recent earthquakes were induced in areas where my surface was most unstable. This resulted not only in quakes in the areas where the invaders and their human allies concentrated their energy devices, but in other areas about my surface. Once the surface plates of my physical manifestation are destabilized, it takes some time to restore them to a normal level of activity. By this time in the evolution of my planet, major earthquakes should have been a feature of the past.

The volcanic eruption that spewed ash across Europe was again a disruption of my normally placid surface. It was without my direct participation that these events took place, but with my allowance, so you can say I had a hand it all. I am allowing these events to take place to show the power of the dark energy, to wake up my human guests. You have within your midst those who are not functioning in your best interests!

Will there be more eruption and more earthquakes? Possibly. I am working in concert with your space brothers and sisters to minimize all such eruptions and displacements. Some of the best-known possibilities such as the Yellowstone caldera and the San Andres fault have been mitigated for many years. Nonetheless it is still possible that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can take place where your space brothers and sisters are not focusing their defensive energies.

Everyone is now positioning him or herself in their respective physical locations. The stage is set for the transition. Each human is choosing to weather the ensuing transition in his or her own way. Everything is in order for the final act.

Looking past the transition, all who choose to remain with my physical manifestation will find themselves in a veritable paradise unlike any other they have experienced. In cooperation with your brothers and sisters form other planets, my surface will be cleansed of all remaining pollution. Yes, I said, all pollution of the air will be gone. There will be no more chemtrails or weather modification, or pollutants spewing from smoke stacks. My waters will once again run clear without pollutants from the land washing into them. That is because pollutants from the land will be no more. While I am able to cleanse myself from all of these irritants by myself, now that my energy has been restored, it is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate cooperation so all of those from distant star systems who have gathered about me will be given a role in the re-creation of my surface.

Some of your brothers and sisters are anxious to plunge in and make everything right with their technologies. I have requested a more moderate approach, one friendlier to the humans who will remain with me during this transformation. Those who have special roles to play in this next phase have been directed to safe places where there will be the fewest disruptions to their way of life.

Those who persist in the large cities will feel the dislocation most severely. There will be interruptions in their sources of food, water, electricity, in short all that is transported into the cities. Fuel will be unavailable. In contrast, those who are in the country will experience a more or less normal existence. In the cities many will die.

At this moment the descendants of those who invaded my physical manifestation many thousands of years ago are acting like petulant children. They know the game is lost; the final hour of the drama comes close. They are now determined to destroy much of the playing field, the stage, as they make their exit. They are being forced to leave my physical manifestation by the overwhelming presence of light. They will leave or they will be forcibly removed by benevolent beings who will come to be with my human guests. I do anticipate that the invaders will use their force field in attempts to create further havoc. I am working with your brothers and sisters of the light to counteract this.

As you have said in these communications, and others have said elsewhere, the moon is an artificial structure. It was placed in orbit many, many years ago as a constant reminder of the invasion of the dark energy. Since darkness will no longer prevail, the moon will disappear. It is not needed in a civilization of Oneness, or for my pristine environment. Its removal will affect my physical manifestation minimally.

As you already sense time is collapsing. This does not mean that my rotation, or my orbit around the sun, is changing. These are more or less fixed and will continue to be so. Time as you work and play within it is collapsing until at the moment of transition to a love-based civilization, all will re-emerge into the light of Oneness.

The world you will experience after the transition will not be changed in many ways, as my basic nature has already manifested itself. Only the constructs of mankind will disappear, to be replaced by structures more in tune with my physical manifestation. Much will disappear; much will appear.

There will be a certain amount of chaos attendant to my transition. It will not last long and on the other side will be a beautiful idyllic paradise with food, water and a pleasing environment conducive to full lives in harmony with all. The few days or weeks of the transition will be challenging, but not impossible to endure. Prepare yourselves now to go without some of which you have become accustomed. At the same time, open yourselves to the possibilities of a new ways of seeing, hearing and touching. Each of you who have agreed to accompany me will be fully utilized for you bring skills that will be needed. These skills may not be readily apparent to you, as they do not necessarily relate to what your current occupation or skill is today. So look within, “What is the fundamental gift I possess?” Bring it forward to give birth to a new civilization.

Along with those who choose to remain with me as “Caretakers,” I will be transitioning within the next few months. All are invited to come along, but I foresee that only a few will be brave enough to do so. With those few we will begin again a civilization of light. I now ask among those who are reading these words, who will join me in creating such a civilization on my physical manifestation? I am offering a pristine paradise free of fear and all that accompanies it. Who will join me? All will be provided for those who wish to remain. Yes you too will be transformed; you will like very much your new physical manifestations.

Thank you, Earth soul. I find this 2nd communication from you as equally fascinating as the first.

NEW SERVICE: Due to the urgency of events swirling about us, and the questions that many have, I have begun a counseling service via phone or Skype. To make an appointment, send an email to me at cp@zqyx.org with the title “counseling.” I will request a donation.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.


• My work with this site is supported by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. (Please note a slight change in address.)

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, 135 Country center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Visit my Facebook page to make comments on this posting. I am also occasionally posting articles and links there.

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at cp@zqyx.org.

• For those who are translating this material into other languages, please advise me how I may direct people to where they are being posted.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/AboutTrillion.htm Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at mailto:cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails and may be unable to respond for several weeks.

Earth soul

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the current indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. There are now over 125 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 10th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications with off-planet beings and other non-humans. It is with great pleasure that I welcome Earth soul. I should add that the following communication was most unexpected.

I am the soul behind what you call “Earth.” I am the breath of life, the energy behind, everything on this planet. In the beginning, Creator, through the God of this universe, created me as an expression of His desire to have a unique new planet. Who I am was manifested as a direct result that desire. I began my existence knowing that I would create a pristine wondrous planet suitable for human life. That was and is my charter, my goal, and my sole task.

In the beginning there was only the energy of the universe. In cooperation with the energy managers of this universe, I slowly assembled the necessary energies and began to materialize them into physical form. At first my planet was but a glowing collection of gasses that I spun off from the sun and collected from nearby space. This was not some random effort, some chance happening, it was my deliberate act in accordance with the plan of the Creator. It was I the soul of Earth that dictated the various steps that led to the cooling mass of materialized energy that became the rock of Earth with its minerals. It was an intentional act on my part. Human scientists have discovered much of Earth’s early development. The geological record is the history book of my physical manifestation.

What human scientists have not discovered is how life came to me, how plant matter came to live on my rocks. The answer is that plant matter was transported from around the galaxy in accordance with my wishes to have a little of this and a little of that growing on my surface. For you see, all in the universe is done in cooperation. If I desired a particular plant and another planet had it, it was cheerfully contributed.

The same is true of animal life. None of it originated on my surface; it too was brought from other planets. Yes there has been evolution from the original plant and animals that were brought to me. But evolution was not random or “survival of the fittest,” as human scientists would have you believe. Rather I guided it every step of the way, carefully selecting that which was most appropriate for me.

I am the soul within Earth. It is my energy that sustains every rock, every blade of grass, every tree, every flower, every berry, every animal, every fish, and every insect on this planet. It is my energy that sustains mountains and oceans. Nothing on my planet exists without my intent, my concurrence, and my energy materializing it and sustaining it. As each new life emerges, be it a sprout from a seed or the embryo of a human, I breathe life into the new life form. The Creator has ordained the Laws of Creation; I am His humble servant in executing my role as Earth’s soul. I am a very powerful being indeed, very powerful.

I should add that a similar situation exists for all material creations throughout the universes. Every planet, every star, has a soul. Every particle, large or small, is directed by a consciousness that works in concert with the Creator’s Laws.

When I was ready, when the plants and animals were to my satisfaction, then and only did I allow man to be transported onto my paradise. I agreed to host the human race of Earth. I did so most willingly, foreseeing the ups and downs that would follow. At first all was in harmony. My newly arrived humans were most pleased with their pleasant surroundings. I provided all that was necessary for them to flourish, and they did.

The incarnation of a human on Earth requires my cooperation. (Remember, as the soul of Earth, as a conscious being, I cooperate with the birth and death of all on the surface of my physical form.) It is a coordinated effort between the soul of the human, his or her oversoul, and Earth, my physical manifestation. It is my energy, along with the working of your oversoul, that created you and every other human on this planet. Many humans call me “mother earth,” because my physical manifestation provides such a rich bounty for them.

Human life is most interesting in that it involves an individual soul that may be incarnating for the one-thousandth time. Within each human is a spark of the Creator. Each life form bears the stamp of the God of this universe. Within each human soul is a contract for that lifetime. Each human has free will. My role is to assist with the materialization and growth of the human form, the costume the soul wears for a lifetime. I materialize and bind together these pieces into the finished form know as a man or a woman.

Some humans believe that they create their own reality, including their bodies and physical surrounding. This is somewhat true, in that their souls dictate much of their physical body for each lifetime. However nothing on my planet is created without my concurrence and my effort. Individuals have the power to create to the extent they alter what is already in place through my efforts. Humans would do much better modifying their experience of my creation by changing their attitude than to worry about whether they can create by merely willing it to be so.

As I had foreseen, millennia after humans arrived on my planet the dark energy spied my pristine wonderland with its peaceful inhabitants. I knew what was coming, and had agreed to it, but it was quite painful nonetheless. All was distorted; all was changed from a harmonious paradise into contorted ugliness based on fear. This did not happen overnight, it was a gradual process, taking many thousands of years to infect all human habitation.

Over the years my physical manifestation has indulged the fear-based civilization of humans; it has indulged the machinations of the dark energy behind this civilization of enslavement. It almost brought my material manifestation known to you as Earth to ruin, but no more. Henceforth, with the additional energy supplied by those from other planets, my physical manifestation, my Earth is asserting her true beauty and will return herself to the pristine planet she once was.

The enslavement of the human race is coming to an end. I could have ended it all by withdrawing my energy from my physical manifestation and letting the planet collapse, self-destruct. But I listened to the wishes of the Creator who would have Earth returned to a pristine beautiful planet. It is this later course that I will follow. I will not be easy or swift, but it will happen, mark my words, it will happen.

Thank you, Earth soul. I find this communication absolutely fascinating; it answers several of my questions about life on this planet.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. For those who are translating this material into other languages, please advise me how I may direct people to where they are being posted.


• Visit my Facebook page to make comments on this posting. I am also occasionally posting articles and links there.

• My work with this site is supported by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. (Please note a slight change in address.)

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, 135 Country center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at cp@zqyx.org.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/AboutTrillion.htm Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at mailto:cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails and may be unable to respond for several weeks.

An ancestor speaks

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the current indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. There are now over 125 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 9th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications with off-planet beings and other non-humans. It is with great pleasure that I welcome Lone Wolf (a translation of his ancient name into a modern language). He and I became acquainted two months ago and have been working up to this posting.

I lived almost one thousand years ago in an area that is now called Colorado and New Mexico. I was the son of the great chief of this region; the name that we called ourselves was “Tecolate.” We were a great nation with many, many people across a broad area. From our center in what you now call Chaco Canyon we traded with visitors from the south, and from the lands to the east and the west. The nation of Tecolate was very rich and powerful.

In those days, there was a great separation between the rulers of the nation and the people. The priests were at the cause of this separation. The people were the slaves of the priests and the powerful. My father forced the weak, those who were caught in the web of the priests, to serve him. By the time of my birth, there was little harmony with the land or the common people.

I was born during the final times of the Tecolate nation. I had two older brothers and four sisters. My oldest brother was to become the next great chief. My next older brother was to become a priest. As the son of the chief of all chiefs, I was destined to be a chief of my people, if not the head chief. As a young man, I was assigned responsibility for people in the outlying area to the west.

However I saw the situation of the people, saw how unhappy they were, and felt for them. I saw that the empire of my people was crumbling under the weight of the priests’ demands and the luxuries of the ruling class. I observed that ordinary people had lost their connection to the earth due to the demands for ever more grain, beans, and animal hides for trading. As a mature man in my twenties I began to express my observations. The common people learned of this and I became a great hero to them. Wherever I walked, they would throng to get a glimpse of me. This did not sit well with the priests who wished to continue their domination of all.

In addition to my empathy with the people, I had a special relationship with the earth, the plants, and the animals. I was a harvester of honey, because the bees would willingly share it with me. I would go to a hive and take a portion of the honeycomb. Placing it into my leather pouch, I would bring it to the royal family, my family. I was much valued for my talent until I began to speak out against the harsh rule imposed by the priests.

The priests were an insular clan who kept the people hypnotized with their stories of the gods who spoke to them. They were able to provide just enough magic to make people believe in their power. We regularly saw ships in the sky. Some would land and beings would emerge to commune with the priests. Before I was born a requirement had been made for human sacrifice. This was done to appease these gods of the sky. Some of us communicated with those from the sky who were not in league with the priests, but our experiences were ridiculed and we were threatened; so we became a secret society among our people.

As I look at your society today, from my vantage point in the spirit world, I see parallels to the Tecolate nation. We were ruled by a small group of privileged people who were in contact with the sky gods. There was a great disparity between the powerful and the ordinary people. We had lost touch with nature upon which we were dependent for all. Yes, ours was a primitive society but some of the elements are similar.

This eventually led to our downfall as we stripped the land of its soil and timber. People began to go hungry as the elites extracted more and more from them in order to trade with the distant nations. As people existed at a subsistence level, the power of the nation dissolved and people began to drift away. The power base dissolved, and the privileged were left with no one to support them.

When I was growing up, my family, father, mother and three boys, would visit a place we called the Sentinel. High in the mountains to the north, it was a retreat from the hot dry land where we lived the rest of the year. We journeyed for three days to reach the high lands. My father, due to his exalted position, was carried on the shoulders of slaves. Upon arrival feasting and housing was readied for my family and other powerful people. There was always music from the drums and flutes, and dancing, always dancing. It was a marvelous time that I eagerly anticipated. Today you call this place, “Chimney Rock.” We would also journey to hot springs, another days walk, to soak in its healing waters.

The Sentinel was also a place of ceremony as dictated by the priests; human sacrifice was done on the great rock overlooking the two spires of the Sentinel. When I was old enough, I was forced to watch as young children were sacrificed to the gods. A ship of the sky gods hovered overhead as the ritual was carried out. When the ritual was completed, a great fire was built on the altar to signify to those waiting in the city to the south that the sacrifice had been accomplished, that the gods of the sky had been appeased.

I was at the Sentinel 964 years ago. In a banquet before the great ceremony, I was poisoned for daring to propose ways contrary to the will of the priests and sky gods. I was buried near the hot springs, as was the custom in the royal family. In a rebellion, a great chief “more aligned with the will of the gods” replaced my father. My brother was stripped of his authority and banished.

I am communicating these things to you today, Mark, that you may know that a thousand years ago, the people of that time were also under the influence of intruders from the sky. Today you understand that they are from another star system. At that time we did not, except for the priests who hid that information from the people. The influence of the sky gods over a primitive people was to generate fear. For it is the fear that feeds their power. As the others who have communicated with you have pointed out, if fear can be replaced with light, a paradise can be re-created on earth.

I speak now for the billions of your ancestors who observe from the afterlife, who are keenly aware of actions by their descendants, “Wake up to the reality of who you are. Understand the influence you have each and every moment. This is the final time of Earth’s existence in this dimension. Wake up and assist your mother to transcend the influence of the sky gods who imprisoned her and all who dwelled on her.”

Today, a thousand years after my time, you have the opportunity to make things right for all who have gone before you, for all who saw a better way but were unable to accomplish it in their lifetimes. Take this opportunity to answer our call.

Thank you, Mark, for allowing me to tell my story.
Thank you, Lone Wolf. Your story is very moving. I am most happy to tell it for you.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. For those who are translating this material into other languages, please advise me how I may direct people to where they are being posted.


• Visit my Facebook page to make comments on this posting. I am also occasionally posting articles and links there.
• My work with this site is supported by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. (Please note a slight change in address.)

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, 135 Country center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at cp@zqyx.org.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/AboutTrillion.htm Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at mailto:cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails and may be unable to respond for several weeks.