11-14-08 Leadership

The following communication was provided on 11/13/08 and on 11/14/08. This is my 20th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order. Also, after you read my other writings, you may gain a greater appreciation for the material presented on these pages. Today we welcome back Justine from the star system Altair.

The problem with human organization as currently structured on this planet is that they remove and impersonalize those at the top from those at the bottom. This allows those at the top to believe that they are somehow better then those at the bottom. Once this begins, then the power and wealth factor kicks in and those with money believe they are better than those without it.

This scheme was put into place by the dark energy and its agents. They descended onto this planet with superior technology and powers. They looked upon themselves as better than the humans of this planet, and they required the indigenous people to worship them as gods.

Your modern organizations retain these characteristics. As one ascends in the ranks one loses touch with that which ordinary workers are doing. Those that enter the organization without having worked among the majority of workers, never make that connection. Soon it becomes a mark of elite that they do not get their hands dirty with the work of ordinary people. Soon they begin to consider themselves above all. In their elevated lifestyles they compete only with each other and distance themselves ever more from the common woman and man.

Those who are slightly lower on the pyramid envision themselves climbing to the summit of power and wealth. They align themselves with those at the top so that they too might have what those at the top have. Then they too lose touch with their brothers and sisters in the lower ranks.

On my planet Supsten, it was a tremendous advancement in civilization when we recognized that every human was of equal worth. We then began to honor each regardless of their station in life, age, sex, etc., regardless of the “job” they were doing, as important and worthy of our love and full recognition. Then we extended this to the issue of money and it became apparent that money should be made available to all in equal measure and no one should be accorded more regardless of how they contributed to the whole because each was essential to the functioning of the whole.

This then brings us to the question of leadership. Leaders are simply those who have a particular gift of insight into the bigger picture, are willing and able to speak up, and are willing to work in this way. Leaders are no more or less important than anyone else; they simply have a talent that they are using. On my planet we do not reward leaders any different monetarily than we do someone who is cleaning the streets. The street sweeper is providing a necessary service, is a valued member of the community, and is a brother or sister just like anyone else.

Because of this attitude we have many people who find joy working in fields to harvest food, and are satisfied sweeping streets. We have others who are happy to maintain our libraries or head up our institutions. Individuals are recognized for their contributions in many ways, but not monetarily. Thus everyone may have a comfortable dwelling, everyone has sufficient food and clothing. Luxury items such as a boat are shared among many people, so that a single family does not hoard items like these.

I know this sounds like a radical departure from that which you have today on your world. Keep in mind that the agents of the dark energy established the whole pyramid scheme of gods and wealth. It was a way to get people to compete, to see each other as different and separate. It is an artificial scheme, not part of the Creators plan for honoring all as important. Once you reopen your ability to communicate telepathically, this way of life will become quite natural.

Once humans see each as important, they will then see the various manifestation of Earth as important, and honor each aspect of her beauty and functionality. Each of her creatures will likewise be honored for its role in supporting the whole.

Yes, this sounds utopian to your ears. Yes it is a long way away from where you are today. However, some of you reading this message are to be the leaders of the new Earth. How better to begin than by honoring all your fellow humans as beautiful, worthy, and unique individuals. Money can be a medium of exchange, not something to be accumulated and used to triumph over your fellow man.

I am Justine of the Altair star system. May we all move forward to create a brilliant new civilization for Earth.

Thank you, Justine.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


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9-30-08 Off-planet Perspective

The following information was provided on 9/30/08. This is the 5th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order.

I am commenting from a starship of the Pleiadians on what I observe happening on the surface of your planet. Please know that what is happening these days impacts all within this galaxy. Everything is interconnected, more than you would ever imagine. A saying of your planet, that the flapping of the wing of a butterfly in the Amazon is felt throughout your world, is quite true. Energetically, we are all connected.

It is clear to us that the orchestrated fall of the stock market is intended to induce such fear that Congress will vote funds for the powerful of Wall Street and the banking interests, without consideration for ordinary people. As usual, the real story is what is going on behind the scenes. Power hungry off-planet handlers are trying to obtain their last energetic morsels as the enslavement of Earth’s people comes to an end. They believe, wrongly, that by diverting massive amounts of funds into the hands of those who serve them, consciously and unconsciously, they will retain some semblance of their stranglehold over the majority of people. Regardless of how the economic situation is finally resolved, when it indeed it is, it demonstrates a desperate gasp by the powerful to suck energy from the people they dominate.

Politicians in Washington are mere pawns in this game. They are being stampeded, by fear of not getting reelected, into doing something that they would not ordinarily do. A few are seeing through this grab for money, seeing that by merely adjusting regulations on banks that they could accomplish what is necessary to solve the crisis. Despite wishes to the contrary, fear based action will probably rule the day, as it is easier to do what is being asked than to take action with clear eyes.

Again, the hidden hand of those from off-planet who rule the beliefs and actions of a small cabal are clearly seen in their preferred way of solving the dilemma: create more money to reward the few. By gouging the populace, they tighten the screws on the poor, both in America and elsewhere on the planet, make a mockery of the hard-working middle class, and enrich those who already have a great plenty.

The energies everyone is feeling, consciously or unconsciously, are directed to you from several sources. There is the energy from HAARP that seeks to cloud the minds of humans, make them tired, and induce fear. It operates at 4 to 6 hertz, the same frequency as the human brain. It is operating at full power these days. It is particularly effective, as aerosol spraying has lowered the resistance of everyone’s physical body.

Energies are also coming from the armada of starships in orbit about your planet and from elsewhere in the galaxy These energies are beneficial, intended to uplift those who will open themselves to receiving. Your physical health is better for receiving these energies. This is the same for everyone who is open.

There are also energies which earth is directing to her surface dwellers. She is calling you to experience her revitalized beauty. Go into the wild to allow her to talk with you. She is clearing the skies and waters, and refreshing the ground. Enjoy the revitalized Earth. There is more of this to come as she ascends into her beauty of a lighter density. Find ways to resonate with her. Walk on the soil barefoot. Smell her fragrances. Look upon her beauty.

Make no mistake these are extraordinary times. This is not just one more business cycle. You are living in times that will not be repeated on this planet, or for that matter anywhere else in this galaxy. This is the triumph of the light over the darkness that has gripped this planet for eons. Enjoy the fact that you are here to live through it. I am most appreciative that I am here to observe.

From the perspective of a visitor to your world, I am amazed at the darkness in which mankind has labored. If you could but see the civilization of my home planet, you would see a huge contrast. Even though we still have to choose, we are not overwhelmed by the overarching darkness that makes it almost impossible to see the light clearly.

As an example, on my home planet children are only brought into homes where they are to be loved. No one is brought into life without the decision of the parents that they have the time and the means to dedicate to the new person. This leads to less dysfunctional family life, healthier children, and better-balanced more loving adults. There are few instances of drug or alcohol abuse, few suicides, and almost no abuse. Contrast this with your world where all of these are present.

Here on Earth you have the ability to choose between the dark and the light, and that it is a wonderful experience for many to undertake, but the price that is paid in ruined lives is too high. So earth will ascend into the light and those of you who wish may accompany her.

There will be no more of an economy that is structured to enslave the many and benefit the few. There will be no more need to climb the corporate ladder in search of riches and power. There will be no more need to lie and claw ones way to the top of an artificially structured pyramid. On my world, there is no economic deprivation, and no economic pyramid. Wealth is provided to all in abundance.

I am Justine of the planet Supsten of the Altairian star system. I leave you with my blessing.

That’s all for today folks, more in the days ahead. Stay tuned.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


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9-25-08 Another perspective

The following was communicated to me today, 9/25/08, by one who is observing our planet from one of the ships now orbiting Earth.

The civilization in place on planet Earth allows individuals to ascend to positions of great power and wealth. This is usually done by means of a combination of dedication and hard work. In the case of individuals such as athletes, actors, artists, etc. special talents accompany it. In all cases it is the result of better than average intelligence. In some cases it is based on inherited wealth. There are those who have amassed great fortunes by building companies on a single concept, more often it is the process of climbing within an organization. In many organizations this requires deceit and/or the threat of violence.

There comes a moment, somewhere along the line, when the individual is required to make a choice between single-minded dedication to his chosen goal of status, wealth and power versus things like family relations or service to others. This can occur even within organizations that are dedicated to the service of others such as government and community service organizations. In every case the individual opens him- or herself self to self-centered achievement.

It is at this moment that an individual begins the pursuit of his or her goal from a position of fear — of losing what has been achieved. When this takes over, they become very different. This is the subtle mechanism of power structures implemented on your planet. Invariably this means choosing between service to others, and service to self. Once one has decided on service to self he or she lays him- or herself open to the fear mechanism.

This overall process is not present on the planets of other star systems. There the opportunity for a fear-based career is not possible. It is only within fear-based civilizations that such an extreme free will choice is possible.

Once this mechanism is understood, then one can see how the puppet masters work within the enslavement paradigm. There are those madly scrounging to positions of power and wealth, and those who sit back and watch as they do so. Those who would rule this planet take advantage of this.

The enslavement paradigm is very subtle. It is not a matter of chains and prison cells; it is a matter of structuring society to value wealth and power, and to give this structure mastery over the individual. Once wealth and power are allowed to dominate a civilization, then a pyramid structure is in place. Enslavement ensues for those at the bottom of the pyramid, the vast numbers of people. As we progress up the pyramid, there is less and less poverty, hunger, and want, yet there is continued enslavement to the power structure.

All of this leads to the ability for a race of outsiders to dominate a civilization. By creating such a society they lay the indigenous people open to domination. By placing their kind in the top positions, they are able to control all of such a society. In the early days of your civilization those who came from off-planet did this very thing. The very enslavers who created the pyramid structure occupied the top positions.

Many on Wall Street who are asking to be rewarded for their financial misdeeds, by contributions from the ordinary citizens of this county, are those who are dedicated to service to self, who are operating out of fear. They are worried that their positions of power and wealth will be destroyed by the current situation. Little of what is happening on Wall Street or in Washington is based on service to others. Those at the top of the pyramid are fighting to retain their status, wealth and power, their lifestyles; they are using deceit and threats of disaster (violence) to achieve their aims.

I am Justine from the planet Supsten of the star system Altair. I give you our blessings on your work.

Thank you, Justine.

That’s it for today folks.

In Truth, Love and Joy,
